Laramie Hirsch on the April 8 solar eclipse ~ Nurse Claire Says

Laramie Hirsch on the April 8 solar eclipse

Recently, I posted a link discussing a Catholic view of astrology. Please note I DO NOT, nor would I ever, hold the same view as witches and pagans. As Catholics, we don’t ascribe power to the stars in the sky, but rather view them as part of God’s Creation. After all, He used the stars to guide the shepherds to Our Lord. The stars & planets do not control earthly happenings; rather, everything that happens is due to Providence, not the movement of some planet. In this guest post, Laramie Hirsch, formerly of “Forge and Anvil,” shares with us his knowledge of astronomy & upcoming events in the sky, including the April 8 solar eclipse. For your discernment. – NC

The Second Great American Eclipse
By Laramie Hirsch

“The LORD said to Moses, ‘If they do not believe you and are not convinced by the first miraculous sign, they will be convinced by the second sign’.”
-Exodus 4:8

“All the world’s a stage.”  -William Shakespeare


There has been a large amount of discussion in regards to the upcoming 2024 eclipse over the United States. A lot of the conversation revolves around Providential, prophetic themes of omens and eschatology.  It therefore probably behooves us to have an exhaustive, comprehensive overview of the facts and implications for all who are interested in this topic.  

But as we delve into this season of wonders, there is something the reader should know.  This period of astronomical spectacles we are about to experience consists of more than just the total solar eclipse of April 8th.  True, that total solar eclipse is most certainly the centerpiece of the action.  However, there are other heavenly phenomena to take note of, which include:

  • Two lunar eclipses 

  • A total solar eclipse

  • A later annular solar eclipse

  • A previous, recent annular solar eclipse (it happened last year)

  • A comet

  • Unique planetary conjunctions

  • Ominous zodiacal arrangements

So, let’s get started immediately before going into the weeds with this subject.

April 8th Scientific Facts

  1. This will be the second total eclipse to cross the United States within a decade.

  2. In fact, this is the first time two total eclipses, within only ten years, have crossed the United States since it was founded.

  3. If we count the days between these two total solar eclipses in the old Hebrew manner–that is, a day begins at sunset (See Genesis 1:5)–then we can say that this eclipse occurs after six years, six months, six weeks, and six days from the day of the first eclipse.

  4. Also, however, the 2017 and 2024 total eclipses will be exactly 7 eclipse years apart (also known as 7 draconic years apart).    

  5. The second Great American Eclipse will cross the previous eclipse path, marking a giant X across the United States.

  6. The precise center of this X will be over the New Madrid Fault.

  7. There was a previous October 14, 2023 annular eclipse in between these two great eclipses.

  8. Venus and Jupiter will be visible during this total eclipse.

  9. A comet will possibly be visible during this eclipse.  This comet is called 12P/Pons-Brooks, though it’s been nicknamed the “devil comet.” 

  10. The Devil Comet should be visible in the skies at this time, and it is named so for a pair of horns it sported a few months ago.

  11. The horns of the Devil Comet were caused because it is an irregular, unique, explosive, highly volatile comet.  

  12. The Devil Comet is green.

  13. Two weeks before this momentous eclipse, on March 25th, there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse.

April 8th Religious Facts and Context

  1. When we combine the two “crossing” total solar eclipses with the annular eclipse of October 2023, the eclipse paths draw a gigantic “Aleph” across the United States.  An Aleph is a Hebrew letter, and it means “Alpha”, the First.  Many have speculated this to be God’s signature upon the United States.

  2. The April 8th total solar eclipse will happen on Nisan 1, which is the start of the old Hebrew New Year.

  3. This total solar eclipse also transpires on the Feast of the Annunciation, the day that Gabriel appeared to Mary, telling her that she would bear the Savior.

  4. Forty days after this eclipse, it will be the Vigil of the Pentecost, the penultimate day of the Easter season.

  5. It is often said that Mary is responsible for gently “introducing” her Son to Mankind, and that she paves the way for His arrival.  Likewise, the penumbral lunar eclipse of March 25th will be a herald for the total solar eclipse two weeks later.  Metaphorically, this makes perfect sense, as Mary is often associated with the moon, and Christ is associated with the Sun.  The lunar eclipse will introduce the solar eclipse to Mankind.

  6. Assuming #18 above, we can observe that both the moon (on 3/25) and the sun (on 4/8) will be laboring more than usual, due to their respective eclipses.  This neatly fits in with Christ’s Passion, in which both Mary and her Son suffered and labored.  

  7. Continuing from point #19, Mary’s sorrow and Christ’s physical suffering–as metaphorically seen in the skies this year–should be clear to the faithful, as this celestial period involving the lunar and solar eclipse will begin during Holy Week–the week of Christ’s Passion.

  8. Diving into another religious direction, it is intriguing to know that this preceding March 25th lunar eclipse will mark the beginning of an “almost blood moon tetrad.”* There will be total lunar eclipses on three consecutive Hebrew feast days after the March 25th lunar eclipse: 3/13/25, 9/7/25, and 3/3/26, the Hebrew feast days of Purim, Rosh Hashanah, and Purim again, respectively.

  9. Continuing from #21, when blood moon tetrads fall on Hebrew holy days, great displacements and migrations of Jews typically follow.

  10. The March 25th penumbral lunar eclipse takes place right after the feast day of Purim, a day in which Jews celebrate the Book of Esther.  In this tradition, Jews celebrate their rescue from genocide by the Persians, thanks to the heroism of Esther who, disguised, revealed her Jewish identity to King Achashveirosh (Xerxes) who, falling in love, then foiled the genocidal plans of his advisor, Haman.

  11. Continuing from point #23, before Esther dropped her disguise and became a heroine, she was chosen to be queen to Xerxes.  It was at this time in history (in 480 BC, the year of the Battle of Thermopylae) that specific eclipses unraveled in exactly the same way as they will this year. That is to say, on the globe of the Earth in 480 BC, there was a lunar eclipse on 3/25 and 9/18, and there was a total solar eclipse on 4/9 and an annular solar eclipse on 10/2.**  The eclipses of that particular year are happening again this year.  (The 480 BC annular solar eclipse was observed by Xerxes and noted by Herodotus in History, IX, 10.  But these eclipses can also be verified with NASA.***)

  12. Given points #23 and #24, it becomes clear that there is a connection between Esther and our times.  

  13. Following the above, this typological, astronomical moment makes sense in the context of the Church, as Esther is viewed as a proto-Mary.  Mary, after becoming coronated as the Queen of Heaven—the Holy Mother—has been an advocate for mankind in a long list of eschatological apparitions, Fatima and La Salette being two of the most well known.  This is similar to how Esther was a matron and advocate for her people in a time of great danger.   

April 8th Facts and the American Cultural Context

  1. The path of the 2024 eclipse will go over two American towns named Nineveh.  Current rumors place the number at 7 towns, but this is wrong.  The path of the eclipse’s totality will be over Nineveh Indiana, and Nineveh, Ohio.

  2. Before going over the towns of Nineveh, the eclipse will also pass over a town called Jonah, Texas.

  3. Adding to point #27, the 2017 total eclipse actually did pass over many towns named Salem in the following states: Oregon, Idaho, Nebraska, Missouri, Kentucky, and South Carolina.

  4. The path of the 2024 eclipse will enter the United States over Eagle Pass.  This location is heavily relevant right now, as it is the epicenter of an American struggle against a foreign invasion force funded by globalist NGOs.

  5. Continuing with point #30, Eagle Pass was the location of the final Confederate rebellion against the Union in the American Civil War.  Eagle Pass was the very place where the defiant Shelby Expedition led a group of Confederates across the Mexican border after the April 1865 surrender of General Robert E. Lee.  This was where the Civil War ended.  

  6. Given point #31, it is important to recall that the 2017 total solar eclipse left the continental United States at Fort Sumter, South Carolina.  This was where the Civil War began.

  7. In regards to the “devil comet,” when it passed by the Earth in 1812, America became embroiled in war with Britain.  Also at this time, America experienced the New Madrid Earthquakes, which were above 8.0 on the Richter Scale, and considered the most destructive earthquakes in American history.  These earthquakes turned the Mississippi River against itself, and there was widespread flooding.

  8. Continuing point #33, when the “devil comet” was visiting at that time, it was also a moment in which two eclipses had crossed over the northeast United States: one in 1806, and another in 1811.

  9. When this same “devil comet” passed the Earth later in 1883, Mt. Krakatoa exploded and affected the entire world.  It also passed in 1954, a year that saw the destructive Yangtze River floods that devastated China’s Hubei province, as well as an unusual string of 16 Atlantic hurricanes.  This comet has a troubled history of destruction.

April 8th Facts and the Astrological Context

  1. In the astrological calendar, a year separates into 12 seasons/zodiacs. Each season is determined by which zodiac the sun falls into.  This total eclipse (and even the March lunar eclipse) transpires in Aries. (In Christian astrology, this is the zodiac of the Lamb; Abraham’s ram.)

  2. This zodiacal season of Aries will last from March 21 until April 20th.

  3. The total eclipse totality will happen in Pisces (the zodiac of the fish, the sign of Christendom).  

  4. When the total eclipse occurs, Jupiter and Uranus will be in conjunction in Aries.  (Jupiter has been a planetary symbol for the Son of the Creator.  Uranus is the primordial all-father, possibly even a symbol for the Kingdom of Heaven, itself.)

  5. Also during the total eclipse, the “devil comet” will be in Aries with Jupiter and Uranus, approaching them.

  6. After the season of Aries the Ram, it will be April 21st.  Uranus and Jupiter will be in conjunction, and at that time, the “devil comet” will be crossing their conjunction.

  7. Continuing with point #41, if we are to look at this conjunction metaphorically, as though Jupiter is returning to Uranus (in Aries, which provides the context of Christ the Lamb), it makes a lot of sense when considering the liturgical calendar.  April 21st is also the Third Sunday in Easter.  The Gospel reading is John16:16-22, in which Christ is telling his Apostles that He is “going to the Father.”  In the same way, Jupiter is returning to Uranus–that is to say, the god-king planet returns to the heaven/sky/all-father planet. 

  8. The “mundane astrology” community actually views the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction as the most important astrological event of 2024.  They’ve been discussing this moment for years.  According to them, these conjunction cycles happen every 14 years, and typically there is a burst of innovation, exploration, and revolution at the peaks of these cycles.  For example, the entire American Revolution took place under a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. In the next cycle 14 years later, France witnessed the storming of the Bastille and the first climax of the French Revolution.  Books, in fact, have been written about this particular kind of conjunction. 

  9. It bears remembering that dark, satanic, globalist forces have danced around these kinds of astrological signs before, in a practice termed “electional astrology.” This is a practice used to decide appropriate, auspicious astrological occasions for events to transpire, and it is typically bad.  Dabbling with electional astrology is attempting particular outcomes based on the position of the heavenly bodies, and it is a sinful attempt to bypass free will. Historical examples include the founding of Baghdad, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth I, and top brass of the German Third Reich planning maneuvers around opportune astrological moments.  More recently, recall Bergoglio’s 2021 visit to ancient Babylon the day Apophis was passing overhead.  Electional astrology is a practice of the elite.  As J.P. Morgan once stated: ““Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire you need an astrologer.”

A Stage Play

Like in any play or film, there are several parts involved in a story’s execution.  You have the main star of the show, yes.  But you also have antagonists, supporting characters, and a setting.  These story elements add depth to the overall drama, and they bring a meaningfulness to what the audience is watching.  And if the story is executed skillfully and thoughtfully, the work as a whole is not merely an amusing moment of escapism, but an important, interpretive presentation that can deliver meaning to a culture.

We are witnessing such story elements with the Second Great American Eclipse of 2024.  Just like the First Great American Eclipse of 2017, there are planetary conjunctions, zodiacal “coincidences”, comets, and other such exhibitions taking place in the sky during the “main act” of this event.  The Fingerprints of creativity are all over this event.  We are not merely witnessing natural coincidences, but an orchestrated presentation meant for the American audience.  Everyone senses it, but they don’t know what to look for or what it means.

As far as astrological meaning is concerned, most Americans know nothing about astrology, nor do they believe any of it.  But the “rhetorical messages” of this event are easy enough to understand.  It all transpires in Pisces and Aries, clear and obvious symbols for Christendom and the Sacrificial Lamb, respectively.  This is the setting of our story.  And should we delve further into this aspect of the event, we see a god-planet (Jupiter) moving into the embrace of the all-father/heaven planet (Uranus), and it happens just as the Third Easter Sunday readings describe in John 16: “I will return to My Father.”  Jupiter is “returning” to Uranus.  

We even have an antagonist, the Devil Comet, pushing its way through Aries and smack into the middle of the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. It is as though the Devil himself was trying to “push his way” between two figures of the godhead, destroy their symmetry, and thus, thwart some sort of a divine plan. Certainly, it’s a vile scheme during the Easter season.

Civil War and Revolution For America

It is clear from astrological signals that this cosmic exhibition carries deep Christian themes.  Yet, we also have significant American place names that are touched by this year’s total eclipse.  America, a country of self-proclaimed “manifest destiny,” and regarded as its own “city on a hill,” its own “New Jerusalem.” This country had numerous towns named Salem—short for Jerusalem—covered in darkness by the 2017 total eclipse.  Similarly, this year will see the eclipse pass over towns named Jonah and Nineveh, indicating a call for repentance.  As a matter of fact, it is said that eclipses generally—and the Crucifixion, specifically—are regarded as “the sign of Jonah” (See Matthew 12:38-41).  This makes a lot of typological sense, as this all takes place during the Easter season, a time which recalls our Lord’s crucifixion.

More than this, however, we can see potential signals for revolution and civil war.  It is bad enough that the 2017 and 2024 eclipses terminate and begin in places where the American Civil War began and ended, respectively.  But the fact that this year’s eclipse starts at Eagle Pass—a place of extremely heated turmoil and escalation—should be sobering to anyone paying attention.  

Returning to the “antagonist” of this drama, we have the horned, green Devil Comet, whose visit to this world in 1812 correlated with another revolutionary struggle: the War of 1812.  The comet’s visit this year could not be any more ill -timed, given the current struggles of the American people.  And then, we cannot forget the upcoming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, and remember that the American Revolution, itself, squared exactly with a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction throughout that entire war—essentially a civil war among Englishmen.

Upheaval and violence are in the cards for the people of the United States.  These heavenly displays are not causing such behavior, but they are signaling it.  Planned and placed on their paths before man’s history even began, the stars were fixed there by God, who is outside of time.  He knew that these days would arrive.  And He is letting us know that He is still in control.  

We do not have to be blind and gaslit to the times we are moving through.  The signs of the heavens affirm the people’s sanity.  “Yes, something is happening.  You are not imagining this.”  

Even before this year, it’s been clear to everyone that a great shift was coming.  People sensed it.  People have dreamt about it.  And God has been there this entire time, painting messages for us—the ceiling of the firmament and the geography of Terra Firma acting as His canvas.  He is showing us that He can court us in any calendar, whether Gregorian or Hebrew.  He can use numbers or letters.  Nothing is beyond His imagination, and this seven-year eclipse cycle is proof enough of that.

Hopeful Messages

The most optimistic point of the entire affair is this year’s connection with Esther.  Esther, a proto-Mary, was an advocate for her people.  The Hebrews were saved from genocide because she stepped forward and spoke for them to the king, saving them from destruction.  So, too, does the Holy Mother in this day and age—the Woman of Revelations—come forward and try to restrain the hand of her Son.  Just as Esther was made a queen of Persia, Mary was crowned the Queen of Heaven.  And like Esther, Mary advocates for us in these threatening, eschatological times, warning us, pleading to her Son, and rescuing as many of us as she can, as the faithful pray her Rosary and take to the Brown Scapular.  

When we see this year pointing to Esther, we can know that it is also pointing to Our Lady.  This eclipse season is being kicked off with a Hebrew festival that honors Esther.  The eclipse cycles of this year almost match perfectly the eclipse cycle of when Esther became queen.  We can conclude that this is a reminder that in spite of the coming upheaval and carnage,Mary is still going to be the Queen of Heaven, and she will seek to protect us in whatever capacity that we allow.  


This entire event—the whole seven-year eclipse cycle—is a mercy from God. In His providential foresight, He wants us to know that we have not gone insane. The events over the American skies these past seven years have been part emergency dispatch, part love letter. God would not have wasted His time on us in such a manner if He had forgotten us. And in this way, Americans have been handed a unique legacy from Heaven.

Speaking only for myself, I truly do believe that there is something special about this upcoming eclipse and all of the events surrounding it. However, I also leave enough room in my mind that I might be wrong and that all of these observations are just an overblown reaction. After all, consider these maps of eclipse history across North America that go back to pre-colonial times. Were there also special, astrological, religio-political messages to be extracted from these other cosmic moments? How far shall we take the conversation? I do not think we are about to see the Three Days of Darkness, and I certainly do not agree with American evangelical Protestants who wait with bated breath for their “Rapture.”

On the other hand, I found it more than a little coincidental that a strong coronal mass ejection blasted the Earth over the Purim weekend, such that the aurora was visible as far south as Iowa. So there we are.

* This is noted by Protestant pastor, Mark Biltz.
** This correlation was first discussed by a Protestant vlogger on YouTube called “Supernatural by Design”
*** NASA verification of the 480 BC eclipses.

Laramie Hirsch on the April 8 solar eclipse ~ Nurse Claire Says

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Thank you for posting, Michael.

Ave Maria ...

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