As noted in the introduction above, before he betrayed Jesus, Judas spurned Our Lord's most loving Mother.
Much of the following draws heavily from the writings of the Venerable Mother Maria de Jesus de Agreda in her work, The Mystical City of God, which is the best treasury I have found about the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Mother Maria de Agreda begins her discussion of Judas and his role in the Passion of Christ by noting that,
"It will at the same time be a warning to the obstinate and an admonition for those little devoted to the most blessed Mary; for it is a sad truth that there should be any mortals who entertain little love toward a Creature so lovable, ... Yet this unhappy Apostle strayed from the royal road of divine love and its blessings..."
After recounting that "Judas was attracted to the school of Christ our Teacher by His forceful doctrines, and was filled with the same good intentions which moved the others ... he asked the Savior to admit him among his disciples, and the Savior received him", Mother Maria then notes that although Our Lady perceived the perfidious treachery of Judas, she followed Our Lord's example and welcomed Judas.
Knowing Judas would only become more obstinate if not not cared for gently, Our Lady took care to treat him carefully, even more lovingly than the others. In this, we see the same path Our Lady takes with us all, leading us lovingly to her Son through her Holy Rosary. But as we begin to respond with distraction and indifference, she must, as any good Mother, correct us to return us to the only path that will bring us safely to our true home. In this we shall see, perhaps the salient warning for us in this time of chastening.
"Judas allowed himself to judge the other Apostles, especially Saint John, in the most harsh light, while always boasting of himself in the most favorable terms, and the more he judged others, the more "his initial fervor decreased, his charity toward God and men grew cold, and his interior light was lost and extinguished; he began to look upon the Apostles and upon the most holy Mother with a certain disgust and find little pleasure in their intercourse and their heavenly activity."
And so we see that Judas began initially to fall away by his constant focus on criticising others while ignoring his obligation to look to his own soul, ignoring his examen, ignoring his devotion to Jesus by first ignoring the necessary devotion to Mary, to whom was given the nurturing of the tender beginnings of the faith in these rough men, the Apostles.
Mother Maria tells us of this, that Our Dear Lady responded to the growing signs that Judas was defecting by exhorting him as her beloved child to no avail, for the response of Judas was to allow satan into his heart, bringing with him a raging storm of hatred against the most merciful Mother.
"With insidious hypocrisy he sought to deny his sins or palliate them by alleging other reasons for his conduct: as if he could ever deceive Jesus and Mary and hide from Them the secrets of his heart. Thereby he lost his interior reverence for the Mother of mercy, despising her exhortations and openly reproaching Her for her gentle words and reasoning."
Upon reading these words, I remembered the disparaging words of Pope Francis upon the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima's last visit in October, 2017. Pope Francis said, “Those who emphasise God’s punishment of sinners commit a great injustice to Him by not recognising that sinners are forgiven by His mercy.” He also said: “I prefer Our Lady as mother, our mother, and not Our Lady as head of the post office who sends a message at a stated time.” …Who thinks that Our Lady says, ‘Come, because tomorrow at this time I will give a message to that seer?‘ No!” now that last remark was supposedly about the false apparitions at Medjugorje, but all can see that at Fatima, Lady commanded the children to return at specific times and dates in order to receive her message. Thus, this pope proves himself a faithful follower of Lucifer and a betrayer of Christ and His Mother.
As Judas pridefully rejected the help of Our Lady, he closed off the doors of mercy, and his rejection of Mary resulted in a growing distaste for his Master; Judas soon grew dissatisfied with Our Lord's doctrines and particularly the generosity of Jesus and Mary with the poor who always clamored for help.
However, our Blessed Mother continued to intercede for him and gently urge Judas to humble himself and ask pardon from his Divine Master. She even offered to him her own willingness to make penance for him if he would repent and amend his life. And this is what she does for us, who are likewise her sinful children. Blessed are those who draw close to her in this time of chastening!
In speaking of the efforts of Our Lady to prevent the fall of Judas, Mother Maria notes, "She was well aware, that not seeking to arise from a fall and to persevere in sin was a much greater evil than to have fallen." This is a lesson we all should take to heart!
But Judas, as we all know, instead hardened his heart, resisted God's grace, and protested with a lying tongue that he loved his Master and denied that he had any reason to repent his conduct, thus refusing the grace offered by the Mother of Christ.
Mother Maria points out the mercy of Christ and His Mother towards Judas, even as Judas continued to scorn them both and assert his own blamelessness, After describing all this, she then applies the lesson to us,
"How unwillingly do we bear with the weaknesses of others, though expecting all men to bear with ours! How grudgingly we pardon an offense, though daily and hourly asking the Lord to pardon us our own! How prompt and cruel are we in making known the faults of our brethren, yet how resentful and angry at any word of criticism against us!"
Mother Maria describes this as "perversity and darkness" and warns that it stems from satan who always battles against God, "for God is charity, and he who exercises it perfectly is in God and God is in him. Lucifer is wrath and vengeance and all those that yield to these vices follow the devil, who is leading them on to all the vices opposed to the good of the neighbor."
She then describes how Judas succumbed to the other dangerous temptation of Lucifer, ambition and lust after money and power. In order to obtain the post of treasurer, Judas campaigned, first begging John, then begging Peter to intercede for him with Jesus. Now this was a very hypocritical act, as Judas had often spoken ill of both, while setting himself above reproach. I leave to the reader to discern the example of the Judas Pope who criticizes unendingly the faithful followers of Christ, while viciously retaliating against those who seek to call him to return to the true doctrine and practices of the faith.
Our Lord did not respond to these pleas, in order to give Judas every chance to reconsider the danger to his weak and iniquitous soul if he were to obtain what he foolishly deemed in his best interest.
And then Judas sought the intercession of Our Lady to obtain this precious goal which would be his downfall. Had Judas not rejected God's grace, offered through the Blessed Virgin Mother, he would have fasted, prayed and awaited Our Lord's choice of him in order to assure himself that God's will be done. For if Christ deemed him fit for the task, then Christ would lead him and strengthen him in the task, for the salvation of his soul and to avoid the scandal of his downfall.
But Judas had lost all faith in Christ. How do we know this? Because he relied not on Christ, and not on the Blessed Mother, but on his own campaigning and use of his own resources to obtain the precious goal he sought. There is a lesson here for those who heed it.
Mother Maria takes especial note of the fact that in all this, Judas showed his loss of infused faith. He resisted the light of God's grace, and hardened himself against it, water and fire was shown him, life and death: he stretched forth his hand and chose perdition.
And this is precisely where the leaders of the Church find themselves today. And none will hear of the way back from this abyss. As Judas thus fell into outright heresy, so have the leaders of the faithful, most notably our unfortunate pope who is even now hastening the chastisement to even greater intensity. God alone knows what is next, as the demons in the Vatican outdo themselves day by day in yet more outrageous attacks on Our Dear Savior and His Blessed Mother.
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Venerable Mother Maria de Agreda closes that last chapter with the Instructions of the Mother of God, in part, “I wish to remind thee once more, that among the secrets revealed to the beloved John at the last Supper, was also this, that he had become the beloved disciple of Christ on account of his love toward me, and that Judas fell because he despised the mercy and kindness which I had shown him...one of the most vile and horrible sins before the Lord is the little esteem in which the just and the friends of the Church are held, and especially the little veneration shown toward me, who was chosen for His Mother and am the cause of the happiness of all men."
The most Blessed Virgin also explained that at times, God grants the petitions of those who are worldly and ambitious as a punishment for their persistence in their wicked desires. Once they have attained them, these poor sinners consider themselves successful thereby falling into deeper misfortune. While, in contrast, the just, who despise the world and meet with many adversities, are withdrawn and shielded from danger, because the Lord denies them the temporal goods, which they ask for. Our Lady then cautioned, "never desire for anything beyond what is God's pleasure, for He will assume charge of all those that resign themselves to His divine Providence." That is a message for us today, in this chastisement. There will be great suffering, and even our own betrayal and humiliation, but above all, we must stand fast in the faith.
We will, for brevity's sake pass over the well known account of Judas's betrayal pf Christ and his suicide, and on to her account of what followed the hanging.
"The demons at once took possession of the soul of Judas and brought it down to hell. His entrails burst from the body hanging upon the tree. All that saw this stupendous punishment of the perfidious and malicious disciple for his treason, were filled with astonishment and dread. The body remained hanging by the neck for three days, exposed to the view of the public. During that time the Jews attempted to take it down from the tree and to bury it in secret, for it was a sight apt to cause great confusion to the pharisees and priests, who could not refute such a testimony of his wickedness.
"But no efforts of theirs sufficed to drag or separate the body from its position on the tree until three days had passed, when, according to the dispensation of divine justice, the demons themselves snatched the body from the tree and brought it to his soul, in order that both might suffer eternal punishment in the profoundest abyss of hell.
"Since what I have been made to know of the pains and chastisements of Judas, is worthy of fear inspiring attention, I will according to command reveal what has been shown me concerning it. Among the obscure caverns of the infernal prisons was a very large one, arranged for more horrible chastisements than the others, and which was still unoccupied; for the demons had been unable to cast any soul into it, although their cruelty had induced them to attempt it many times from the time of Cain unto that day.
"All hell had remained astonished at the failure of these attempts, being entirely ignorant of the mystery, until the arrival of the soul of Judas, which they readily succeeded in hurling and burying in this prison never before occupied by any of the damned.
"The secret of it was, that this cavern of greater torments and fiercer fires of hell, from the creation of the world, had been destined for those, who, after having received Baptism, would damn themselves by the neglect of the Sacraments, the doctrines, the Passion and Death of the Savior, and the intercession of his most holy Mother.
"As Judas had been the first one who had so signally participated in these blessings, and as he had so fearfully misused them, he was also the first to suffer the torments of this place, prepared for him and his imitators and followers.
"This mystery I was commanded to reveal more particularly for a dreadful warning to all Christians, and especially to the priests, prelates and religious, who are accustomed to treat with more familiarity the body and blood of Christ our Lord, and who, by their office and state are His closer friends.
"The demons torment Judas with inexpressible cruelty, because he persisted in the betrayal of his Master, by whose Passion and Death they were vanquished and despoiled of the possession of the world. The wrath which they had conceived against the Savior and His blessed Mother, they wreak, as far as is allowed them, on all those who imitate the traitorous disciple and who follow him in his contempt of the evangelical law, of the Sacraments and of the fruits of the Redemption.
"And in this the demons are but executing just punishment on those members of the mystical body of Christ, who have severed their connection with its head Christ, and who have voluntarily drifted away and delivered themselves over to the accursed hate and implacable fury of His enemies. As the instruments of divine justice they chastise the redeemed for their ingratitude toward their Redeemer. Let the children of the Church consider well this truth . . .
"not only the torments of the traitorous disciple Judas, but also those of many other Christians, who condemn themselves and shall be sent to the same place of punishment, which was assigned to them and Judas from the beginning of the world, are greater than the torments of many demons. For my most holy Son did not die for the angels, but for men; nor were the fruits and results of the Redemption for the demon, but entirely at the disposal of the children of the Church in the holy Sacraments.
"The contempt for these incomparable benefits is not properly the sin of the devils, but of the Christians; and therefore they must expect a special and appropriate punishment for this contempt. The mistake of not having recognized Christ as the true God causes the deepest and most tormenting regret to Lucifer and his evil spirits for all eternity. Hence, on account of this error, they are filled with special wrath against those that were redeemed, particularly against the Christians, who derived the greatest benefits from the Redemption and the blood of the Lamb.
"That is why the devils are so eager to cause forgetfulness and misuse of these graces in them and why afterwards in hell, they are permitted to vent so much the greater fury and wrath upon the wicked Christians."
Dear readers, we are so blessed to have the Immaculata for our advocate, and all our other saints and angels. But with this comes the burden of trusting in childlike faith that even when it appears that all is lost, Our Blessed Mother is holding us securely, wrapped in her mantle, protecting us from this hurricane of hatred stirred up by the enemies of her Divine Son.
In closing, I offer these words from Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, one of the greatest gifts of our merciful Savior to guide us through precisely these times:
"Everything that is happening to you is the work of Jesus, and you need to believe that. It is not your place to monitor the Lord's work, but instead, to submit humbly to His divine operations. Give full freedom to the grace that is at work in you. Remember never to become distressed in any adverse thing that happens, knowing that distress is an impediment to the Holy Ghost."
"The dryness of spirit that disturbs you is a very painful trial, but it is a very wonderful thing because of its spiritual fruit ... God ordains this kind of dryness to help the soul gain true devotion, which consists in a prompt willingness to serve God without any personal reward. In brief do good insofar as it is good in itself and insofar as it gives glory to God."
In this time, we cannot rightfully expect Our Lord Jesus Christ to be always comforting us for He is beckoning us, even now, to join Him in this, the Passion of the Church. For now, we may find ourselves uttering His own words, My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"
But just as He Himself, at that time knew that the desolate moment would pass, yielding as all things do, to the glorious dawn of His mercy, we too shall be resurrected unto eternal happiness with Him in heaven.
As I write this, I have no slightest expectation that any who read it will find it relevant. But I do hope it will survive, perhaps tucked away with other odds and ends from off the internet, and in time, it may provide you necessary comfort. For God's justice can only wait so long. Since no voice is heard to lead the faithful to follow the Immaculata, the loving providence of our Eternal Father must in His good time, set things aright.
“Have in mind therefore in what manner thou hast received and heard: and observe, and do penance. If then thou shalt not watch, I will come to thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know at what hour I will come to thee.” (Apoc. 3,3).
Remember - Our Lady needs us to obey: First Saturdays of Reparation, daily rosary, at least 5 mysteries, wear her brown scapular and live your Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, offering daily duties in reparation and for the conversion of poor sinners.
† Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
† Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come, Viva Cristo Rey!
† St. Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family, protect our families, protect our priests!
† St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
~ by evensong for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King.
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin! Give me strength against thine enemies!