January 25th 2013: Hundreds of thousands join record-breaking U.S. March for Life (PHOTOS)

Hundreds of thousands join record-breaking U.S. March for Life


by Ben Johnson

  • Fri Jan 25, 2013 18:23 EST


WASHINGTON, D.C., January 25, 2013, (LifeSiteNews.com) – Huddled under winter coats and hats and scarves, hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists gathered on the Mall in Washington D.C. this morning to send a clear message to politicians in the Capitol, and the whole country: 40 years is too long, abortion must end! But despite the frigid January temperatures, the crowd, made up largely of teens and young adults, was boisterous, with many groups chanting pro-life slogans and singing hymns as they walked.

This year's March marked the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, since which an estimated 55 million babies have been killed by abortion in America.

While accurate estimates of the number of attendees at the march are hard to come by, organizers had said in the days leading up to the event that all signs pointed to a record-breaking crowd. Hotels in the D.C area sold out far in advance of when they normally do, and organizers installed two jumbotrons just to ensure that all marchers could get a glimpse of what was happening on the stage.

Last year's march was estimated at around 400,000 participants, likely putting this year's at the half million mark, or even beyond. The popularity of the event could be seen on social media, with the March for Life trending on Twitter for a time in the early afternoon, and Facebook exploding with photos and status updates from attendees. 

Before opening the march rally with an opening prayer, Cardinal Sean O'Malley announced to cheers that Pope Benedict had just tweeted his support for the marchers. "I join all those marching for life from afar, and pray that political leaders will protect the unborn and promote a culture of life," the pontiff tweeted from his @Pontifex account.

And while the chances of a national pro-life political victory seem as bleak as the weather on the overcast winter day, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul and the other activist and political leaders who addressed the crowd were certain they are on the right side of history.

“One day, we will be here and triumph, because love and truth always triumph,” said former Pennsylvania senator Santorum, who made a strong showing for the Republican presidential nomination last year.

Santorum spoke alongside his wife, Karen, and four of their children – but his speech revolved around his absent daughter Bella, who was born with Trisomy-18. “The response to this little girl and the struggles she was going through and who she was...was just amazing to us, and affirmed to us the goodness of the people in this country,” he said.

“We were encouraged to abort, because she would be saddled with disabilities and it would be better for her – but we all know death is never better,” he said, “What it's about is it would be easier for us.” “Bella is better for us, and we are better because of Bella.”

He asked anyone faced with the prospect of special needs children to “give them a chance. Welcome them in to your home.”

After leaving the campaign trail, Santorum founded the advocacy group Patriot Voices, which carried an enormous banner in today's march.

“This country is in search of truth, and they're not finding much of it in Washington, D.C.,” he said.

Those who love the unborn are instead making the world a better place through their own initiative. “Everyday [they] go out and open up their arms...and reach out their hands in love for little children,” Santorum observed.

The highest ranking public servant to address the crowd – Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY – had some philosophical questions about how our policies affect the soul of our country.

“Can a nation long endure that does not respect the sanctity of life? Can a nation conceived in liberty carry its head high if its denies protection the youngest and most vulnerable of its citizens?” he asked.

“I believe great nations and great civilizations spring from a people who have a moral compass. Our nation is adrift, adrift in a wilderness where right and wrong have become subservient to the hedonism of the moment,” he stated.

Polls show the vast majority of abortions occur – not for rape, incest, or maternal health – but out of personal convenience.

“I believe our country is in need of a revival,” Senator Paul said. “I believe our country is in need of a spiritual cleansing.”

The senator, like his father, credits his medical career with influencing his pro-life worldview, remembering days when he held one-pound babies in the palm of his hand.

“I defy [pro-abortion ideologues] to come to the neonatal nursery with me and look at these tiny little miracles and say, 'We're not going to protect that,'” he said.

Four other members of Congress addressed the crowd, a significantly lower number than in years past.

Rep. Diane Black, R-TN, promised to reintroduce H.R. 217, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, which would bar U.S. family planning dollars from financing any organization that performs abortions. Former Congressman Mike Pence, who was elected governor of Indiana in November, encouraged her to take up the charge.

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House Speaker John Boehner addressed the gathering by video, promising he was busy at work “putting together a bipartisan pro-life majority and getting to work. In accordance with the will of the people, we will again work to pass the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, formally codifying the Hyde Amendment.”

The March featured a bipartisan moment, as Congressman Dan Lipinski, an Illinois Democrat, spoke to the crowd in a recorded message.

“We mourn the 40th anniversary of a talking away of a most basic and essential right to our most vulnerable sisters and brothers,” he said. “There are legislative battles to be fought, and I will continue to fight them as a pro-life Democrat, because life should not be a partisan issue.”

Lipinski was the only Illinois Democrat to vote against ObamaCare in March 2010.

Democrats for Life of America had a breakfast Friday morning before the march, as well.

However, the March's close proximity to Barack Obama's second inauguration drew sometimes heated remarks on the part of speakers – and marchers.

The chairman of the House Pro-life Caucus, Chris Smith, R-NJ, gave a stirring speech that commemroated the “horrific legacy” of Roe v. Wade 40 years and 55 million abortions later – “a death toll that equates with the entire population of England.”

His speech directly challenged President Obama.

“Know this,” he said, addressing the president, “the pro-life movement is comprised of noble, caring, smart and selfless people. It is an extraordinarily powerful, non-violent, faith-filled human rights struggle that is growing in public support, intensity, commitment and hope.”

“And know this Mr. President: The pro-life movement is not only on the side of compassion, justice, and inclusion; we are on the right side of responsible science and of history.”

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Pope sends letter, tweets in support for U.S. March for Life


  • Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:47 EST

January 25, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Pope Benedict XVI took to Twitter this morning to express his support for Americans marching in the March for Life today. 

"I join all those marching for life from afar, and pray that political leaders will protect the unborn and promote a culture of life," the Pope tweeted.

Pope Benedict joined Twitter in December, and already boasts nearly 1.5 million followers in English alone. His accounts in other languages boast hundreds of thousands of additional followers.

In a letter specially prepared for the March for Life, and read by Papal Nuncio Archbishop Vigano at the DC Archdiocese’s Youth Rally, the pope sent “warm greetings and the assurance of his closeness and prayer to the thousands of young people from throughout America gathered for the annual March for Life."

The pope said he is, “grateful to all those who take part in this outstanding public witness to the fundamental human right of life and to the many others who support them by fasting and praying.”

“Thanks the young people for their commitment to defending the …dignity of each member of our family, especially the smallest and most defenseless of our brothers and sisters,” concluded the pope, who said he cordially imparts his apostolic blessing.

Hundreds of thousands are expected to converge on the Mall in Washington D.C. for the March for Life this afternoon. This March marks the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the U.S.

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Another top official at the Vatican also threw his weight behind the March for Life this week. The head of the Pontifical Academy for Life described the pro-life marches and events being held across the US this week as a witness "to the whole world." 

“These events which favor human life without limits, from conception until the end, have become a very important historical reference for all other Catholic countries worldwide,” Bishop Ignacio de Paula said.

Duggar family initiates coalition of pro-life groups to end abortion holocaust


WASHINGTON DC, January 25, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The germ of an idea that was planted during a family trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, has culminated in the creation of a powerful coalition of pro-life groups dedicated to the eradication of the holocaust of abortion in America.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar of the popular TLC Channel series 19 Kids and Counting recalled, “Our family visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. The designers of the museum did an incredible job telling the tragic story of over 6 million Jews who were brutally executed.”

The Duggar family

"A couple of weeks after we went to the Holocaust Museum it dawned on us that there is a holocaust taking place right here in America! More than 56 million lives have been destroyed in our country!" the couple said. "That is over 4000 babies being killed and 4000 women being wounded each day!

"We talked and prayed about what our family could do to make a difference in saving the lives of the unborn.

"We ended up contacting the national pro-life groups and asked them to all work together and pool their incredible resources to motivate and activate many people to get involved in ending abortion in America."

The Duggars then called Dan Pennell, CEO of WMtek, a Fort Pierce, Florida based web development company, who immediately caught the vision, Jim Bob related.

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Working with Jim Bob and Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel, Dan formed the coalition of pro-life groups that has become Life United.

The partners in Life United are the Duggar family, LIFE International, L.E.A.R.N, Inc, Living Waters, Liberty Counsel, National Center for Life and Liberty, Family Research Council, and The Justice Foundation.

"Life United exists not only to educate people with the reality of abortion in our generation, but to do something about it. Our partners have come together with their resources to create the tools that will help motivate and enable others to value and support human life," the group states.

Their first initiative called upon WMtek to create a unique web experience that would, as Dan Pennell states, "tell the story of the American Holocaust, motivate others to get involved, and give them tools to activate their passion."

The result is LifeUnited.org, set for release today, to coincide with the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

“Americans are being forced to fund a Hitler-kind of killing machine,” observed Mathew Staver.

“After today’s marches are over and the memory begins to fade of the 40 most bloody years in America, the message of LifeUnited.org will go on giving pro-life activists the tools they need to change hearts and minds for life. We are committed to end abortion in our lifetime. Abortion is the most senseless and inhumane form of child abuse one can imagine. It is time to restore a culture of life in America,” Staver said.

“This site is a powerful vehicle to express our hearts,” said Michelle. "We want every American to know that each child is a special creation of God being formed in their mother's womb. LifeUnited.org is a great start."

"We encourage you to reach out to your friends, relatives and fellow church members and tell them about LifeUnited.org," the Duggars concluded.


March for Life, January 25, 2013


Arrived back from the DC March for Life at 4:30 am [Jan. 26]. A massive crowd of nearly 600,000 - teaming with young people. Record numbers. The huge crush of people on the march seemed endless. A terrific day. See video above and photos below. More both later. – jv


Highlights from March from March for Life. More videos to be posted later,
including Congressman Chris Smith's address and some highlights from the Benedictine's Tridentine Sung Mass (soundtrack with pictures)



thanks D

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