Don't know how long this will be up on YouTube; they're begun the process of scrubbing the Archbishop from YouTube. Anyway, this is a very important message, just posted yesterday. He describes the situation in the Church very clearly, pulling no punches, and then he calls for the Consecrations of Individuals, families, and communities to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts.
Also, here is a very important message from a few days ago, from the Archbishop, about the vaccine, in which he calls taking the injection a form of satanic baptism:
Views: 71
"Our Lord was here making an explicit reference to the request of the Sacred Heart given to the King of France through Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque on June 17, 1689. Our Lord asked Louis XIV, the famed “sun king,” to consecrate France to His Sacred Heart, promising in return to save France from its enemies. Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Louis XVI, following the unfortunate and unworthy advice of their Jesuit confessors, did not perform this consecration. As a result of this century-long refusal, the French monarchy and the whole of France’s Catholic society were overthrown by the Protestant and Masonic Counter-Church’s plots in the course of the bloody terror of the French Revolution.
On the Feast of the Sacred Heart (June 17, 1789), exactly one hundred years to the day from when Saint Margaret Mary had been given that revelation of the great designs of Heaven for France, the Third Estate rose up and proclaimed itself the National Assembly, stripping King Louis XVI of his legislative authority. A mere four years later, on January 21, 1793, the revolutionaries sent the King to his death on the guillotine as if he were a common criminal.
At Rianjo, Jesus warns us that this dark chapter of history will repeat itself, and this time the ministers of His Church will be prominent among its hapless victims. It would appear that this mass organized execution of the Pope, together with other bishops, priests, religious and laity – as if they were common criminals – is what is foretold in the vision of Fatima released on June 26, 2000.
It is not unreasonable to suspect that the “ante has been raised”. In 1689 it was a consecration to the Sacred Heart, in 1929 it was a consecration to the Immaculate Heart. In 1689, God asked for the consecration of France, the largest country in Christendom. In 1929, God asked for the consecration of Russia, the largest nation in the world and one far larger than France. In 1689, God asked the French king to make the consecration, the most powerful monarch in Christendom. In 1929, God asked the Pope together with all bishops to make the consecration, the greatest authority in the world and one far above every French king. If a century of disobeying Heaven resulted in the French Revolution bringing great destruction to France and all of Europe, what might a century of disobeying Heaven result in – now that the stakes have been raised?"
Our Lord complained to Sister Lucy of His ministers’ delay in executing His command, warning them at the same time of the terrible fate awaiting them on account of their disobedience. Sister Lucy reported this important revelation to her bishop:
“My confessor ordered me to inform Your Excellency about what happened a little while ago, between our Good God and myself: As I was asking God for the conversion of Russia, Spain and Portugal, it seemed that His Divine Majesty said to me:
“‘You console Me a great deal in asking Me for the conversion of those poor nations: Request it also of My Mother, while saying to Her often: Sweet Heart of Mary, be the salvation of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world.
“‘At other times say: By Thy Pure and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, obtain for me the conversion of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world.
“‘Make it known to My ministers, given that they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My command, they will likewise follow him into misfortune. It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary.’”
I really thought he was talking about Fatima and the parallel to France. It was the middle of the night when I watched the video; apparently I filled in the missing piece myself. In the Abp.'s defense, I know that there are thousands of people out there praying for "Francis" to do the consecration of Russia. This is a real problem, and part of the puzzle. It may be that Abp. Viganò is preparing the groundwork by his repeated contemptuous references to "Bergoglio." He has to not only bring in Fatima, but also the question of who the real pope is. Given that Benedict is a prisoner in the Vatican, and that Viganò is in hiding, it's all insane. But God is in charge. I wish there were some way to get a letter to the archbishop.
Dawn Marie, I think your post is overstatement fueled by frustration. The essence of what Abp. Viganò says is very valuable and very much to the point. The lack of obedience among churchmen that he discusses goes well beyond the failure of multiple popes and apparent popes to release the third secret in its entirety and perform the consecration exactly as stipulated. Yes, the consecration -- by the TRUE pope -- and TRUE, CATHOLIC bishops needs to be done, but there are reasons why it hasn't been done, and they need to be addressed. The disobedience doesn't exist in a vacuum, and while failure to obey dictates from an (albeit spectacular) private revelation can be regarded as disobedience, particularly since this particular private revelation (defined as such infallibly by the ordinary magisterium of Holy Mother Church) is backed up by a miracle witnessed by 10,000 people, the scandalous behavior of far too many prelates and priests and even supposed popes, from preaching error to molesting little boys, kissing Korans and worshipping Pachamamas is beyond question disobedience of the very worst kind. It's all connected. Yes, I wish he'd also brought up Fatima and the consecration and the antipope in the Vatican, but the fact that he didn't doesn't render what he said any less valuable. Bp. Williamson won't call Bergoglio an antipope and rarely mentions the consecration, but I don't see you attacking him every time he says something that doesn't mention the consecration,
Dawn Marie said:
Sorry but this is my commentary:
"You never cease to disappoint Ab. Vigano. Once again you go so far but refuse yet still to speak the truth about why we are in this situation and the remedy for it. All your videos and letters may help to open the eyes of those who have been sleeping all these years but then what? You ride through the city on your horse yelling a warning like Paul Revere, but you fail considerably in your duty in helping souls to know the true reason why we are in this predicament and further more what people can do to stop it. If you tell them that we are being punished but fail to tell them why and what God wants from all Catholics in order to amend the punishment what exactly are you accomplishing. Your delay in speaking the truth delays the end of the punishment and costs souls their eternal salvation. Until you start speaking the actual reality there is nothing you have to say worth hearing."
Fatima is actually not a private revelation. As John Vennari explained it, it is a public private revelation which puts it in a whole different class. The miracle of the sun was witnessed by 70,000 people.
As an aside I do have his email as do others and sorry to say but he will not speak about Fatima and he is careful not to publicly put his name with those who do, and I do not mean me. People keep fawning over him because he talks about the NWO and their plans and because he has mentioned ABL+ thereby in their books Vigano is to be trusted. I trust no prelate who refuses to speak about Fatima but who thinks some Medjugory visit is worthy of his belief.
This is exactly how the devil works, he sucks you in with the 5% truth and snares you later with the 95% lies. I would probably not even bother saying anything publicly and would probably just keep these thoughts to myself if I did not fear so many souls could ultimately be led astray by him.
Viiganò is a Medju-goo-goo? Yikes!
That is what one of the priests I know revealed to me the other day. I was actually not surprised. Vigano has been immersed in the novus ordo vat ii for 40-50 of his life. No one comes out of that swinging, full of accurate NWO info, sounding their support for the ABL+ types of the church, and speaking ill of vatii unless they have done a Saint Paul or unless they are acting in a cunning clever way to infiltrate. My money is on the latter.
David Kaftal said:
Viiganò is a Medju-goo-goo? Yikes!
Sweet Heart of Mary, be the salvation of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world.
“By Thy Pure and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, obtain for me the conversion of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world.
You may be right. I really don't know. I know that Brother Alexis Bugnolo has been slamming Apb. Viganò pretty viciously. Here is the link to an article he wrote recently accusing the archbishop of running a Masonic scam: VIGANÒ CALLS FOR HEGELIAN DUALISM IN THE CHURCH, IN FULL MASONIC TR...
Brother Bugnolo and Fr. Paul Kramer are the only two public figures I'm aware of who are openly calling Benedict XVI the pope and stressing the message of Fatima and the need for the Consecration.
All this is making my head spin.
I must reserve my judgement until I can see clearly what is going on here. I don't want to be guilty of rash judgement or uncharitable behavior. I've been thinking of Abp. Viganò as a good guy, and can't do a 180º on a dime without any clarity.
Dawn Marie said:
That is what one of the priests I know revealed to me the other day. I was actually not surprised. Vigano has been immersed in the novus ordo vat ii for 40-50 of his life. No one comes out of that swinging, full of accurate NWO info, sounding their support for the ABL+ types of the church, and speaking ill of vatii unless they have done a Saint Paul or unless they are acting in a cunning clever way to infiltrate. My money is on the latter.
David Kaftal said:Viiganò is a Medju-goo-goo? Yikes!
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