Help relieve the Poor Souls! Regina Coeli House accepting names for remembrance during Masses in November

Help relieve the Poor Souls!
Regina Coeli House accepting names
for remembrance during Masses in November

Dear Faithful,

As you are probably well aware, the Church has devoted the month of November to the holy souls in Purgatory. During this month, we are asked to redouble our prayers and sacrifices for the remission of temporal punishment owed by the faithfully departed, who purified may at last enter into Eternal Life.





To assist in providing relief to the suffering souls in Purgatory, we are accepting names of the deceased at the Regina Coeli House. These names will be placed on our chapel’s altar to be remembered at every Mass offered during the month of November at the Memento pro defunctis. Names of the faithfully departed can be submitted to us either with the enclosed card or via this webpage below.


No stipend is required for this act of charity to faithful departed, but if you would like to make a donation to the Society of St. Pius X’s United States District, you may do so electronically by PayPal or by check (see details below). The benefactors of the Society of St. Pius X are also remembered by the priests and religious at the Regina Coeli House.


I hope that many of you will take advantage of this supernatural opportunity for relieving the poor souls in Purgatory, particularly in this time of crisis when prayers for the deceased have been greatly diminished. I also encourage Catholics to pray earnestly for the dead during the month of November, particularly through the devote practice of visiting cemeteries each day from November 1-8, by which the faithful may also gain a plenary indulgence for the faithfully departed.


I thank you in advance for your generosity towards the holy souls in Purgatory as well as any contribution you may make to the Regina Coeli House, and may Our Lord bless you abundantly for your efforts.


In Christo et Maria,

Fr. Arnaud Rostand
District Superior



send us an e-mail with the names you wish to be remembered >

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How so very generous.

Thank you Fr. Rostand and all priests of SSPX!

Yes, very generous.  Please take advantage of this for your deceased family and friends.

How wonderful for our Holy Souls!  

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