Health of Pope Benedict Severely Declined in The Last 2 weeks-"He Won't be With Us Much Longer".

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Ave Maria x 3

Original in Spanish


La periodista española Paloma Gómez Borerro, una de las vaticanistas con más experiencia, ha asegurado que la salud del Papa Emérito se ha empeorado de manera muy rápida en las últimas semanas. "Benedicto XVI tiene algo muy grave. En 15 días ha sufrido un deterioro físico tremendo, esas son mis noticias", ha afirmado en Madrid durante la presentación de su libro 'De Benedicto a Francisco. El Cónclave del cambio' (Planeta).

Gómez Borrero ha afirmado que lo más probable es que el Papa Emérito no vaya a residir mucho tiempo en el monasterio Mater Ecclesiae, que se encuentra dentro del Vaticano, y cuyas labores de remodelación concluirán en mayo. Además, la periodista ha vaticinado que a Benedicto XVI "no le vamos a ver mucho" a partir de ahora.

La informadora, la única en España que ha sido testigo de excepción de cuatro cónclaves y una renuncia, cuenta en su nueva obra los entresijos que rodearon la elección del nuevo Pontífice "prácticamente en tiempo real".

"Estamos a la espera de que el Papa nombre al su secretario de Estado y todo apunta a que será un italiano", ha asegurado la veterana periodista que dejó caer el nombre de monseñor Giuseppe Bertello como una de las opciones que se baraja.

Google Translation

The Spanish journalist Paloma Gómez Borerro, one of the most experienced Vaticanists, has said that the Pope's health has worsened Emeritus very quickly in recent weeks. "Benedict XVI has something very serious. At 15 days has suffered tremendous physical deterioration, that's my news," he said in Madrid at the launch of his book 'De Francis Benedict. The Conclave of change '(Metro).

Gomez Borrero said that it is likely that the Pope will not reside Emeritus long in the Mater Ecclesiae monastery, located within the Vatican, and whose remodeling work completed in May. Moreover, the journalist has predicted that Benedict XVI "we will not see much" from now.

The reporter, the only one in Spain which has seen but four conclaves and a waiver, in his new book has the secrets surrounding the election of the new Pontiff "near real time".

"We are waiting for the pope to name his secretary of state, and it looks like it will be an Italian", said the veteran journalist who dropped the name of Monsignor Giuseppe Bertello as one of the options that deck.

3 Prayers for the Dying


Prayer 1.
Lord Jesus Christ! Thou Son of God and Son of the Virgin Mary, God and Man, Thou who in fear sweated blood for us on the Mount of Olives in order to bring peace, and to offer Thy Most Holy Death to God Thy Heavenly Father for the salvation of this dying person... If it be, however, that by his sins he merits eternal damnation, then may it be deflected from him. This, O Eternal Father through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Dear Son, Who liveth and reigneth in union with The Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen.

Prayer 2.
Lord Jesus Christ! Thou who meekly died on the trunk of the Cross for us, submitting Thy Will completely to Thy Heavenly Father in order to bring peace and to offer Thy most Holy Death to Thy Heavenly Father in order to free...(this person)...and to hide from him what he has earned with his sins; grant this O Eternal Father! Through Our Lord Jesus Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in union with the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen.

Prayer 3.
Lord Jesus Christ! Thou Who remained silent to speak through the mouths of the Prophets; I have drawn Thee to me through Eternal Love, which love drew Thee from Heaven into the body of the Virgin, which love drew Thee from the body of the Virgin into the valley of this needful world, which Love kept Thee 33 years in this world, and as a sign of Great Love, Thou hast given Thy drink, as a sign of great love, Thou has consented to be a prisoner and to be led from one judge to another and as a sign of great love Thou has consented to be condemned to death, and hast consented to die and to be buried and truly rise, and appeared to Thy Holy Mother and all the Holy Apostles, and as a sign of great love Thou hast ascended, under Thy own strength and power, and sitteth at the right hand of God Thy heavenly Father, and Thou has sent Thy Holy Spirit into the heart of Thy Apostles and the hearts of all who hope and believe in Thee. Through Thy sign of Eternal love, open heaven today and take this dying person... and all his sins into the realm of Thy Heavenly Father, that he may reign with Thee now and forever. Amen.

I also Prayed 3 Prayers for the Dying for Pope Bendict XVI. May God have mercy on his soul. And also on us.

Hail Mary x3 for Pope Benedict XVI

This is worrisome news.

Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for his Holiness, Benedict XVI now and at the hour of his death.

3 prayers for the dying prayed.

3 Ave Marias.

3 Prayers for the Dying prayed for His Holiness Benedict  XVI.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for him now and at the hour of his death.  Amen.

Vatican Denies Rumours That Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Is In Serious Ill Health

A Vatican spokesman has denied reports Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s health is “in a very bad way”.

Concerns for the 85-year-old’s wellbeing were raised by veteran Vatican correspondent Paloma Gomez-Borerro.

Gomez-Borerro, who has covered the Holy See for decades, made the comments on Tuesday during the presentation of a new book ...

pope emeritus benedict xvi

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI resigned in February

She said: “Benedict is in a very bad way. In the last 15 days he has undergone tremendous physical deterioration.

“We won’t have him with us for very much longer.”

While Benedict did indeed cite health reasons when he resigned on February 28, a Vatican spokesman has rigorously denied the claims.

Father Federico Lombardi told The Catholic News Agency Benedict XVI “does not have any illness” and “this has been certified by his doctors”.

He said he was saddened by Gomez Borrero’s “speculation after seeing images of a tired Benedict.”


Pope Francis (l) and his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, meet at the helicopter pad of the papal summer residence, Castel Gandolfo

He added: “But to say that he has an illness is foolish. There is no basis for this.

“As we all know, Benedict XVI led a very engaged pontificate at his age, and there he is enduring the aches and pains of an elderly person who has worked very hard.”

After stepping down, it emerged Benedict had become nearly blind in one eye and had been falling out of bed, according to a leaked report.

He had been advised by doctors to avoid air travel due to soaring blood pressure and had began to walk with a stick.

Benedict, who was the first Pope to resign in over 600 years, has a pacemaker and had surgery to replace the batteries last year.


I know my father-in-law is around the same age as His Holiness, and at that age your health can change sometimes very rapidly; we've had several "scares" with my FIL.

Prayers for Pope Benedict.  Next week he will be 86 yrs. old.

Ave Maria x3 for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Pope Emeritus Benedict in failing health, says colleague

Berlin, May 8 - A colleague of retired pope Benedict XVI says the former pontiff is in failing health, according to published reports. Cardinal Joachim Meisner, archbishop of Cologne, said he was shocked at the declining health of Benedict. During a meeting between the two clerics on March 18, Meisner said he was stunned at how small Benedict had become, saying he was only half of his previous size, the German Catholic News Agency (KNA) reported. Meisner said he had initially opposed Benedict's announcement in February that he intended to resign because of declining physical and mental strength.
Such a step had not been taken in modern times.
The last pope to abdicate was Gregory XII in 1415. But since seeing the 86-year-old Benedict, Meisner said, "my reservations have melted". Benedict continues to be "very fit, like before," in terms of his mental acuity, added Meisner. The retired pontiff moved back into the Vatican last week after spending two months in the papal summer retreat of Castel Gandolfo. It is the first time two living pontiffs - one retired, the other sitting, Pope Francis - have resided simultaneously behind the Vatican walls.


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