Halfway There.....
Dear Crusaders,
We are at the halfway point of our year long Crusade of Rosaries for the Consecration of Russia to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart.
Our Spiritual Bouquet consists so far of-
51,144 Rosaries
4,574 Spiritual Communions
22 Holy Sacrifices of the Mass Offered by Father.
30 Holy Communions Offered
30 Masses heard-(intention offered privately)
and an untold number known only to God of penances and sacrifices offered.
May we continue to offer with love and hope this bouquet to our Heavenly Mother who surely will hear us and answer us.
†May she keep us all in the shelter of her Immaculate Heart†
In case you missed it before here is a re-posting of the Holy Mass offered for us and for the consecration of Russia by the good Father in Mexico.