A video recently surfaced in which Pope Francis extends a greeting, roughly seven minutes in length, to attendees of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Conference (KCMC), a gathering of Pentecostal “ministers” from all over the United States.
A 45 minute video, wherein KCMC attendees are shown the pope’s message (at the 31:40 mark), is available here for those who may wish to view it in its entirety, otherwise, relevant excerpts are given below. (Note: You may need to give them a moment to load.)
Here’s the background: In a private meeting last month with Tony Palmer (a “bishop” and founder of the Ark Community, which describes itself as an “an internet-based, Inter-denominational Christian Convergent Community, drawing our spirituality from the ‘Early Church’”), the Holy Father volunteered to send a video greeting to the KCMC.
Palmer, who has been friends with the former Cardinal Bergoglio for years, used his iPhone to record the papal greeting; a message that is personal, heartfelt and sincere.
It’s also confusing, a danger to souls, and utterly irresponsible.
Yes, you heard and read correctly; the Roman Pontiff referred to a manifest heretic, in a video that he undoubtedly knew would be disseminated worldwide, as mio vescovo fratello, “my brother bishop!”
Now, let’s meet Mr. Palmer.
In the following clip, he is describing for KCMC attendees the dilemma that he faced in the 1990’s in not knowing where to direct his wife’s family in Italy for “fellowship” upon bringing them to Christ.
If Tony Palmer, a man who not only rejects multiple dogmas of the one true Faith, but who also believes that the Catholic Church is where Christians go to have their faith killed, is a “brother bishop,” what does that make the bishops of the Society of St. Pius X?
If you don’t know, I’ll tell you: In this case, it makes them more Catholic than the pope, as I can assure you not one of them would ever confuse Mr. Palmer for the Roman Pontiff’s “brother bishop.”
The hypocrisy is eminently obvious.
This pope has had precious little to say to traditional Catholics beyond name-calling and criticism, even going so far as to belittle their spiritual offerings, but like a father who showers his neighbor’s children with praise while denigrating his very own, for the heretics, it’s all group hugs and blessings.
Beyond simply being unconscionable in the most obvious sense, this love affair with heretics presents a grave danger to their souls. Even so, the neo-con Catholics and their under-nourished minions think this latest… let’s call it a Francumenical gesture, is positively delightful.
Writing for First Things, Dale Coulter made the following rosy prediction:
There is a way forward together. It’s not easy. But it may just be that we need a man who embodies the spirit of Francis of Assisi … Once again Pope Francis has pointed us toward a future bright with possibility.
What Pope Francis and his ecumeniacal cheerleaders obviously fail to realize is that the only thing this warm-and-fuzzy movement has ever had to offer anyone, in spite of whatever pseudo-homogenous associations and activities its practitioners might create moving forward, is dialogue, empty apologies, and even emptier embraces.
This misguided train, in other words, has already arrived at its final destination; mission accomplished.
The only real “future bright with possibility” to be had lies in the conversion of heretics to the Holy Roman Catholic Church. That’s it. Thanks to the comforting reassurances offered by the pope, however, the only call these perishing souls perceive is an invitation to embrace the false premise that their own unity in the one true Church of Christ is already a present reality; the life-giving truth that is Catholic doctrine be damned.
Clearly some of these heretics seem to understand, even if only intuitively, that the pope’s approval is something of value. They’re simply reacting to the fact that he’s freely giving it.
The point of the new, decidedly false, ecumenism practiced since Vatican II, and shifted into high gear by the current pope, has nothing whatsoever to do with seeking conversions; rather, it has everything to do with promoting convergence.
According to the Ark Community website, the group considers itself “convergent” because “We acknowledge, celebrate and combine all the Christian Streams, blending them into ONE unified Christian experience.”
In other words, when it comes to Francumenism, Tony Palmer gets it.
To the KCMC attendees’ credit, under the leadership of Kenneth Copeland himself, they even generously answered the pope’s plea:
“Please pray for me, because I need your prayers. And I will pray for you, I will do it, but I need your prayers. And let us pray to the Lord that He unites us all. Come on, we are brothers.”
(Hopefully, His Holiness understands holy goblin gobbledygook.)
In any event, I conclude with the following question:
I wonder how Pope Francis, the Bishop of Rome who longs for “a poor Church for the poor,” feels about this final video clip?
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