Fr. Gruner on the Consecration of Russia Being Done....

This was sent to me this morning from someone and last night from another person...

"The prophecy as described by Frs. Gruner & Kramer, the third Secret will be revealed after war breaks out (third secret has not yet been revealed), Russia invades Europe, the Pope goes into hiding, gets killed, disaster 2 or 3 years, new Pope elected and does the consecration. According to Ruffini the legitimate successor of Benedict XVI will consecrate Russia. A bad Pope can consecrate Russia, but an Anti-Pope cannot because he is not a Pope."

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Dear Oblates, Friends and Benefactors,

I am writing to warn you about the false consecration that Pope Francis will carry out with many bishops of the world. It will use a formula of «consecration» that has as its purpose the «false peace”, using as a means to obtain it, a «consecration» of the Church, of humanity, and especially of Russia and Ukraine.

To begin with, the formula is ambiguous, it uses at the same level and without distinction, human peace and Divine Peace; human unity merges with Divine unity. The aforementioned consecration for «human unity» mixes this with the true consecration that will not be done, which is what the Blessed Virgin of Fatima has been asking to be done for 93 years, a consecration that implies asking for the separation of Russia from the rest of the world, to deliver it to Divine unity…so that Russia may belong to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! So that through Her it will belong to God, and not to purely human unity! (UN) that Jesus Christ never promised or sought.

This consecration is modernist, blasphemous, lying, hypocritical, and ambiguous. This formula implies that the Blessed Virgin Mary agrees to work for a false ecumenism of religious freedom. It implies that the Blessed Virgin Mary seeks Masonic peace. It implies that the Blessed Virgin Mary identifies with the Pachamama by also applying to Mary Most Holy the title that is applied in Chile to the Pachamama by the Mapuas, from being «Land of Heaven» to «Mother Earth”.

Pope Francis seeks with this «consecration» to align Russia and Ukraine with the «new world order» that seeks «peace», «the dreams of peace of the peoples and the hopes of the young» (Goal of the UN).

In other words, it seeks to consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the service of the new ideologies and the new Abrahamic religion. In the formula is included the word «fraternity» with a Masonic sense, attributing with blasphemy to the Blessed Virgin, Queen, the mission of «showing the peoples the path of fraternity». It is the same «peace» and «fraternity» of the UN to which Francis has asked us to submit on several occasions.

This “consecration”, being humanistic and ecumenical, necessarily seeks to consecrate us NOT to the Living God, but to the universal «god», «to the god of the world», to the god of the new world order, to Satan. In short, this event will be a diabolical prodigy with appearances of a miracle seeking to «deceive even the elect.”

In view of such great enthusiasm, I call on all of you and all Catholics not to join this «consecration.» What we can do in reparation and obedience to the Blessed Virgin and to Our Most Holy Redeemer is to offer fasting, penance, prayer, and mortification this same March 25 in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary for this unspeakable outrage towards their beloved and most sacred Hearts.
Let us make this offer as requested by the Blessed Virgin Mary to the children in Fatima:

«O my Jesus, it is for love of The, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.»

Whatever we do in the day offer it to console the Heart of Mary and repeat throughout the day this ejaculation: «Immaculate Heart of Mary, be the salvation of my soul.» It is the prayer that Jacinta made all the time.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, forgive such an offense, and may she convert our hearts and have mercy on us in the great and imminent punishment announced by the apostasy and prevarication of Catholics who did not want to listen to or obey our Mother of Heaven.

With my Blessing,

Rev. Father Rafael OSB


March 23, 2022

Dear parishioners, friends, and benefactors,

About the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope on March 25th: We never know what to expect from the Pope, except the worst. I hope he is not going to do the consecration in front of the Pachamama statue etc.

In order to help you understand better the issue, I am now giving you some useful information, and the seven and final point will be a short analysis of the text itself of the consecration:

1-Here is a recapitulation of the 4 previous consecrations by Popes to the Immaculate Heart:

2-The Revelation asking for the consecration of Russia came in 1929 at Tuy (Spain):

3-The history of Ukraine has changed many times:
Ukraine, until 1991, was never a political entity, a country, recognized as such by the other countries. It is a geographical region that has been invaded and divided many times. Their first group identity as such was when Olaf (a Viking) conquered Kiev in 882 and created a powerful State, which converted to Christianity in 998 under Prince Wladimir. The State created by Olaf is at the origin of Russia, and was called Kiev Rus. Later on, the region was invaded, conquered, divided in parts, by many countries (Poland, Lithuania, Austria, Russia, etc). In 1918, as a cινιl ωαr was raging in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution, the Ukrainian region declared
independence, but it was not recognized as a country by the international community. In 1921, the Ukrainians were forced by the Communists to become a Republic in the Soviet Union, so a part of the USSR (Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics).

4-Consequence of this on the Consecration:
Therefore, if we want to say that, in 1929, the Blessed Virgin Mary asked also for the consecration of Ukraine, she would have had to have specifically ask for one of three things: 1-The Consecration of the USSR, which included Russia, Ukraine, Kazachstan, Azerbaidjan, Georgia, etc. 2-The Consecration of the old Tsarist Russian Empire (which included Ukraine and other provinces); 3-The Consecration of Russia AND Ukraine. But, in 1929, she only asked for the consecration of Russia! So, the upcoming March 25th Consecration does not correspond to what Our Lady asked for.

5-But maybe what Our Lady said in 1917 and 1929 was a veiled Prophecy?
As we said before, in 1917, when Our Lady said she would come and ask for the consecration of Russia, Ukraine was still a part of the Tsarist Russian Empire, and it had Catholic and Orthodox dioceses full of devotion to Her. When she went to Tuy in 1929, Russia and Ukraine had been separated in two distinct Republics in the Soviet Union since 1921. But maybe she knew that one day Russia and Ukraine would be together as in 1917. Remember that she said that one of the results of the Consecration would be the conversion of Russia. So, maybe she wants us to include Ukraine today, so that, in a few weeks or months, when the consecration will have its
effect, both Ukraine and Russia, now re-united, will be converted. In other words, maybe what she said in 1917 and 1929 was a veiled Prophecy about the re-integration of Ukraine inside Russia and the conversion of both?

6-What about the consecration done "in union with all the bishops of the world"?
In case some of you are not aware of it, on March 18th, the Pope invited all the bishops of the world to unite with him for the consecration of March 25th. Some episcopal Conferences and individual bishops have announced they would. Of course, the question is: Are these bishops really bishops, or even really priests? Given the doubtful nature of the sacraments conferred in the
Conciliar Church (and that includes the "recognized" traditional communities), this is a legitimate question. Would the consecration be valid if these were not truly bishops? Only God could answer that, of course. However, an element of hope is that, maybe, the BVM and God will look only at the jurisdictional aspect of the question, and not at the sacramental aspect. Indeed, even if these
bishops have not received validly the sacrament of Holy Orders, they have been named by the Pope, and therefore they have received the jurisdiction to administer their respective dioceses. So, they are at least bishops in that sense. So maybe this will be enough for a valid consecration? God will decide...

7-Here is a short analysis of the text itself of the March 25th Consecration.
I will let you be the judges of whether or not such a consecration will be pleasing to God...A- LENGTH: Firstly, the text is very long, and this is in keeping with one of the main trademarks of the Conciliar Church: Logorrhea! An outpouring of bla-bla-bla that hides the important elements, so we can swallow the poison without realizing it. 

B- SPIRIT: In keeping with the famous words of Paul VI when closing Vatican II ("The Church, more than anyone else has the Cult of
Man"), the spirit of the prayer is wholly on a natural level. It is not supernatural. It is concerned only with the natural welfare of human beings. The protection of their bodies and the joy of their minds.

C-WHAT IS MISSING: There is no mention of:
1-The Glory of God.
2- Our duty, as creatures, to know, love, and serve Him.
3- The five kinds of sins against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that are causing God's anger against this world.
4- The evil of sins against Faith, Morals, and Worship, by the dissemination of errors by the Conciliar Church and the World (media,
politics, schools, etc).
5- The danger of Eternal Damnation for all those who are dying in this war and have not prepared their souls.
6- The sins of Abomination, that cries to Heaven: abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia, etc.

a-List of sins that provoked the actual crisis:

1- Betrayal against The United Nations Chart: (...)We have disregarded the commitments we made as a community of nations. We have betrayed peoples’ dreams of peace and the hopes of the young. We grew sick with greed, we thought only of our own nations and their interests, we grew indifferent and caught up in our selfish needs and concerns (...).

2-Betrayal against Brotherly Love: (...)We chose to ignore God, to be satisfied with our illusions, to grow arrogant and aggressive, to suppress innocent lives and to stockpile weapons. We stopped being our neighbor’s keepers and stewards of our common home. (...) and by our sins we have broken the heart of our heavenly Father, who desires us to be brothers and sisters. We grew indifferent to everyone and everything except ourselves (...).

3-Betrayal against Ecology: (...): We have ravaged the garden of the earth with war (...).

4-Betrayal against our Humanity: (...) We have forgotten our humanity and squandered the gift of peace. We opened our hearts to violence and destructiveness. (...).

b-The general goal of the consecration:
(...) How greatly we need your maternal help!(...) Amid the thunder of weapons, may your prayer turn our thoughts to peace. May your maternal touch soothe those who suffer and flee from the rain of bombs. (...) Through your intercession, may God’s mercy be poured out on the earth and the gentle rhythm of peace return to mark our days, (...).

c-The specific words of the consecration:
(...) Therefore, Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine. Accept this act that we carry out with confidence and love. Grant that war may end and peace spread throughout the world. (...) To you we consecrate the future of the whole human family, the needs and expectations of every people, the anxieties and hopes of the world.(...) Through your intercession, may God’s mercy be poured out on the earth and the gentle rhythm of peace return to mark our days (...)..


Dear friends,

I have nothing more to say, except that I am not surprised. The Modernist Beast cannot change its nature.

God bless you all,

Fr. Girouard


Personally, I believe that to take part in this Consecration would be a sin against God and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Indeed, the Pope and the bishops who will unite with him in this will basically use the Blessed Virgin Mary to bring the faithful, and all the other people who will see it, into believing that the greatest sins are those against the Global Fraternity of Men and Nations.
The Conciliar Church, like it did in all elements of the Church since the Council, is basically hijacking the Consecration to make it a tool for their globalist agenda. They are using some good parts (Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, in union with the bishops) only in order to make people swallow the poison of the bad parts (all the rest in the Consecration).

Therefore, this consecration is a hypocritical betrayal, an outrage, and a blaspheme against God and the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is not a Consecration TO the Immaculate Heart of Mary, it is rather a Desecration OF the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Conciliarists, Conservatives, "recognized" Congregations, and all those suffering of sentimental blindness, BEWARE! If you participate
in this blasphemous and Globalist betrayal, you will partake of the guilt and punishment. The Virgin Mary has quite a powerful Father, Bride (Holy Ghost), and Son. You really don't want to mess with her!

God bless, Fr. Girouard

Yes, leopards don’t change their spots.

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