Fr. François Murad Beheaded on June 23 2013 in Syria-

VATICAN CITY (Catholic Online) - The Vatican is confirming the death by beheading of Franciscan Father, Francois Murad, who was martyred by Syrian jihadists on June 23.


On Sunday, June 23 the Syrian priest François Murad was killed in Gassanieh, in northern Syria, in the convent of the Custody of the Holy Land where he had taken refuge. This is confirmed by a statement of the Custos of the Holy Land sent to Fides Agency. The circumstances of the death are not fully understood. According to local sources, the monastery where Fr. Murad was staying was attacked by militants linked to the jihadi group Jabhat al-Nusra.

This should make it clear to Christians around the world what jihadists are about. Make no mistake. Catholics and Christians around the globe are under dire threat, particularly from the spread of militant Islam. Until the threat is recognized and taken seriously, martyrdoms like this will continue.

It is essential to now that these jihadists receive support from the Western countries, especially from the U.S. and the E.U. The jihadists are fighting against the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad who defends the Christians and who is supported by the Christians.

The video is extremely graphic. We believe the first victim is Father Francois, and the second victim that is depicted is another person said to be a collaborator with the Assad regime.

The video CLEARLY depicts the beheadings of these victims. DO NOT follow the link unless you are over the age of 18, and are prepared to view content of this nature.



There is much news regarding the story of a Franciscan priest being beheaded by Muslims in Syria on June 23.

It appears the story may not have been quite accurate. I had originally heard via Asia News that the beheading report may have been mistaken. Now, according to this July 2 CNN interview with a “Custody of the Holy Land” Franciscan, poor Father Maurad was killed on June 23, but it appears he was shot by guerrillas, not beheaded. As I think you know, the Franciscans at “Custody of the Holy Land” would be in a position to give accurate information about such an occurence.

A video circulated of three people being beheaded by Islamists (which I refused to watch), and supposedly Father Maurad was one of them, now this appears not to be the case. The Muslims gathered for the beheading, and some filmed and photographed it as if it were a sporting event.

Meanwhile, today's Vatican prepares to 'canonize' John Paul II who famously said on March 21, 2000: "May St. John the Baptist protect Islam". Galloping Madness. Oremus!

JV {John Vennari}

11:58 AM ET
CNN exclusive: Catholic monk not beheaded by Syrian rebels, friar says
By Mohammed Jamjoom and Daniel Burke, CNN
[story contains video interview]

Jerusalem (CNN) – A Catholic monk was not among the men beheaded in a gruesome video circulating online, a friar who oversees Franciscans in the Middle East told CNN in an exclusive interview.

Father Franҫois Mourad, a Syrian, was shot eight times and killed June 23 at a Catholic monastery in Gassanieh, said Friar Pierbattista Pizzaballa, head of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land.

Mourad was buried the same day in a nearby village, the friar said.

A nine-minute video, which appears to have been shot with a handheld device, shows three men being beheaded on a grassy hill while a crowd shouts, “Allahu Akbar!” – Arabic for God is great. It is not clear where or when the video was shot.

A number of Catholic websites in the United States have posted the video online, saying that Mourad was among the three beheaded men.

“I deny this vigorously," Pizzaballa said. "He has nothing to do with this video and with (these) three poor persons."

Pizzaballa said he had seen the video, which he called “shameful.”

In a statement Friday, the Custody of the Holy Land also denied media reports that three friars had been killed in Syria recently.

Headquartered in Jerusalem, the Custody includes about 285 Franciscan friars and covers Israel, the Palestinian territories, Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

Pizzaballa said that Mourad sought refuge at Gassanieh because it was considered to be safe from Syria’s bloody civil war, which has claimed more than 93,000 lives, according to the United Nations.

The Vatican has not commented on the video and referred questions to Pizzaballa.

A June 25 report from Vatican Radio – the church’s official broadcast – said that Mourad was killed during a raid on the Franciscan monastery of St. Anthony of Padua in Gassanieh, a predominantly Christian village near the Turkish border.

Mourad was well-known in the region, according to the Franciscans. He completed his novitiate in Rome as a Franciscan of the Custody and moved to Syria, where he was a citizen, to live a contemplative life as a hermit. As the war wore on, Mourad sought refuge at the monastery.

Several Franciscans, four nuns and 10 Christians also lived at the monastery, which was considered safe until the raid, according to Pizzaballa.

“When (Father) Franҫois tried to oppose resistance to defend the nuns and other people, the guerrillas shot him, killing him,” according the Vatican Radio report.

Most of the Gassanieh's Christian population has fled, Pizzaballa told Vatican Radio, after weeks of assaults by Syrian rebels.

“Mourad was just one of the many men and women religious putting their faith on the front line in Syria, refusing to abandon the communities they serve, Christian and Muslim," Vatican Radio said.

"They stay because they want to be a sign of hope, light and comfort to people in the midst of destruction."

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Yes he would still be a martyr, he just died in a way that was not beheading, but he was killed nevertheless because he was a Catholic.

I second your prayer + God have mercy on us all.  May Father Murad remember us in Heaven.

I viewed this video as much as I could...I think it was Fr. Francois, based on the brown robe/cassock that was

beheaded.  What brought much pain to my gut and spirit was the animalistic chant and mad, passionate glee

the men were exhibiting and while this was happening.  Demonic....Satan .....  Think of all the Franciscans who

were martyred in these lands and in the Islamic world over time.  The Holy Father has picked quite a name for

himself, and there is much behind this choice other than help the poor, etc.  St. Francis was not  "lawn ornament"

or "bird feeder", nor a soft environmentalist.  He tried to convert the Islamic peoples and so did his followers.  There are many martyrs in the Franciscan order.  This is no surprise here.  


I think the other priest who is speaking in the above video, is trying to "downplay" the brutality of Fr.'s murder, by saying he was shot, not beheaded.  Knowing this is SOP among the heathen there, he doesn't want more beheadings/murders among Christians/Catholics.   The truth must be told and shown.....or else it will all be for not.  We must be strong.


St. Francois Mourad, pray for us.  Help us to persevere in our Faith and not fear death.

You know its ironic you would say that Susan.  The thought crossed my mind that this was an attempt to downplay the beheading.  The only thing throwing me off is the monks of the monastery are adamant that this was not Father Murad.  I'm a little lost what to think here except if the monks are saying it is not Father and it is maybe it is because they fear more beheadings?   I don't brain is scrambled with this.  According to those who saw the video, (I did not, nor can I bring myself to) they say what you say, it looks like Fr Murad.

I used to be a police dispatcher, in another life....and I was privy to pretty explicit reports, pictures, videos, etc.  And I used to talk people out of shooting themselves and others.....I thought I had a strong stomach.  But what got me was that this priest was dying for THE FAITH---in 2013!   

All the stories of the martyrs we read in the Roman Martyrology,  saints books.....can only create a picture in your imagination.....but when you see it happening for real, on a video--with all the "ambiance" around it makes my skin crawl.   It made me weak in the knees and gut.  What the early martyrs must have seen and suffered because the descriptions of their deaths were so much more gruesome than Fr. Mourad's  (if it was only told, not videoed)! 


I don't normally suggest watching such things, because I think watching  violence desensitizes

one to violence.  I haven't even watched the "Passion of the Christ" but only twice.  I don't want the meaning and message of Our Lord's sacrifice  to be lost in the visual.  But I think God fearing Catholics  NEED to see this....because it brings it home for us.   This is what our Faith is about...dying for Christ if need be.  The bigger question that is the elephant in the room, is "Do we all who remain here on Earth,  have (or will have) the same fortitude and courage as this priest did?"  We talk big, but if it were ever to happen here, do we have the guts to walk our talk.    That is what I'm praying for......that I can if I have to...... 


I don't think most Catholics are eager be martyred, if they honestly ask themselves.  But I pray for the grace and for the strength to keep my head and heart if it ever came to that.

May your prayer ascend from your lips to God's ears for us all Susan.  Amen+

In that context I have asked the Holy Ghost that if this is to be my lot, martyrdom, and He knows I would fail Him due to fear, that He take me early because I would rather die than fail Him out of fear.  If by His grace I will not fail Him and this is to be lot than God's will be done.

Also in that context, when the brothers and Fathers of Orkney Island put out the Spiritual Last Will and Testament of John Shakespeare I made a copy and initialed it on each paragraph and offered it as a prayer just in case.  May none of us ever falter from fear.  There is a fate much worse than death and that is of course the loss of God.  But no one who gives themselves to Mary, wholly and entirely will be lost.  They'll have to fight her to end in a bad way and I suspect they would still lose :)

Here is the link to the Spiritual testament HERE

God Bless You, DM!


I copied this for myself. 

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