I found this on the St. Thomas Becket website, today. I don't know how accurate the following is but
prayers are needed.
This website has been made aware that Father Daniel Cooper-SSPX - who served as Prior at Saint Thomas Becket for many years, is losing his battle with cancer, and has only a matter of days before God calls him. Your prayers are requested, not so much that he be miraculously cured, though that would be a good thing to pray for indeed, but also please beg God and His Blessed Mother that he be granted the Grace of Final Perseverance and that he be allowed to pass from this life in the state of Sanctifying Grace.
Views: 229
Will keep Fr. Cooper in my prayers.
3x Ave. Amen.
My husband and I will add some prayers for Fr. Cooper. May the Lord give him strength and grace.
Daily Memorare for Fr. Cooper.
St. Joseph, Foster-Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, intercede for Fr. Cooper. Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, comfort and strengthen him and take him to your Beloved Son. Amen.
May dear St Joseph Patron Saint of the dying come to Father Cooper's aid.
Hello All:
My name is Don Hollingworth and I am a long time parishioner of Queen of Angels in Dickinson, Texas. The above information is not quite correct. While it is true that Farther Cooper's cancer has returned much sooner than expected, he is doing much better than noted above. He is currently still able to say mass, hear confessions, etc., although he does move a little slower than he used to. He is a courageous fighter and will continue to be so until Our Lord Jesus Christ call him home.
He is undergoing treatment at St. Luke's Hospital in the Medical Center in Houston and, as usual in cases such as this, has his good days and his bad days. He is indeed suffering however he carries his daily crosses with patience, perseverance and a smile on his face.
If you know him, you know he is very devoted to Our Lady, so please say a few Hail Mary's for him if you can. I know that Our Lady, Queen of Angels, will deliver them personally and hold him in Her Arms.
Don Hollingsworth
Thank you Mr. Hollingsworth, for your update on Fr. Cooper! As sources go, they are not always accurate. Please keep us updated on Father's condition and please let him know that many many people here at the the Crusader site and abroad are praying for him.
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