Churchmen make war on Fatima – all in vain.
Satan will be defeated, once again.
Last week these “Comments” argued that if only Church and world had heeded Our Lady’s great message given through the three children of Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, then the world could have been spared the material disaster of World War II, and the Church might have avoided the much greater spiritual disaster of the Second Vatican Council. But in 1960, which was the year when, at the latest, Our Lady wished the third part of the Secret given to the children in 1917 to be revealed, instead the churchmen locked it away, most likely because it condemned in advance the disastrous Council on which their hearts were set. And ever since, the same Conciliar churchmen have made war on Fatima, to stop it from condemning them.
Yet faithful Catholics knew of the existence of the “Third Secret” and wanted to know what it said. Over the next 40 years a few details of its contents leaked out here and there, and, especially thanks to the labours of Fr Nicholas Gruner, pressure built up for its publication. That is why in 2000 the churchmen in Rome made a special effort to bury Fatima once and for all. As head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Cardinal Ratzinger published a text which he claimed was the Third Secret of Fatima. Alas, Fatima experts immediately saw serious differences between the Cardinal’s text and what was known of the true Third Secret, awaited since 1960. They suspected that the true Third Secret was still locked away inside the Vatican.
What confirmed this suspicion was the fact that later in the same year 2000, the Cardinal himself told a personal friend (and a saintly priest), Dr Ingo Dollinger, that “What we published was not the whole Secret. We acted under orders.” Over the next many years, Dr Dollinger told the story of the Cardinal’s admission for many priests, seminarians and lay-folk to hear. Most recently, he confirmed the story once more, and gave permission for it to be published on May 16, 2016. But the truth about the Third Secret could not be allowed to get out. See Within days (May 21), the Vatican released a Press Statement that quoted Benedict XVI, the former Cardinal Ratzinger, as saying that he had never spoken to Dr Dollinger about Fatima, and that the entire Third Secret had been made public! Obviously, Conciliar Rome will go to any lengths to stifle Fatima, but Fatima will not be stifled.
At on the Internet, see details of an interview given in 2011 by the famous exorcist of Rome (but no Conciliarist), Fr Gabriel Amorth, who wanted the interview to be made public only after his death – he died last year. Fr Amorth knew Padre Pio for 26 years, and the interviewer asked Fr Amorth if, in a conversation held with Padre Pio in about 1960, Padre Pio connected the Third Secret to the loss of faith in the Church. Padre Pio replied very sorrowfully: “You know, Gabriele?It is Satan who has been introduced into the bosom of the Church and within a very short time will come to rule a false Church.”
More recently still, it is the brave Cardinal Burke who is entering the fray on behalf of Our Lady of Fatima. He is one of the four Cardinals who earlier this year raised serious objections to the papal document, Amoris Laetitia, on marriage and family. On May 19 in Rome he appealed at a meeting of Roman Life Forum for Catholics to “work for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.” He admitted that John-Paul II had made such a consecration of the world in 1984, but “once again we hear the call of Our Lady of Fatima to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, in accord with her explicit instruction.” The Cardinal is quite right. May he at least never be obliged to swallow his words!
Kyrie eleison.
Fatima Crucial – II - His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson
Views: 442
This is a crucial EC. and it is excellent. The only part I don't understand is the last sentence. Anyone?
May he at least never be obliged to swallow his words!
I think that Bishop Williamson is referring to Cardinal Burke not backing down from his call for a true and proper consecration.
Ok thank you. I thought that might be what he meant.
Michael said:
I think that Bishop Williamson is referring to Cardinal Burke not backing down from his call for a true and proper consecration.
Yes he is aware of it. What can you say? So many of these men like Card. Burke are infected with the double think of modernism. Very sad.
Keith said:
I think that there may be the idea that Cardinal Burke has in the past put forth the notion that JPII had made the consecration, and that it was accepted. Now he is asking for it. Maybe Bishop Williamson is aware of that?
I spoke to Cardinal Burke yesterday. He did not seem to understand the roots of the SSPX. He mistook the "disobedience" of the consecrations in 1988, with an act of schism. He said that the SSPX was schismatic and that Bp Fellay agreed with him - I was shocked by this reply but then I wondered if he had mistaken" irregular" (which anyone in the SSPX might have agreed to) with schismatic... then I thought that I had just gotten it wrong. It whizzed through my mind that I did not have the time or intelligence to clarify what his thoughts were or indeed articulate my own thoughts on the topic succinctly enough so I did not pursue that conversation.
I asked him what a mother should do given the choice between taking Mass and guidance from a diocesan priest who taught heresy, or an SSPX priest - He insisted that he could not encourage me in schism. It seems to me that the battle in the trenches is much clearer than the battle that important people have - the message to lay people, is simple - when your faith or the faith of your children is in danger - "get the frell outta there!"
I spoke to another benedictine priest whose ancestors were related in some way to St. David Lewis (who attended the Bp Williamson doctrinal conferences). Fr was absolutely insistent that Bp George Stack had the authority to ban the Sunday TLM in Merthyr, South Wales (authorised by Pius V in 1570 and then Motu Proprio 2007,) but when the bishop is disobedient to the Pope do you still obey the bishop?!?!? Monty frell where is the common sense?!?!
I'll take the authority of a convert husband and my duty of state (including wretched ironing piles and raking through secular A Level History curriculums) and hope that Our Lady can lead me to heaven. Please, please pray for me and my family.
Regarding the acceptance of JPII's consecration - When that point was made at the Fatima Conference yesterday (available on EWTNGB facebook)the response was that it was accepted in the sense that the Pius XII consecration was accepted on October 31st, 1942 (an anniversary of Martin Luther pinning the 95 theses to church door of Wittenberg Castle Church in 1517?) and the War was shortened...mmmm #Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.
Keith said:
I think that there may be the idea that Cardinal Burke has in the past put forth the notion that JPII had made the consecration, and that it was accepted. Now he is asking for it. Maybe Bishop Williamson is aware of that?
How in Heavens name did you talk to Cardinal Burke?
The power of live streaming EWTN TV to alter the opinions of very sensible and clever men is stunning....
Correct me if I remember wrongly, but Fr Hunnwicke said that despite many objections to Amoris Laetitia (not forgetting that he signed the Fililal Conrrection) that it said many good things, including the message of repentance...the thing I always keep in mind is that the books of the Bible were chosen from other books that contained some truth (Gospel of St Thomas for example) because they were free from error. We need true teaching not a bowl of soup containing "just a little poison"
I think what is happening is not religious, but political. It is political triangulation. Bp. Fellay desires to take the SSPX back to Rome. Rome wants all of the SSPX, not half, or 3/4s. Cdl Burke has a good reputation among conservative and traditional Catholics. He is the loyal opposition to Francis. His words or threat of schism were settled years ago, by Cdl Castrillon, and the then Cdl Ratzinger before him. The words they used were irregular communion. Cdl Burke uses this as a way to drive the sheep who are on the fence. You are schismatic...Bp Fellay agrees...come back to Rome. Francis will take you as you are...for now. This for me looks a lot like political theatre, or professional wrestling. All bluff and threats for the cameras. With the behavior of the modernist prelates, how does one know if they have the force and authority of their office. Just a question. What as a layman, I can do is to the best of my ability to stay with what has been handed down, go to the Tridentine Mass offered by valid priests, and follow the traditional precepts of the Church. I am not a sedevacantist, but I do have serious concerns about the direction of this pope and the curia. They are openly teaching against the teachings of Christ. They embrace an arch heretic in Martin Luther. It is folly to think you can convert them from inside. I believe AB Lefebvre understood this. The modernists want to conquer tradition because it reflects back to them their error. It is not about a big tent, but a trap, compromise, and capitulation.
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