Communiqué du District de France
Suresnes, le 21avril 2014
Chers fidèles,
Après en avoir informé mes confrères ce Mercredi Saint 2014, je vous fais part de l'essai de vie religieuse que je commencerai le 30 novembre 2014 au couvent Saint-Antoine à Aurenque, près de Auch, où j'entrerai comme postulant.
J'avais déjà fait la demande de passer une année à Morgon en 2001, mais j'ai été nommé comme Supérieur du district de France le 15 août 2002.
J'achève donc le second des deux mandats dont m'a chargé notre Supérieur Général que je remercie de sa confiance.
En janvier 2014, j'ai renouvelé ma demande auprès de Mgr Fellay qui m'a donné son accord.
Le père Antoine, de son côté, veut bien me recevoir comme postulant.
En vous remerciant de vos prières, chers fidèles, je vous assure des miennes à vos intentions qui continueront, quant à elles, bien au-delà du quinze août.
Je vous prie de bien vouloir agréer, chers fidèles, l'expression de mon dévouement sacerdotal dans le Cœur Douloureux et Immaculé de Marie.
Abbé Régis de Cacqueray, Supérieur du District de France
More and more of the good, sound, holy priests continue to leave the SSPX.
Prayers will continue for Fr. De Cacqueray. May he know what is the will of God and may God's will be accomplished in his life, whatever that may be or where ever that may be.
This is yet another major blow to the Society. However Fr. De Cacqueray is become only one of a long list of excellent priests finding the nearest exit.
Sad news indeed, very sad news.
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What in the world is going on with the Society???
I suppose I should post Bp. Fellay's most recent interview wherein he makes it absolutely certain we must go back to an unconverted Rome. I have managed to keep such news off of here because of the division that it causes but maybe since things are heading so much so in that direction it would be a good idea to post it here for knowledge sake.
Thanks, Dawn, I would like to read that interview. Could you post the link?
From your lips to God's ears Matthew. I'm grateful to know you have good Catholic common sense.
The answer of course is, no, the Society can not be placed safely in the hands of Francis and in turn what would amount to all conciliar bishops. It is a death wish.
I pray that the SSPX wakes up from this disorientation before it is too late.
Matthew Joseph Michael Gendzwill said:
"Can we imagine these things being done immediately?" Obviously not. The question is put in order to show that generations have been malformed and have lost the sense of faith of those encyclicals. But for Francis there is no returning. Just today I read that he telephoned a couple who are in a civil union and said to them that it would be "ok" for them to receive communion. And Kasper and his crowd are cool with that. Can the faith be put into the hands of this......Pope(?) As soon as possible? I pray that the Society of Saint Pius X can hang together through this pontificate, maybe elect another superior and, who knows, succeed in another consecration of Bishop(s).
It is tempting to think maybe Bp. Fellay's idea of coming under an unconverted Rome is right, maybe he can convert the apostates and heretics...?
But when one looks closer one sees this idea crumbles into dust.
The great apostasy in the Church coming to fruition with the Second Vatican Council and the warnings and requests of Fatima. They are inseparable.Our Lady was clear, "Only I can help you now". Not man. She was clear what would be the lot for the world and the Church should her requests go unheeded and we are living that terrible day. We have at the head of the Church, Francis who seeks to destroy and pervert anything which bears even the remotest resemblance to Catholicism, especially Traditional Catholicism. He is putting the Church in the hands of men even sicker in modernism and apostasy then those who preceded them.
Fr. Pfluger back in 2012 made it perfectly clear that to wait for the Mother of God to do something to convert Rome was a "fairytale" and not something realistic.
According to him, essentially praying the rosary en masse for the consecration of Russia, which is also to imply the conversion of Rome, or at least the beginning of the conversion of Rome, as it would be impossible to have one without the other was a waste of time.
His thinking, the Society must enter Rome and do it themselves.
When one does their homework or if one has lived through the last 20 plus years of Tradition it is easy to see what has happened to every single traditional entity who believed they would accomplish Rome's conversion OR that Rome would take care of them should they come under Rome's umbrella.
Every single one without exception was stripped in one way or another of their Traditional garments and eventually many succumbed to the modernist mentality and gave up Tradition altogether. In other words it was not the Traditional order who converted Rome it was Rome who converted the Traditional Orders OR silenced them.
When I asked one who works at the District House of the SSPX why they believed they would accomplish that which was clear could not be accomplished, namely converting Rome from the inside, the answer I was given was this---"We are bigger than the other orders who tried AND we are standing on Doctrine".
Bigger means nothing and Doctrine has been set aside in order to reach an agreement with Rome as is said in the article published by the SSPX posted here.
It has been said that anyone who disagrees with Bp. Fellay on this matter is a rebel. That is not true, people must use common sense, they can't be expected to jump off a cliff simply because someone else says so. I pray we are saved from this disorientation before it is to late. And that day may be fast approaching.
Beverly Estes thanks you are very right we must all pull to together
Bp. Williamson sinned by a grave disobedience? That's rich.
Sigh...since there will always be people who think going under an unconverted Rome is just fine and see nothing wrong with that, there will always be a divide in the SSPX so long as Bp. Fellay stays on this new course of reconciling with an unconverted Rome.
For the sake of peace amongst us, I'm closing this discussion.
Coming under an unconverted Rome is wrong by all accounts. Just ask any of the other 9 Traditional orders who did or even those like the Franciscans of the Immaculata or the priests of the Good Shepherd Institute who left the SSPX to sign with Rome. Ask them how they converted Rome from within. No what you'll find is Francis beating them into dust as well as those in Rome.
Bp. Fellay just gave a talk on the 26th of April in Virginia. He stated that we may have to make some compromises in order to make an agreement, but for now we are being "tolerated" by Rome.
You don't compromise with heretics and ask them to accept you and come under them. We have not left Rome now or ever, sadly Rome has left Eternal Rome. THEY must come back so that we can begin to work to restore the Church WITH them when they do. NOT before.
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