False Prophets 2020

“But there were false prophets also among the people, just as among you there will be lying teachers who will bring in destructive sects. They even disown the Lord Who bought them, thus bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” (2 Pet. 2: 1)


From the time of Our Lord Jesus Christ, there have indeed been false prophets. The true message of Fatima has been confused, obscured, and devalued by the many false prophecies that have deluged it, and the many false prophets today who pose as true and traditional Catholics but instead seek to use the message for their own profit. The following post is several years old and draws on the writings of Volume III of Frere Michel’s “The Whole Truth About Fatima”.. There is really no way to understand the scope and seriousness of today’s apostasy unless the Message of Fatima is grasped in its entirety. I regret my inability to repost the entire series I wrote regarding this, but will try, as I am able, to repost the most useful.



Do we not know that the manifestation of the Impious or wicked one spoken of by the Apostle will be tied to the apostasy as its final development, before the final triumph and arrival of Christ Jesus? “And then the wicked one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath of His mouth and the brightness of His coming.” (2 Thess. 2: 8) But does not the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary have to prepare and immediately precede that of Her Son?

If this is so, do not the great apostasy and the revelation of the Impious one have to precede, in turn, the “final triumph” of the Immaculate Heart of Mary announced by the conclusion of the Secret? In the unfolding of the prophecies, the events predicted by Saint Paul seem to correspond to the same “intermediate period” as the one directly touched on by Our Lady’s third Secret.

We know that on July 6, 1851, Mélanie, the seer of La Salette, when writing down her secret so as to pass it on to Pope Pius IX, “asked the meaning of the word “infallibly”, and the correct spelling of the words ‘polluted city’, and ‘antichrist’.“


What we also know with sure knowledge, because it is an unquestionable fact, is the frightful progress made by impiety in our modern society. It is not an illusion to say that no period of the world’s history has seen this impiety, denounced by Saint Paul, pushed to such a point.

At the dawn of the century, Saint Pius X, in his inaugural encyclical, E supremi apostolatus cathedra, made this observation, seized with fright. The apostolic office frightened him, he avowed, precisely for this reason:

We felt a sort of terror, considering the disastrous conditions of humanity at the present hour. Can we ignore such a profound and grave evil, which at this moment much more than in the past, is working away at its very marrow and leading it to its ruin? You know what this malady is, Venerable Brethren, it is the abandoning of God and apostasy from Him; and without any doubt, nothing leads more surely to ruin, according to these words of the prophet: “Those who depart far from You perish.(Ps. 72: 27)

“We understood that it belonged to Us, in virtue of the pontifical office entrusted to Us, to provide a remedy for such a great evil. We believed that this order of God was addressed to Us: ‘Behold, today I set you over nations and kingdoms, to tear down and destroy, to build up and to plant.’ ” (Jer. 1: 10) Further on, he denounces “the impious war which has been stirred up, and which continues almost everywhere, against God…”


What is the remedy?

“It is necessary, by every means, and at the price of any effort, to uproot entirely this monstrous and detestable iniquity proper to the times we are living in, and through which man substitutes himself for God.”



And Saint Pius X, referring to the text we have just commented on, goes so far as to state that the Apostle’s prophecy has perhaps begun being fulfilled in our century:

“Truly, whoever ponders these things must necessarily and firmly fear whether such a perversion of minds is not the sign announcing, and the beginning of the last times, and that the Son of Perdition spoken of by the Apostle (2 Thess. 2: 3) might already be living on this earth. So great is the audacity and so great the rage with which religion is mocked everywhere, and the dogmas of the faith are fought against, there is a stubborn effort to completely suppress man’s duties towards God!

“Now this, according to the same Apostle, is the character proper to Antichrist; man, with unspeakable temerity, has usurped the place of the Creator, lifting himself above everything that bears the name of God. It has reached such a point that, being powerless to completely extinguish in himself the notion of God, he nevertheless shakes off the yoke of His Majesty, and dedicates the visible world to himself in the guise of the temple, where he pretends to receive the adoration of his own kind… “He sits in the temple of God, and gives himself out as if he were God” (2 Thess. 2: 4).”

Saint Pius X gave this frightening diagnosis of the situation of the world on October 4, 1903. Who could dispute that since this date, the same evils he denounced then have only grown, and in gigantic proportions? What would he say today, when the atheistic, satanic Bolshevik Revolution is little by little extending to the entire planet… with the active complicity of so many leaders of the Church? [Frère Michel wrote this in the early 1980’s and now we can even more clearly see how dire the situation has become. We shall soon see the extension of this dark power to its maximum within the Church, providing the Synod fulfills its planned agenda.]

Editor: What would he say when the most scandalous immorality, that is, same-sex unions, are endorsed by the man who claims to be the Vicar of Christ on earth?  When abortion and palliative care/euthanasia are legally established and encouraged in once-Catholic nations themselves?  What would he say, now that neo-modernism, the “synthesis of all heresies”, manifests itself openly and enjoys the favour, or benevolent tolerance, of all the Pastors? In eighty-five years, [Now, in 2019, 116 years!] the evil has grown beyond measure and penetrated the very heart of the Church; it has reached its highest summit under this destructive papacy.

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[Below, Frère Michel demonstrates how eloquently Pope Paul VI, in his closing speech for the Second Vatican Council, expressed the program of the enthroned enemy, of which  Saint Pius X had warned.]

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One  text alone is sufficient to show the immense distance covered, in falling into the abyss of apostasy. It is the discourse of Pope Paul VI on December 7, 1965, for the closing of the Council. It is impossible to reread these words, pronounced on such a solemn occasion, without pointing out the resemblances that impose themselves – both with the prophecy of the Apostle, as well as the interpretation clearly inspired by the Spirit given to us by Pius X, the saintly Pope of the twentieth century. Here is the essential passage, but the discourse is completely in the same vein:

“The Church of the Council, it is true… has been very much occupied with man, with man such as he proposes himself in reality to our time: living man, man completely occupied with himself, man who makes himself not only the centre of everything that interests him, but who dares to proclaim himself the principle and ultimate reason of all reality. This whole phenomenal man, that is, clothed with his innumerable appearances, has been placed before the assembly of Council Fathers…”

“Secularizing and profane humanism has appeared finally in its terrible stature, and has, in a certain sense, defied the Council. The religion of God Who became man has encountered the religion (for it is one) of man who makes himself God.”

“What happened? A clash, a battle, an anathema? This could have happened; but it did not take place. The old story of the Samaritan has been the model of the Council’s spirituality. An unlimited sympathy (sic) has pervaded it completely. The discovery of human needs (and they are all the greater, to the degree that the son of the earth [sic] makes himself greater) has absorbed our Synod’s attention. Recognize for it at least this merit, you modern humanists, who deny the transcendence of the highest things, and recognize our new humanism: we too, we more than anybody, have the cult of man.” (Pope Paul VI, Closing Speech at Vatican II, Dec. 7, 1965)

“Secularizing and profane humanism”, the “religion of man who makes himself God”, this is undoubtedly the Marxist religion – for it is a religion – and even more, the Masonic religion. But according to Saint Paul, and according to the entire, unanimous Catholic tradition up to Saint Pius X, up to Pius XII,  this is precisely the religion of the Impious one, the religion of Antichrist.

Editor: [And note too, regarding Paul VI’s quote above, the following quote from Apocalypse 13, 11: “And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.” In this prophecy, “the earth” refers to the Church. Thus, Pope Paul refers to the work of Lucifer within the Church at the top.]

Well, now! Towards this open, shameless Impiety, the supreme sin which Saint Paul abominates because it is satanic in its very essence, because it is the sin of the “Son of perdition”, who provokes God’s just wrath and merits eternal damnation – faced with “this monstrous and detestable iniquity proper to the times we are living in, and through which man substitutes himself for God”, as Saint Pius X said – the Council felt no animosity, Pope Paul VI declares to us. On the contrary, before this “son of the earth”, this “modern humanist” who today makes himself “greater” than ever in his open revolt against God, “an unlimited sympathy has pervaded the entire Council”.

For the first time, between the Ministers of God and the children of Belial, between the Vicar of Christ and the henchmen of the Adversary, there was neither a clash, nor a battle, nor an anathema. No, “a current of affection and admiration has overflowed from the Council over the modern human world”.  It is hardly necessary to make it clear that neither Jesus, Who “is Love” (1 Jn. 4: 8), nor Saint John His Evangelist, nor Saint Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles, had ever thought of interpreting “the old story [sic] of the Samaritan” (in the words of PaulVI) this way. This new exegesis confuses the victim – “the man who fell among robbers” and was left by them “half dead”, over whom the “Good Samaritan”, Jesus Himself, lovingly bends – with the murderers, the “lawless men” which here mean Satan and his henchmen. [Note the correspondence between Pope Paul and Pope Francis. And also see our post on Pope Francis and Judas.]

Is not this fallacious exegesis, instead, one of the “lying prodigies” of which Saint Paul speaks to the Thessalonians? And one wonders: by what “misleading influence, that they may believe falsehood” (2 Thess. 2: 11-12), not a single one of the 2,400 bishops present dared to denounce, immediately, the Impiety of such statements?

[Here I must add for the sake of clarity, that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre did, as history has now shown, make the correct judgement on Paul VI and the Second Vatican Council, but it is true that he did not do so immediately, as such a move was not to be taken lightly.]

One shudders to think that Pope Paul VI pronounced this impious discourse, where he dared to proclaim openly his own “cult of man”, seated on his throne at Saint Peter’s, at Rome itself. This was perhaps, foretold by St. Louis de Montfort.


Has not the hour come to recite once more, with Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, his prophetic “Prière embrasée”, beseeching God to intervene to save “His Church, so weakened and so soiled by the crimes of its children”, to extinguish the raging fire of apostasy, which is in the process of devouring it:

Prayer of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort

Tempus faciendi, Domine, dissipaverunt legem tuam: it is time, Lord, to do what You have promised to do. Your Divine Law is transgressed, Your Gospel is abandoned, the torrents of iniquity flood the entire world, and even carry away Your servants, the whole earth is desolate, Impiety is on the throne, your Sanctuary has been profaned and the Abomination is even in the Holy Place (Dan. 9: 27; Mt. 24: 15). Oh, permit me to shout everywhere: Fire, fire, fire! Help, help, help! Fire in God’s house, fire in souls, fire even in the Sanctuary!

Is it not this same prophetic warning, this same vehement appeal which the Immaculate Virgin Herself came to give the Church, in the triple Secret of July 13, 1917?

  • “Fire in souls”: this is the first part of the Secret, the vision of hell.
  • “Fire in God’s house”: this is Christendom threatened by the Bolshevik conflagration, [that is, the spread of the errors of Russia].
  • “Fire in the Sanctuary”: this is the devastating apostasy, which has reached even the summit of the Church.It is the prophecy of the Third Secret.

[End of quote from Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité.]

In an earlier post, we discussed the “Fallen Star” prophesied in Apocalypse 9, 1-2.

“And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet, and I saw a star fall from heaven upon the earth, and there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit.”

Clearly Paul VI served the agenda of antichrist, and today we see his successor, Francis, in a similar light, relentlessly advancing the same agenda, which is now reaching its culmination. We have also, in earlier posts, argued that Francis I is likely the Second Beast, the Beast from the Earth or as Paul VI said, “Son of the Earth”.

We have also indicated, in a previous post , “The Smoke of Satan, an Apostate Pope and the Message of Fatima“, that on the 50 year anniversary of the preliminary enthronement, the complete enthronement most likely occurred in June, 2013, once Bergoglio had ascended to the papacy, thus granting the antichristic powers complete control over the Church. For the moment, it seems as though they have won.

We offer also our earlier post on  St. Hildegard’s Beast prophecies.

Please forgive me but once again I must stress the importance of living the message of Fatima. Rosary. Scapular. Consecration. Sacrificial spirit in all our daily duties and First Saturdays of Reparation. Avoiding the comfortable sins of everyday life that permeate our surroundings, the narcissism of social media. Root out all the little deceits so commonplace in our “modern” lives. With every heart beat, every breath, love for Our Lady. Love for Our dear Lord Jesus Christ. Reparative love. Sacrificial love.

Keep always in mind that we are only Mary’s children insofar as we are able to proclaim with our most Blessed Mother, “My soul doth magnify the Lord!” And yet, how can we say that? How can we “magnify the Lord”?

Mary’s soul, so pure and unblemished, radiated back God’s love with which she was so filled. You see she radiated the very essence of God, Who is love. Now Satan radiates hatred as do those who serve him. Hatred and deceit and murder are his trademarks and you see them multiplied in millions of lost souls around you. Look at the hatred, the vulgarity, the deceit and rotten death permeating so much of society, particularly this Bergoglian version of the church. This absolute necessity of our sacrificial spirit is precisely for the sake of love. Surely you know that She – the Mother of Fair Love – will triumph through love! As Saint John of the Cross reminds us, “Where there is not love, put in love and you will draw out love”. And, “In the evening of life, learn to love as God loves.”

And here’s the thing. Many will be tempted to think they were misled. We are so used to instant gratification today that if we do not see the east coast of the United States washed away in a tsunami, or an immediate muslim takeover of Rome, we will think our penance in vain. Penance is never in vain. I hope we have documented that it is the will of Our Lady – and more, it is the will of God – that we do this, whether or not we see any results at all. But I do firmly believe that we will see results fairly soon now. For we are told by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself,  “As in the days of Noah …”

Thank you  for reading. I hope to be able to make a final summary to bring things up to date a little more clearly, but at present am not sure that I can within this time frame.

The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 1

The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 2

The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 3


This post was originally from 2018 and has been updated (more or less) for reposting in 2020.

 Remember – Our Lady needs us to obey:  First Saturdays of Reparation, daily rosary, at least 5 mysteries, wear her brown scapular and live your Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, offering daily duties in reparation and for the conversion of poor sinners.

†  Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
†  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! Viva Cristo Rey!
†  St. Joseph, protect us, protect our families, protect our priests.
†  St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

~ by evensong for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King.
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin! Give me strength against thine enemies!

False Prophets 2020 ~ Return to Fatima

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Scary stuff.

Wow, thanks for sharing! Very interesting. 

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