Views: 45
Hmmm, just like Our Lady predicted. It would be fatal...and time has proven her right.
"Probably there will be only a whimper of protest, as the SSPX faithful are being all the time more and more sweetly misled into believing in the “renewed” Catholicism of Vatican II."
I don't think this will even happen. They are trapped and already have Bishop Huonder overseeing them in Econe on behalf of Rome. The poor faithful fleeing the Novey Ordey will be very happy to see the SSPX come under Bergoglio not knowing that the trap has shut.
Here's the super ironic part...SSPX priests are getting their holy oils from somewhere else because Bp. Hounder is the one who consecrated the oil and they are not sure it is valid. If the priests are having such doubts just about his holy oil how much more will the doubts increase concerning the upcoming consecration of new bishops and then for the priests those new bishops will consecrate. They will have effectively destroyed the very thing ABL started the SSPX for in the first place...to ensure the continuation of the priesthood without any doubts.
Dawn Marie said:
Here's the super ironic part...SSPX priests are getting their holy oils from somewhere else because Bp. Hounder is the one who consecrated the oil and they are not sure it is valid. If the priests are having such doubts just about his holy oil how much more will the doubts increase concerning the upcoming consecration of new bishops and then for the priests those new bishops will consecrate. They will have effectively destroyed the very thing ABL started the SSPX for in the first place...to ensure the continuation of the priesthood without any doubts.
I couldn't agree more. If Bp. Hounder was consecrated a bishop in the new rite then any future bishops and ordinations are questionable.
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the carrier of the plague. You have unbarred the gates of Rome to him." ~ Cicero 42 B.C.
This is very true, there were traitors in the Society from the very beginning and it would appear that their work is almost done. The tragedy is that the laity have no where to go, they must bear the brunt of the treason of their shepherds; now is the time for people to show what they are made of, spiritually speaking , that is.
Michael said:
I couldn't agree more. If Bp. Hounder was consecrated a bishop in the new rite then any future bishops and ordinations are questionable.
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the carrier of the plague. You have unbarred the gates of Rome to him." ~ Cicero 42 B.C.
Kyrie eleison!
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