The weaponizing of pathogens and the coercing of the population to be injected with lethal "vaccines" implements the agenda of global genocide formulated by the supreme councils of Freemasonry for the extermination of 90% of the human race.
This is the most horrifying thing revealed in the third secret of Fatima, and is the reason why Malachi Martin said that the churches would be filled with people kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament and beating their breasts and begging God for mercy if the knew the contents of the third secret.
He said specifically that the secret speaks of a "technology" that can be used for great good or great evil -- but that it would fall into the wrong hands and will be used for evil, and that there will be pandemics that will annihilate entire nations overnight.
Malachi received the contents of the secret directly from Cardinal Augustin Bea, who was present when John XXIII read the secret.  Pope John XXIII opened the envelope containing the secret and read it in the presence of eight witnesses in early February 1960. Some of those witnesses reported that Pope John immediately turned white and nearly fainted when he read the secret on that single handwritten page. He was quoted as saying, "This does not refer to my pontificate."  
I have verified these facts from sources who personally spoke with some of the witnesses. Our Lady also revealed to Bl. Elena Aiello that "dreadful epidemics will exterminate peoples and nations".
Freemasonry rules the world indirectly through its control of high finance, national governments and international agencies, and relentlessly pursues its agenda of mass extermination. The Masonic agenda of exterminism is essentially Hitler's agenda on steroids. I have documented and explained this in my book, The Mystery of Iniquity, which was written at the request of a high ranking Cardinal during the active reign of our Holy Father, Benedict XVI. Our Lady of Fatima said, "Only She can help you."

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The Mystery of Iniquity by Fr. Kramer is available on Amazon for $579. In paperback. It's also available used for a lot less, but that's outrageous.

What in the world?!  Why so much?

David Kaftal said:

The Mystery of Iniquity by Fr. Kramer is available on Amazon for $579. In paperback. It's also available used for a lot less, but that's outrageous.

Mary our Queen, and Mother, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.......Amen.

This makes sense and if it is already in motion what can we do as remnant members of the church do to hasten the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary before it is too late for mankind to repent? 

Pray the rosary for the Pope to consecrate Russia and for the conversion of sinners.  The rosary is the key and is THE most powerful weapon we have to end this evil.  It's not possible to stress this enough.  But Sister Lucia said only when enough people are praying the rosary for this will we see it happen.  Most people are not.  Many people simply believe they have alternative answers that will work, but they won't work.  Our only hope is Mary and the weapon of choice, the weapon God has given the most efficacy to for our day is the rosary. 

John Patrick Loflin said:

This makes sense and if it is already in motion what can we do as remnant members of the church do to hasten the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary before it is too late for mankind to repent? 

I guess another good intention would be to pray that enough people start praying the Rosary...

Excellent point David. 

At the moment my self and one other Crusader and several of her friends meet every Tuesday downtown and say the rosary publicly and the other Crusader lady talks to every one who passes by and makes sure they have scapulars rosaries etc.  It is something I would strongly advise all Crusaders to do where they live.  Just be sure to go in at least a group of two.

Army justifying vaccine mandates with a slide that says "How many children were sacrificed to Satan for the vaccine?" along with listing the 7 tenets of Satanism


The cost is $579.00, that's nothing. The book entitled BROKEN CROSS: THE HIDDEN HAND IN THE VATICAN, was once advertised on Amazon for $1,500.00. Now its more reasonable, at times.  Seems the Freemasons don't want you to read this one, which was written in the 1980's by Piers Compton. You can read it at Internet Archives, or Heritage for free.

Dawn Marie said:

What in the world?!  Why so much?

David Kaftal said:

The Mystery of Iniquity by Fr. Kramer is available on Amazon for $579. In paperback. It's also available used for a lot less, but that's outrageous.

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