Erie Pennsylvania Bishop Says Hospital Can No Longer Be Called “Catholic”

Erie Pennsylvania Bishop Says Hospital Can No Longer Be Called “Catholic”

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With the change in sponsorship from the Sisters of Saint Joseph to Highmark, Bishop Persico announces the health system will no longer be considered a Catholic institution.

Bishop Persico has officially made an announcement that says it's his responsibility as a pastor, teacher and priest to inform the faithful of his decision.

In a statement from the bishop, he says the health center no longer can be affiliated with the church because quote: "The directives state that Catholic institutions and hospitals may not promote or condone contraceptive practices (Attention German Bishops' Conference - ED) or direct sterilization of men or women. We do not have a guarantee that these procedures will not be condoned or performed" end quote.

In a statement from Saint Vincent President and CEO Scott Whalen, he stresses his gratitude for the sisters and all they've done for the institution for more than 138 years, but he says the times are changing.


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Yeah, like the old song says, "the times, they are a-changin'" but they ain't changin' for the better, IMHO.  :-(

At least the bishop officially said it wasn't Catholic any more instead of hiding behind St. Vincent's good name.  :-(  :-S

Yes, I have to commend Bp. Persico for that.  I doubt Bp. Trautman would have done the same.

Still, it breaks my heart.  I worked there, our families babies were born there, our loved ones died there and there was always a consolation of being in a Catholic hospital for all those life changing events.

A sad day for Erie and for those of us who loved that hospital.  St. Vincents always refused to do any type of sterilization and or abortions. How very sad to have to see the hospital sell to the likes of Highmark. Now there is no Catholic hospital in that region and the region is made up roughly of 90% Catholics.

We are surely seeing the fruits or the punishments of a mass apostasy from the Faith.

I found this photo of the Church I attended growing up in Erie.  We lived across the street from the Church and the school.  This is what it looks like today:

And although I couldn't find the exact picture of what it used to look like, I found one that was similar to what it once was:

From the outside.

So the Highmark rep. was more right than he probably realizes when he says "the times they are a changin".

Sorry to hear that, DM.  I agree whole-heartedly with your sentiments.

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