“England Shall Suffer Much.” ~ Forge and Anvil

“England Shall Suffer Much.”

Shortages, shortages, everywhere shortages. There is this nationwide shortage on the medical imaging contrast that we get to deal with, and then when we get home, we get to deal with the shortage of baby formula. And to make matters even worse, in a week or two, we are to have some serious shortages of diesel fuel. And that, unfortunately, will affect us all very much, as there’ll be shortages on everything else afterwards.  That’s what happens when the elite political class carries out the whims of the World Economic Forum.  That’s what happens when Klaus Schwab is allowed to carry out his “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”  That’s what you get when you get de-industrialized.

So, things are winding down. America is a geopolitical example of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  Things have stopped working well, and this will become more apparent as time progresses.  Riots and robberies incoming, I’m sure.  Our treasures are being plundered on a weekly basis, and there are no signs of Congress stopping. They just have to keep writing those checks.

Even Protestant family and friends are acknowledging to me that we are likely living in some portion of the Book of Revelation.

But today I’d like to get VERY specific for a minute and focus on a veiled threat to the West from Russia.  Just this month, on Russian TV, Dimitry Kiselyov expressed his befuddlement at England’s fiery hostility towards Moscow:

Why do they threaten vast Russia with nuclear weapons while they are only a small island?  The island is so small that one Sarmat missile is enough to drown it once and for all.  Russian missile Sarmat, the world’s most powerful, is capable of destroying an area the size of Texas or England. A single launch, Boris, and there is no England anymore.  Once and for all.  Why do they play games?

And during this presentation, the audience is shown a graphic of an underwater torpedo, launched from an underwater Poseidon drone, which detonates west of England.  A tidal wave forms from the explosion, forming into a tremendous tsunami that washes over all of The British Isles.  And we are told that such a tidal wave would carry high amounts of radiation that’d leave any survivors to scramble around in a radioactive wasteland.

Given what we know from Catholic mystics, we can say with certainty that Russia WILL be driven to do this.  Beloved friends, our current news cycle is prophecy in action.

Alois Irlmaier Foresaw This WWIII Military Strike

– “But then I see someone flying, coming from the east, who drops something into the large water, so that something strange will happen. The water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down, then everything is inundated (flooded). There is an earthquake and the half of the big island will sink. The whole action will not last long, I see three lines – three days, three weeks, three months, I don’t know exactly, but it won’t last long!”

– “A single airplane, which comes from the east, throws something into the large water. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. Everything is inundated. There is an earthquake. The southern part of England slips into the water. Three large cities will be ruined: one will be destroyed by the water, the second is located so high in the Sea, that you can only see the church tower and the third falls in.”

– “One part of England disappears, when the thing falls into the sea, which the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. What this thing is, I do not know…”

– “The countries at the sea are endangered of the water heavily, the sea is very unrest, the waves go high as a house; it foams, as if it would cook/boil in the underground. Islands disappear, and the climate changes. A part of the proud island sinks, if the thing falls into the sea, which the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. What this thing is, I do not know. When it comes, I do not know.”

Prophecies of Alois Irlmaier

The Catholic mystic, Irlmaier, foresees the above—and much more—taking place before the Three Days of Darkness.  This military action is one of the major events set to transpire in the Third World War, the war that now beginning.  It is quite possible we will witness this act within the next 2-5 years, although we are told that these events will occur very swiftly once they get started.

This is happening because The West refused to have friendship with Russia after the fall of the Berlin Wall.  This is happening because of the arrogance of the United States to go around the world and spark color revolutions across the globe—the same way a dandelion weed blows across a field in the wind and plants its seeds amidst the grass.  This will happen because no legitimate pope ever followed the instructions of Our Lady and consecrated Russia to her Immaculate Heart, as was stipulated at Fatima a century ago.  This will happen because of the grudges of the Trotskyites.  This will happen because of 120 years of Jewish bitterness against Russia for its progroms more than a century ago.  And, of course, this war—and England’s ruination—will happen because of our out-of-hand overlords—the Western elites—who, like gambling addicts, just can’t stop writing blank checks to see how much longer they can “stay at that blackjack table” and gamble away our inheritance.  Not only is our treasure being plundered and passed off to foreigners, but Washington is enraging a world power (Russia) that, while slow to anger, will unleash hell across Europe and America one it is dragged out of its lair.

Other British Isles Tsunami Prophecies

“Before the Comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scoured with want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent by an earthquake, storm and tidal waves will be devastated. It will be divided, and in great part submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea, and lose its colonies in the east through a Tiger and a Lion. The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. All coastal cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease. For in none of these cities does a person live according to the laws of God.

St. Hildegard of Bingen

Many, including myself, have assumed that this passage by St. Hildegard is speaking about America. After all, the United States is a “great nation” that is extremely pluralistic and definitely “inhabited by people of different tribes.” Yet some have also speculated that this passage is referring to England, which—while not as diverse as the U.S.—is nevertheless inhabited by people of different tribes. And although Hildegard here is mentioning a comet, perhaps we could entertain the notion that what she was shown was actually a missile, and she did not know how to describe it. A similar prophecy is supposedly given by a St. Hilarion, but it’s authenticity is disputed, and it’s probably a derivative of St. Hildegard’s original vision.

All that said, there are other visions and messages that mention the drowning of England in a cataclysm, including this one from the Seeress of Prague:

“In the fog-land, a Virgin girl will become Queen and will bring her land Empire and Greatness. These blessings will remain for a long time. However, the coming Race will not be worthy of their Pay, and they will marry each other; following relationships within the Family will not make it possible to sustain this wealth, and this will then end after about 300 years, after which the Land of Fog will sink into the Ocean…

An unorthodox source for The Forge and Anvil, to be sure, but her message is nevertheless notable. The “fog-land” of England most definitely became a prosperous nation under Queen Victoria, and the British Empire was quite formidable in its heyday. Yet, most definitely, we can say the current stock of England is not “worthy of their pay” any longer. Her greatness spent, and her arrogance puffed up (well, the leadership, anyway; sorry, cousins), the British Isles are set to “sink into the ocean” according to this old lady.

Yet, if we want to return to the proper channels of eschatological discourse, we could always recall what Venerable Barthalomew Holzhauser once said:

“I saw a land swallowed by the sea and covered with water, but afterwards I saw that little by little, the sea retreated and left the land visible, and the upper parts of the towers and the turrets of the cities rose and appeared more beautiful than before being swallowed by the sea, and it was told me that was England.”

Brother Balthassar Mas

A very geographically-specific prophetic warning, if one may say. As is the following well-known statement from St. Patrick:

These are the three prayers of Patrick, as they were delivered to us by the Hibernians, entreating that all should be received on the Day of Judgment, if we should repent even in the last days of our life. That he should not be shut up in Hell. That barbarian nations should never have the rule over us. That no one shall conquer us, that is, the Scots, before seven years previous to the Day of Judgment, because seven years before The Judgement, we shall be destroyed in the sea.

From the 7th century untitled memoirs of St. Patrick, by Tirechan (though, originally in the now-lost Book of Ultan

Ireland, a part of the British Isles, would similarly suffer a tsunami inundation, were Russia to be driven to the ultimate extreme of carrying out its threat. It’s a sad thing to consider that the Irish would serve as such collateral for the sins of England’s unaccountable elite. (All civilians of the British Isles, really, would be collateral). But there is more prophetic precedent for this notion of a doomed Ireland in the following folklorish quatrain:

Seven Years before the Day of Doom,
The sea shall come over Erin in one watch,
And over blue-green Islay,
But float will Iona of Columba the cleric

From a 1769 book of Irish poems and proverbs, The MacDiarmid MS, and first appeared in 1774 in Thomas Pennant’s A Tour in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides

Though “recently” published in the 1770s, the above Irish prophecy was well known for a long time. It was known far back enough, that even St. Columba (aka, St. Colmcille) was able to comment on this local revelation in the 9th century document, Colum Cille cecinit:

I concede a favor to them without exception, and St. Patrick also did concede the same, that seven years before the Last Day, the sea shall submerge Eirin by one inundation.

From Colum Cille cecinit, 9th Century

There Are Two Catholic Prophecy Traditions About Tsunamis

Now, it must be understood, there are at least two end-times accounts of inundations. I say again, there are two. Each of these occasions in which vast amounts of water are sent inland are caused by something dropping into the ocean. One is a natural catastrophe caused by a mountain falling into the sea, and I’ve discussed this event at length. (See a previous post, We’re In The Book of Revelation Pt 3: The Burning Mountain.) But another such tsunami will be caused by men during the Third World War. And that is the one I am discussing here today.

Perhaps it is the case that some of these prophecies I’ve mentioned above foretell the effects of “the burning mountain,” whatever that “burning mountain” may be. Perhaps that “mountain” will be a comet chunk, or maybe it’ll be the collapse of La Palma in the Canary Islands. But whatever the case, most assuredly, Russia will be the cause of one of these two tsunami disasters. I selected today’s prophecy passages because they pertain specifically to the British Isles.

England: Flirting With Washington, Flirting With the EU, and Daring Russia

And to bring the focus back to the geopolitical stage of the 21st Century, there is one final prophecy I would like to go over. This one is, again, from Venerable Barthalomew Holzhauser:

“On account of a terrible war Germany will wail, France will be the cause of all the woe, Germany will be terribly wounded, all will be impoverished. England shall suffer much. The King shall be killed. “After desolation has reached its peak in England, peace will be restored and England will return to the Catholic faith with greater fervor than before.

In this prophecy, England suffers much. Germany suffers for some reason, and it is the fault of France. English royalty is killed off and there is desolation that “reaches its peak” in England. I’m sure that nothing says desolation like an endless tide of radioactive water flowing over your lands. But in any event, what this brief passage describes is quite possible in today’s circumstances.

Emmanuel Macron is the begrudgingly-elected president of France. He was put into power for another five years because the liberal French couldn’t dare to eat humble pie and bring themselves to elect Le Pen. And unfortunately for the French, Macron has monomaniacal aspirations to be the “emperor of Europe.” He is a complete creature of the European Union, and the French people are his footstool. And as such, Macron is subject to the influence and dictates of the Global American Empire (aka the GAE) and all of the shadow government demons associated therein.

Now, the current Ukraine fiasco is winding down. Antony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, and the nepotistic Kagan family she married into has made damn sure that the Ukrainians will fight until every last man of that country is killed by Russian military forces. What this SHOULD tell the world is that this war had absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine and everything to do with destroying Russia. Because the default policy of the West is to just hate Russia forever. Ukraine has been used as a laundromat for shady, vile exchanges, a trafficking center, an illegal bioresearch base, and every other evil back-alley game you can conceive. The Ukraine is Washington’s whore. No offense to you Ukrainians, I love you people. But your country has been usurped ever since the color revolution Washington arranged.

And really, we should expect no less from any other country where Washington’s sparked color revolutions. Whether it’s the recently installed puppets in Pakistan or Sri Lanka, wherever the Satanic elite of the GAE have a foothold, expect evil and foolishness. Expect the reckless expenditure of locals’ lives. Because the GAE doesn’t care.

Now, it’s Finland’s turn. Finland—whose president is another puppet of the GAE—has taken her country into the dark arms of The Beast and openly declared opposition to Russia. This is, of course, insane. Finland is right there at the doorstep of Russia, it’s a small country, and it has no chance of survival. And yet, Finland is taking this foolish stance. Why? Because they want to be a prominent member of the European Union. Because they want to be an important member of “the club.” Because they are a tool. Finland will be used up, just like Ukraine.

All of the European countries will be used up in such ways. Especially Germany, which is in the process of becoming de-industrialized, thanks to its foolish green energy policies and the cut off of food and oil from Russia—due to the new Russian sanctions against Europe. The European Union and its pimp, the GAE, don’t give one single care about the people trapped under their boot. The people are there to be fooled and used up like resources. Their souls are of no concern for the principalities and powers that run these entities. Germany, a once proud country, whose labor force was unparalleled in its skill, is being overrun with foreigners, stripped of its ability to perform, and sapped dry of its strength. The Land of Merkel is the EU’s bitch.

And so, Germany will pay a great price in this upcoming conflict with Russia. As the EU—perhaps under Macron’s influence—makes more and more reckless and unnecessary maneuvers against Russia, Germany will be pushed to the front of the line to take a lot of “bullets”—economically, diplomatically, and quite literally. Germany will have finally achieved the World Economic Forum’s goals and be left with nothing. “Nations will be annihilated,” as Our Lady of Fatima told us. Macron’s France, meanwhile, will sit comfortably along the Atlantic on the far western side of Europe, thinking itself immune from the man-made disasters.

But it is England who will suffer the most. It is the conspirators of London who collude and mingle with Washington and the EU powers that orchestrate so much devilry. Perhaps they think they are safer than France. Perhaps they think they will have no risk in Russia’s land war with Germany. But in reality, the Russians see the entire West for what it is, and England will not be excluded. Why will the British Isles suffer most in this upcoming total war? Because they are the easiest target. One bomb. Mission accomplished. One underwater detonation, and so many of Russia’s troubles will be solved.

As Holzhauser said, on account of a terrible war, Germany will wail. France will be the cause of all the woe. Germany will be terribly wounded. All will be impoverished. England shall suffer much.

“England Shall Suffer Much.” ~ Forge and Anvil

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Again and again  fast and pray.  Lord , Lord have mercy on us all.  † Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen† 

Save us Lord, we perish!

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