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May I so live as to dry thy tears and console thy afflicted Heart! Amen+

Mary Most Holy, keep us close to you and Jesus, so that we  may increase in holiness and faithfulness.

Memorare to Our Lady of La Salette:

Remember, Our Lady of La Salette, true Mother of Sorrows, the tears you shed for us on Calvary. Remember also the care you have taken to keep us faithful to Christ, your Son. Having done so much for your children, you will not now abandon us. Comforted by this consoling thought, we come to you pleading, despite our infidelities and ingratitude.Virgin of Reconciliation, do not reject our prayers, but intercede for us, obtain for us the grace to love Jesus above all else. May we console you by a holy life and so come to share the eternal life Christ gained by his  cross.



In love and thanksgiving <3

With love !!

With love +


V. Allow me to praise thee, holy Virgin.
R. Give me strength against thine enemies. Amen.

Allow me to comfort thee,  too, O Holy Virgin! 





Gloria said:

Memorare to Our Lady of La Salette:

Remember, Our Lady of La Salette, true Mother of Sorrows, the tears you shed for us on Calvary. Remember also the care you have taken to keep us faithful to Christ, your Son. Having done so much for your children, you will not now abandon us. Comforted by this consoling thought, we come to you pleading, despite our infidelities and ingratitude.Virgin of Reconciliation, do not reject our prayers, but intercede for us, obtain for us the grace to love Jesus above all else. May we console you by a holy life and so come to share the eternal life Christ gained by his  cross.



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