
When we scan the distance, we may be misled by mirages, and when we attempt to predict the future we can be misled as well. In attempting to correlate various insights from well-informed priests, private revelations along with Holy Scripture and more recent revelations such as Our Lady’s apparitions to LaSalette, Fatima and Akita, much danger of error enters in. I offer my thoughts with that warning. I may be wrong in my opinion that Pope Francis is an apostate pope who is basically a marxist seeking to destroy the Church. I believe that his appearance and his actions here at this time represent an important step in the progression of the spiritual chastisement that has come about as a result of the disobedience of the Popes.

To my mind, the entire reason that the most Blessed Virgin Mary appeared at Fatima was because she was serving God, sent by God to call His children back from their proud and disobedient ways.  For it was disobedience, driven by pride that drove Lucifer from heaven. And it was disobedience, driven by pride, that drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. In His loving providence, Our Father sent us His only Begotten Son to save us by sacrificing His life for us. It was His will that the very Body and Blood of our redemption was from the Blessed Virgin Mary, and so it came to pass that Mary’s humble obedience made our redemption possible.

With the passage of centuries, faith grew cold and disobedience sprang up in the Church; pride corrupted many from laity to priests and even Bishops, Cardinals and Popes. God’s providence sent the Blessed Virgin Mary to teach us again to be humble and to obey. This was her message at Fatima.

Yes, you know all this already. but have you fully appreciated that God, through Our Lady of Fatima, is calling the Church to return to this humility, this obedience?

In a recently discarded post, I attempted to recap the three visits of the Angel and the six visits of Our Lady of Fatima in order to show that the message began with the Angel’s urging to pray and offer sacrifices and culminated in the astounding, profound Eucharistic Vision and Eucharistic Prayer of Reparation. This series of apparitions was to form the basis for the visits of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Third Visit of Our Lady of Fatima, on July 13, 1917 was the central one, the others are either prefatory or emphasise it. The last visit, the Miracle of the Sun is to help us believe the message of the Third Visit.

When we consider the entire nine visits, certain points become clear. They are:

Offer prayer and sacrifice, making of everything an opprtunity for offering reparation to God for sins and for the conversion of sinners.

Accept and bear with submission the sufferings God will send you.

Pray the Rosary daily.

The importance of making reparation for the sacrilege and outrage to the Holy Eucharist, and the indifference shown to these abuses to the Sacrifice of the Mass and the most Blessed Sacrament.

Persistence and patience in visiting our Blessed Mother.

Sacrifice yourself for sinners, “O Jesus, it is for love of You, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary’ “.

Hell exists and many, many go there. To save them, God wants the Church to establish devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

If we obey her, many souls will be saved, peace will come, Russia will be converted and there will be peace, this is repeated for emphasis.

If she is not obeyed and people continue to offend God, a worse war will break out in the reign of Pius XI, God will punish the world for its crimes by means of war, famines and persecutions against the Church and the Holy Father, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world causing wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.

To prevent the chastisements, she will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays.

“In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world.”

Another portion of the message contained the famous lines, “In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved, etc. [This marks the third part of the secret, not yet not revealed]  Do not tell this to anybody.”

The reason for the above summary is so that we can have a ready reference to the essential themes. Even a child easily understands the simple messages, the call for prayer, sacrifice, the need to console God for these horrible sacrileges, outrages and the crass indifference to them. Anyone should be able to see the importance of fulfilling the simple requests  to spread devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and for the First Saturdays of Reparation, which she promises to reward so richly. Much has been made of the difficulty in making the Consecration of Russia. But had the previous requests been obeyed, there would have been such a profusion of graces and miracles that the Consecration would easily have been accomplished.

Now something important must be noted here. The war spoken of in the reign of Pius XI, that is, World War II ocurred as Our Lady told us, because people won’t stop offending God. Now, that worst offense is for the Pope to refuse to obey the Mother of God. Our Lady of Fatima warned that war is punishment for sin. The offenses trigger the war, which is part of the material chastisement of war, famine and persecutions. We must not forget that the chastisements continue until obedience is either given or extracted by the ongoing miseries.

The missing portion, (the “etc.”) contains, as we have gathered form those who know, the spiritual chastisement, that is, the massive apostasy from the faith which “begins at the top”, which is why I ventured the hotly contested claim that the current occupant may be an apostate.

The reason I have taken the time to reiterate all this is that at this time, some well-respected Catholics much more knowledgeable that I have made some remarkably erroneous statements. And many commenters approve of them enthusiastically.

Points in conclusion:

The chastisement is increasing in magnitude and it is both material and spiritual. Those who do not repent and consecrate themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will find it nearly impossible to withstand the satanic onslaught.

There will be a war such as not previously been seen nor imagined and natural disasters of great magnitude.

Russia has indeed been the source of the errors which beset us. Communism is defined by Josef Stalin as Marxism/Leninism, which is further defined as dialectical and historical materialism. It is satanic and atheistic and Jorge Mario Bergoglio has consistently displayed his acceptance of it as have many, many priests and prelates.

Indeed, Western society, such as it is, is suffused with dialectical materialism. It has not been Christian for some time, although most Catholics refuse to believe this.

I apologize for the intesity of this and my previous post.

I am not bitter, I am eager that the truth be told, that issues be brought before you clearly. Satanic marxism reigns in the Church and in Europe and Asia and the countries of the West.  It will triumph at least in appearance and we will be scattered and defeated. In the Church satan seeks to first attack the Blessed Sacrament with sacrilege, and then destroy it altogether. To this end he has corrupted the clergy, especially the hierarchy. Yes, the battle over the family is important, but the battle began with satan’s attack on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist. That is essential to keep in mind and make reparation for. The same prelates have been oblivious to the decades of massive abuse of the Holy Sacrifice, of the Body and Blodd of Christ. They have not obeyed the message of Fatima.

Please, return to the beginning,and re-read or better still reread my posts on the Angel’s message. Then please, pray, sacrifice, adore Him and make of everything you can a reparation. Now is the time to redouble our efforts to obey.

Chastisement ~ Return to Fatima

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As always....excellent.

Now why would anyone think that "Just Call Me Jorge" is a Marxist?



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