The town of Ventimiglia in Northern Italy has recently been overwhelmed by Moslem invaders. Originally they were living on church property in Rome but had to move on to Ventimiglia in order to make way for the newest Moslem invaders. Caritas International has decided to house 600 of them in the local church of Sant’Antonio (St. Anthony’s). The Moslem invaders are living in the church, parish hall, and in tents on an outdoor cemented sports area.
“Some faithful, in church to recite the rosary, were invited by Caritas volunteers to pray in silence. A faithful responded “Put the migrants into another church.” Then arrived the parish priest, don Rito, who accompanied the women to another place of worship.”
In case one thought the above quote was a fluke, don Rito Alvarez also said,
“It is an untenable situation, we need to find alternatives very quickly, these foreigners are not enjoying proper treatment on the human level.”
Many of these Moslem invaders long to enter France where they undoubtedly believe a better life awaits them in one of the Sharia no-go suburbs and they have been stopped several times marching towards France.
This policy of housing Moslem invaders in churches and church property isn’t new, in fact Francis said on 09 September 2013,
“Dear men and women religious, empty convents are not for the Church to transform into hotels and make money from them. Empty convents are not ours, they are for the flesh of Christ: refugees. The Lord calls us to be generous and courageous in welcoming people into empty convents. Of course this is no simple task; discernment and responsibility are required; but courage is also needed. We do a great deal; perhaps we are called to do more, by welcoming and sharing what Providence has given us to serve others, with determination.”
Was Francis being truthful and now Italy is so overwhelmed with refugees there are no longer any empty convents and churches to house these Moslem invaders or was it his intention all along to house the Moslem invaders in active parishes where they displace the native born Italian Catholics? We bet if inquired, Francis would say it was “the god of surprises!”
Views: 154
How profoundly wrong. Just disgusted by this and the unbelievable weakness of the pastor.
Oh Dear God, have mercy on us all.
Wasn't St. Anthony the one who wanted to go preach to the Moslems (Saracens) to convert them? :-p
Have to keep that Priest in our prayers he is on the wrong path. :(
Makes me want to pray the Rosary loudly from the roof tops :)
The "God of Surprises". Yes, Francis, God will surprise you, and it might not
be what you think it will be. You better hope you are ready....
Our Lady of the Rosary, Pray for Us!!! Please, pray for us.
I'm reminded of something I read a few years ago, during the pontificate of John Paul the Totally Awesome. Parents of children attending a "Catholic school" somewhere in the northeast US became very upset when their children were served meat in the school cafeteria on Good Friday. The school's response? "We didnn't want to offend the nonCatholics who attend our school."
David you're too funny "the totally awesome" heehee
David Kaftal said:
I'm reminded of something I read a few years ago, during the pontificate of John Paul the Totally Awesome. Parents of children attending a "Catholic school" somewhere in the northeast US became very upset when their children were served meat in the school cafeteria on Good Friday. The school's response? "We didnn't want to offend the nonCatholics who attend our school."
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