Today is the feast day of a wonderful saint – Peter of Alcantara, the holy Franciscan monk who was instrumental in Saint Teresa of Avila’s spirituality. She describes it beautifully in her autobiography. My copy is Volume I , Chapter XXX, of Complete Works, Peers trans., Sheed and Ward, 1944.
Cardinal Manning’s Warning
This essay was initially posted in 2014 and was lost in a web attack I experienced, the first of several. I changed hosts and rebuilt the post from memory and reposted with various editions from 2015 onward.
It’s a long post, but I hope you’ll read it- it’s helpful to review this in each new step of the Revolution to understand the importance of what is occurring now. (The companion post, “A Headless Thing” is linked in the sidebar. )
Never before in Church history has the declared and accepted Vicar of Christ promoted such destructive policies against our Lord Jesus Christ. As in St. John Bosco’s Vision of the Two Pillars, the Barque of Peter has become unmoored and has entered into dangerous waters. Please take some time to prayerfully consider:
Long before Cardinals Danneels, Marx and Kasper got their man, Bergoglio in the See of Peter, a holy Cardinal in England, a convert actually, foretold much of what we are now seeing. Cardinal Henry Edward Manning in “The Present Crisis in the Holy See”, warned of a grave crisis facing the Church. The book’s four chapters, “The Progress of the Mystery of Iniquity, the Antichrist, What Holds Back the Antichrist and The Apostasy of Rome“, are a solemn warning to the Church for these times.
Early in his book, Cardinal Manning states that the three notes of the Apostasy are schism, heresy and denial of the Incarnation, and concludes that all the heresies from the beginning are but the continuous development and expansion of the one “mystery of iniquity” which from the beginning wars against the mystery of the faith.
Likening the heresies which have afflicted the Church to diseases, he remarks:
“To name no more than these,— Gnosticism, Arianism, and, above all, Protestantism, have generated each a multitude of subordinate and affiliated heresies. But it is Protestantism which, above all others, bears the three notes of the inspired writers in the greatest breadth and evidence. Other heresies have opposed parts and details of the Christian faith and Church; but Protestantism, taken in its historical complex, as we now are able, with the retrospect of three hundred years, to measure it, reaching from the religion of Luther, Calvin, and Cranmer at the one end, to the Rationalism and Pantheism of England and Germany at the other, is of all the most formal, detailed and commensurate antagonist of Christianity.
“I do not mean that it has as yet attained its full development, for we shall see reasons to believe that it (protestant heresy) is still pregnant with a darker future; but even as “the mystery of iniquity” has already worked, no other antagonist (than Protestantism) has as yet gone so deep in undermining the faith of the Christian world.”
Cardinal Manning thus foresaw that even in 1861, the protestant heresy was “still pregnant with a darker future”. And so it was. We have seen that after the Second Vatican Council, the heresy of modernism (in which protestantism subsists) advanced even into the highest echelons of the Catholic Church. Cardinal Manning then observed two consequences of the heretical movements of the mystery of iniquity. The first of these is the rise of nationalism and the second is the deification of man, which has become rampant since Vatican II. And now has seemingly triumphed under the destructive reign of Luther’s own Pope Francis.
Cardinal Manning explains that while heresy in the individual dissolves the unity of the incarnation, heresy in a nation (think here of the Germans under Kasper/Marx) dissolves the unity in the Church. “This process of national defection which began openly with the Protestant reformation, is running its course.” Collegiality (synodalism) is the further stage of this nationalism and will be used by the revolutionaries in the Church to advance their agenda after the final Synod in October.
Regarding the deification of man, Cardinal Manning cites as examples the pantheism of German philosophers such as Schelling, Hegel and Hillebrand and the positivism of Comte. He concludes,
“It will be observed that both Pantheism and Positivism alike end in the deification of man: they are a boundless egotism and an apotheosis of human pride.”
Pantheism is prevalent today as the myriad fads of the “New Age” phenomenon. And both these noxious heresies animate the universal religion of man promoted by the United Nations and its most enthusiastic spokesperson, our humble pontiff in his Bergoglian Reformation.
Cardinal Manning affirmed that the Antichrist will be a real person and at that time (1861) was restrained to a certain extent by Christendom, or Catholic society, although he noted that the restraint was growing weaker day by day. He then asks rhetorically, who it is that removes the restraint on the antichristian forces of disorder. His answer:
“If the barrier which has hindered the development of the principle of antichristian disorder has been the Divine power of Jesus Christ our Lord, incorporated in the Church and guided by his Vicar, then no hand is mighty enough, and no will is sovereign enough to take it out of the way, but only the hand and the will of the incarnate Son of God Himself.”
His Excellency quotes Donoso Cortez, the great Spaniard, to the effect that Christian society is doomed and that the principles now ascendant are universally anti-christian. From Cortez:
“European society is dying. The extremities are cold: the heart will be soon. And do you know why it is dying? It is dying because it has been poisoned; because God made it to be nourished with the substance of Catholic truth, and the empirical doctors have given it for food the substance of rationalism. … It is dying because error is killing it, and because society is now founded upon errors. … Individuals may still save themselves because individuals may always be saved; but society is lost, … because it has no will to save itself.“
Both Manning and Cortez wrote before the disastrous twentieth century, during which the two World Wars destroyed the great old Catholic monarchies and established the forces of Marxism and international finance/freemasonry. Now, in the twenty-first century, we see the errors of Russia thoroughly permeating every society and being advanced by the forces of one world government and its one world religion.
The restraint on the forces of Antichrist was removed as a direct result of the Church’s refusal to obey Our Lady of Fatima. This arrogant disobedience of the pontiffs is what caused the release of the diabolical forces of disorder against the Church, as foretold by the vision of Pope Leo XIII. Cardinal Manning rightly believed that the strength of the papacy was a bulwark against the incursion of error in the Church. And when he predicted that secular powers would remove the pope, he was correct; however, the secular powers became entrenched within the Church, which was something he did not anticipate.
How did the papacy fail?
By their disobedience to the Blessed Virgin at Fatima, each pope from Pius XI onwards set themselves against God’s will; eventually, by the time of John XXIII, becoming openly defiant and flatly refusing her command. Thus, from John XXIII on, the popes effectively removed themselves as the bulwark against the antichristic agenda. And now, this has culminated under the present pope, who is frankly, openly antichristic. Not Antichrist. In Pope Bergoglio, we have the first thoroughly modernist pope. This tragedy was perhaps, foretold by Cardinal Pacelli before he became Pope Pius XII and also by St. Francis of Assisi.
“For in those days, Jesus Christ will send them not a true pastor, but a destroyer.”
Even though he did not foresee an apostate pope in the future, the Cardinal did foresee that horrible fate which was in store for the Church in these sad days:
“The Word of God tells us that towards the end of time the power of this world will became so irresistible and so triumphant that the Church of God will sink underneath its hand … It will be deprived of protection. It will be weakened, baffled, and prostrate, and will lie bleeding at the feet of the powers of this world.”
“The apostasy of the city of Rome from the Vicar of Christ, and its destruction by Antichrist, may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians in the greatest repute.
“First, Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Viegas, Suarez, Bellarmine and Bosius, that Rome shall apostatise from the faith and drive away the Vicar of Christ, and return to its ancient paganism. Malvenda’s words are: “Rome itself in the last times of the world will return to its ancient idolatry, power, and imperial greatness. It will cast out its Pontiff, altogether apostatise from the Christian faith, terribly persecute the Church, shed the blood of martyrs more cruelly than ever, and will recover its former state of abundant wealth, or even greater than it had under its first rulers.”
You see here that Manning and the Church Fathers foresee the persecution of the Church, however they state clearly that the Pope will be cast out by secular “Rome”. They did not foresee this current state of affairs when the Vicar of Christ will himself, attempt to cast Christ from His Church. To clarify this, consider Cardinal Pacelli’s remarks before he became Pope Pius XII:
“I am worried by the Blessed Virgin’s messages to Lucia of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which menace the Church is a divine warning against the suicide of altering the Faith, in Her liturgy, Her theology and Her soul … A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God.” (original source from
This dire warning by Pope Pius XII indicates the apostasy begins with the Pope, since only with the Pope’s collusion can apostasy advance in the Church enough to be termed “suicide” of the faith. It was with the complicity of Pope Paul VI that Vatican II worked its disastrous agenda against the Church.
Just before his death, St. Francis of Assisi also prophesied about these times:
“Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true pastor but a destroyer.” (From The Works of the Seraphic Father, Washbourne, 1882, available online:
To continue with Cardinal Manning:
“Finally, Cornelius A. Lapide sums up what may be said to be the common interpretation of theologians. Commenting on the … eighteenth chapter of the Apocalypse, (regarding Rome) he says: “… from Christian it shall again become heathen. It shall cast out the Christian Pontiff, and the faithful who adhere to him. It shall persecute and slay them. It shall rival the persecutions of the heathen emperors against the Christians. . . . . For so we see Jerusalem was first heathen under the Canaanite; secondly, faithful under the Jews; thirdly, Christian under the Apostles; fourthly, heathen again under the Romans; fifthly, Saracen under the Turks.”
If Jerusalem is a foreshadowing of Rome, Lapide’s words, ”Saracen under the Turks” are interesting, aren’t they?
Fr. Lapide’s comment that Rome will cast out the Christian pontiff was fulfilled when the modernists silenced Pope Benedict and fraudulently elected Bergoglio to replace him. Manning concludes that Rome will become apostate under the revolution and then pagan under the Antichrist. With Francis we are seeing the fulfillment of the revolution in the Church that began with Vatican II. The periti at Vatican II referred to it as the Revolution of 1789 within the Church, and so it was.
Cardinal Manning states that,
“…the Antichrist, and the antichristian movement … is the direct and mortal enemy of the One Holy Catholic and Roman Church— the unity from which all schism is made; the sole organ of the Divine voice of the Spirit of God; the shrine and sanctuary of the Incarnation and of the continual sacrifice. …
“These are times of sifting. Our Divine Lord is standing in the Church: “His fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly cleanse His (own) and He will gather the grain into His barn, and will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” It is a time of trial, when “some of the learned shall fall,” and those only shall be saved who are steadfast to the end.”
In his conclusion, Cardinal Manning adds a note:
“Saint Alphonsus says: “Hence St. Bonaventure says that in the Mass God manifest to us all the love that He has borne us, and includes in it, as in a compendium, all His benefits. On this account the Devil has always endeavored to abolish the Mass throughout the world by means of heretics, making them the precursors of Antichrist who, before all things, will endeavor to abolish, and in fact will, in punishment for the sins of men, succeed in abolishing the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar, according to the prediction of Daniel: ‘And strength was given him against the continual sacrifice because of sins.’”
In the above quoted passages the Cardinal foresees that the Church will be compromised, and that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be effectively stopped. This could happen quite quickly if, after the final Synod, the Bishops emulate the heretical German Bishops who already allow those who are unrepentant in mortal sin to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion.
By doing so, they are institutionalizing sacrilege of Our Lord in place of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The resulting abomination bears more resemblance to a satanic anti-Mass than to the Holy Sacrifice. It would not be a so-called Black Mass because that mass actually inverts the true Latin Mass, not the vapid Novus Ordo.
[End of quote from previous post] To recap, in the above post, we began by paraphrasing from Cardinal Manning,
“…the three notes of the Apostasy are schism, heresy and denial of the Incarnation, and concludes that all the heresies from the beginning are but the continuous development and expansion of the one “mystery of iniquity” which from the beginning wars against the mystery of the faith.
The reason for this is to point out that the modernist “reformation” promoted by this current pope is a specific attack on the essential truths of the Faith, the Incarnation, the Real Presence, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This attack and its consequences, was vividly foretold by Blessed Elizabeth Canori-Mora:
“In 1816, Our Lady appeared to Blessed Elizabeth on Christmas Day with the Christ Child in her arms. Elizabeth was struck by the deep sorrow of the Blessed Mother’s countenance and asked Our Lady what could be the cause of such sorrow, “Behold, my daughter, such great ungodliness.” Blessed Elizabeth then saw “apostates brazenly trying to rip her most holy Son from her arms. Confronted with such an outrage, the Mother of God ceased to ask mercy for the world, and instead requested justice from the Eternal Father. Clothed in His inexorable Justice and full of indignation, He turned to the world.
“At that moment all nature went into convulsions, the world lost its normal order and was filled with the most terrible calamity imaginable. This will be something so deplorable and atrocious that it will reduce the world to the ultimate depths of desolation.”
Note that this vision occurred on Christmas Day. It foretells Our Lady’s anguish at those who attack her Divine Son in His sacrament of love. It is an intimation of the sacrilege promoted by Pope Francis and those who currently occupy the visible Church.
To summarize: As we noted at the beginning, Pope Francis, by his actions in the subversive Synods of 2014 and 2015 and the subsequent (and heretical) Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, is attempting to unmoor the Church from the pillars of Eucharistic Devotion and Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He is forging ahead with his rehabilitation of the arch-heretic Martin Luther. By his actions, he appears to be fulfilling many prophecies:
- The prophecy of St. Francis of Assisi and becoming the destroyer pope.
- The prophecy of Cardinal Pacelli (later Pius XII) of the suicide of the faith, which could only be accomplished by the head of the Church, the Vicar of Christ in a monumental act of betrayal.
- And we very well may see the fulfillment of Cardinal Manning’s prediction that the Church “will be weakened, baffled, and prostrate, and will lie bleeding at the feet of the powers of this world.”
It is urgent that you grasp the significance of this. You must see the importance of this time! Again, and yet again, please, pray the Rosary, please offer reparation!
Remember – Our Lady needs us to obey: First Saturdays of Reparation, daily rosary, at least 5 mysteries, wear her brown scapular and live your Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, offering our daily duties in reparation and for the conversion of poor sinners.
Open your hearts to the Lord and serve Him only: and He will free you from the hands of your enemies. With all your heart return to Him, and take away from your midst any strange gods” (I Kings 7:3)
† Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
† Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come; Viva Cristo Rey!
† St. Joseph, terror of demons, protect our families, protect our priests.
† St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
~ by evensong, for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, King!
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin, give me strength against thine enemies!
Cardinal Manning’s Warning on Bergoglio’s Reformation ~ Return to F...