Posted by Reverend Father Marshall M. Roberts
Views: 325
I'm always a little wary when I read something that says one thing, and somebody tells me that what it really means is something else. So looking at Fr. Robert's article in terms of what it actually states leaves me pretty disturbed. I can't follow Newchurch, I can't follow the Society, I can't follow the Resistance, and I can't use my own best judgement to follow what the Church has always taught everywhere because I don't have six years of moral theology, etc. in a pre-Vatican II seminary to allow me to properly understand it. Sounds like I'm pretty well up a creek without a paddle.
If he's talking about the Fr. Pfeiffer / Fr. Hewko axis, he should say so. And he creates cognitive dissonance when he says to follow what the Church has always taught, and at the same time says that unless you've had six years of seminary training you can't really understand what the Church has always taught. I suppose I could interpret his statements in the , ahem, "light of tradition," the way that Newchurch tells us that we should interpret Vatican II, but I'm really sick of mental gymnastics. If you look at what he says carefully, it's not the same as what you might assume that he must really mean. Pre-Vatican II, the Church and churchmen used language carefully. It's time to return to that.
Joseph Wilson said:
David: I think you should carefully reread the article.Fr.quite plainly writes that we should believe what the church always taught,not what the modern church now teaches. As far as the SSPX is concerned since they are falling under the spell of modernist Rome then one should exercise caution when attending their Masses. In regards to the Resistance he is mainly talking about those who hold the "red light" position which basically states that there are only two priests on the entire planet trustworthy enough to go to their mass.
David Kaftal said:I'm always a little wary when I read something that says one thing, and somebody tells me that what it really means is something else. So looking at Fr. Robert's article in terms of what it actually states leaves me pretty disturbed. I can't follow Newchurch, I can't follow the Society, I can't follow the Resistance, and I can't use my own best judgement to follow what the Church has always taught everywhere because I don't have six years of moral theology, etc. in a pre-Vatican II seminary to allow me to properly understand it. Sounds like I'm pretty well up a creek without a paddle.
I'm not saying I don't understand what the Church has always taught! Or the importance of going back to that in times like these, as St. Athanasius, St. Vincent of Lerins and many others have pointed out. I'm just referring to the way Fr. Roberts appears to be trying to have it both ways — Joe Six Pack has to go back to Catholic Tradition, the teachings of the Magisterium and past theologians to know what's up, but Joe Six Pack hasn't been through six years of seminary training so he can't possibly really understand Catholic Tradition, the teachings of the Magisterium and past theologians, certainly not as well as priests who've been to the seminary. But forget about Society priests, Newchurch priests and Resistance priests. And that leaves what? That leaves Joe Six Pack has to go back to Catholic Tradition, the teachings of the Magisterium and past theologians to know what's up, but Joe Six Pack hasn't been through six years of seminary training so he can't possibly really understand Catholic Tradition, the teachings of the Magisterium and past theologians...
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