Views: 361
I don't have the stomach to listen. Maybe someone can give a run down?
So I take it that is was Not a good talk then ??!! LOL
This is from a friend of mine.....
Some observations, but not from the conference
The details Bishop Fellay let transpire about the possible new agreement seem, for what we know, a trap only an idiot or a sellout could try to smuggle as anything approaching a satisfactory solution.
Go to Rorate Caeli and listen to the video.
The potential agreement in short:
– A bishop is appointed. This bishop will be picked by the Evil Clown among a terna chosen by the SSPX. As I understand it, we are not talking of existing SSPX bishops, but of people from outside, with the chosen ones becoming members of the SSPX before being made bishops.
– This bishop would then have sweeping, life-threatening powers. He could let in anyone he wants, thus rapidly infiltrating the Order. He could, very possibly, sell or donate or transfer assets. He could, in a way, let the Society live or die, remain orthodox or become FeancisChurch, at his pleasure.
– As the bishop is, so to speak, an “adopted son”, this guarantees his orthodoxy. Therefore, there is nothing to fear irrespective of how vast his power will be.
This. Is. Not. Acceptable.
First of all, a preliminary consideration, and one who requires some strong words. Francis is a slimy, godless rapscallion. No one with a brain trusts a slimy, godless rapscallion. Anyone who tells you – Fellay not excluded – that an agreement must be accepted which is depending in any measure on trusting a slimy, godless rapscallion is trying to sell you out.
Any agreement, any agreement at all, can only work if FrancisChurch has no power and no influence whatsoever on the Society. If you say it's unrealistic, I say “who cares”. No doctor has prescribed this medicine. The SSPX will keep thriving without any agreement and without any reconciliation.
Reconciliation can wait. Truth must never be abandoned.
The agreement is fundamentally flawed because of the Trojan Horse it introduces within the Society: a man factually from outside, on whom the destiny of the Order depends. A man who can, alone, make or destroy the Society. The SSPX is too valuable to all of us for a risk like that. This risk would be unacceptable even if the bishop were Padre Pio, because you don't know what would happen after him. This would also be unacceptable because the destiny of the order cannot be put in the hands of one man. Even the saintliest man can be duped by evil Vatican schemers. As it is now, the way the SSPX trains and recruits his priests avoids this risk. Also, there are various safeguards meant to prevent a sellout (see below). But when people start coming from outside, invited by one who came from outside, without further checks and balances, all bets are off.
This solution, as it has been outlined, is not acceptable. It is the work of the devil. If Bishop Fellay dares to present something like that – and there are so further safeguards about the assets, the new admissions, the running of the seminaries, etc. – he has lost face, showed himself as a traitor and sellout, and must be made to go. I am saying here that if the proposal is the one outlined not only the measure should be rejected, but bishop Fellay should be made to renounce his position.
Huge caveat: this presupposes that there are no further guarantees and safeguards than the ones in the video. However, if there are, bishop Fellay should have talked at length about it – again: way of admission of new members; who controls the assets; how decisions are taken, etc. – instead of telling us that rubbish about the good pope Francis who wants the good of Traditionalism.
This little blog has always been extremely appreciative of both Fellay and the society. But not for one moment will I hesitate to attack this man with all the energy with which I attack the Evil Clown himself, if he is truly preparing to sell out in the manner described above.
Every agreement must keep the SSPX utterly and completely immune from every germ coming from the Vatican. If Francis wants this in order to bolster his “diversity” credential, it's his choice. But no Fellay will let us believe that we must trust – let me say this again, because there is an awful lot at stake here – a slimy rapscallion like Francis.
The stakes are immense. The FSSP and the other traditional orders – nay: every Summorum Pontificum mass – exist merely because the SSPX is out there. Once the SSPX has been infiltrated and destroyed or made unrecognisable, all other congregations and simple TLM masses would fall like dominos. Too much is at stake for any idiot – much less a smart guy like Fellay – to bet the farm of Christ on Francis' utterly ridiculous supposed good faith.
— ——-
We were informed years ago that the members of the SSPX will have to approve with absolute majority any agreement. This is, therefore, not in the hands of Fellay and a few others.
It is now time to sound the alarm on the blogosphere, in newspapers, on Internet fora, in every Catholic outlet. Please contact any SSPX member you know and express your concerns. Please make the ordinary SSPX members know that this is – if no further safeguards are there – an extremely dangerous situation, in no way corresponding to the bishop's very naive – or disingenuous – words.
There should never be any agreement that allow the Vatican any measure of influence or control of the Society. Not until the Vatican keeps resembling a homosexual brothel. Until the situation improves, the only acceptable “reconciliation” is the one by which the SSPX continues exactly as it is now, with no possibility whatsoever of infiltration, and Pope Francis may in return brag about how “diverse” he is. You don't open yourself to even the risk of infiltration, is all.
Pray for the society, that they may not be devoured by the wolves.
And remember the saying: corruptio optimi pessima.
Bp. Fellay will achieve his goal of reuniting with Rome at any cost. I've been saying it for 8 years now because he said it. He told Our Lady essentially to go away, he knew better than her. From then on he is blind and so are those who follow him. This can only end one way in a disaster. Unless the Mother of God steps in to obtain mercy for them AGAIN the SSPX will be annihilated. They made their choice now they must suffer the consequences.
Just sayin....
Fellay would like to dance with satin??? and sell sspx down the wide road to perdition..
PS DAWN MARIE is RIGHT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loads of hugs, to DawnM arie
Dawn Marie said:
Bp. Fellay will achieve his goal of reuniting with Rome at any cost. I've been saying it for 8 years now because he said it. He told Our Lady essentially to go away, he knew better than her. From then on he is blind and so are those who follow him. This can only end one way in a disaster. Unless the Mother of God steps in to obtain mercy for them AGAIN the SSPX will be annihilated. They made their choice now they must suffer the consequences.
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