Bp. Faure Founds the Priestly Society of the Apostles of Jesus and Mary August 22, 2016

Bp. Faure has read the decree of erection of the new congregation in the seminary St. Louis Grignon de Montfort (Avrillé) this morning. After that, he consecrated the SAJM to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The name of the congregation corresponds to the other denomination that Bp. Lefebvre thought for the SSPX.
Decree of erection for the «Priestly Society of the Apostles of Jesus and Mary»
Given the very serious crisis caused to the Church by the Second Vatican Council and its subsequent reforms, and the consequent state of necessity; given the urgent necessity, in these times of apostasy, of priests formed in the Tradition of the Church who devote their life to the restoration of the Kingdom of Christ, fighting tirelessly against the liberalism and modernism currently prevailing among Catholics;
given the betrayal of the current authorities of the Society of St. Pius X to the spirit and work of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre:
We, Christian Jean Michel Faure, Bishop of the Catholic Church, in the Holy Name of God invoked, decree what follows:
1. The Priestly Society of the Apostles of Jesus and Mary is erected as a “Clerical Society living in common”  under the terms of Canon 673 of the Code of Canon Law (1917),
2. The seat of the Society is fixed in 1 Chemin de la Petite Garde, 49240 Avrillé, France.
3. We approve and confirm the Statutes of the Society
We implore divine blessings on this Priestly Society that it may attain its principal goal which the formation of holy priests.
Given at Avrillé, on August 22 2016, in the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
+ Christian Jean Michel Faure, Bishop of the Catholic Church.

« Since the Second Vatican Council, the holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Catholic doctrine, and all life in the Church are under attack by the liberal and modernist Hierarchy. Because the Catholic priesthood has the essencial duty to fight liberalism and modernism in defense of the violated divine rights, the Society rejects all possibility of a canonical regularization via bilateral agreement, unilateral recognition, or any other way, so long as the Catholic Hierarchy do not return to the Tradition of the Church. »  (Statutes, II, 5)

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I just took a look at the cathinfo topic mentioned:


Applauses, Dawn Marie.

La Virgen nos cubra con Su manto protector. Elsa.

By the Way, I would like to add that I have been banned in cathinfo (and could not even see the site from my computer) for defending the honour of Mrs. Dawn Marie Anderson and of Monseñor Williamson and of, who is now, Monseñor Faure. Dangerous to be "politically incorrect" nowadays.

I remember that Elsa. 

Sadly the people over there are a "special" kind of peculiar.  The horrifying thing is they don't even see in themselves how crazy they sound. 

Well, exactly. I´ll come back to this soon. I need to meditate on the precise words. Because, if I am correct, which I am not 100 % sure I am, then we are dealing, as we always said in Argentina during the Terrorist war against the Christian Order, “es una cuestión de entendederas”. Either one understands what is going on or one does not. Rather simple.


Dawn Marie said:

I remember that Elsa. 

Sadly the people over there are a "special" kind of peculiar.  The horrifying thing is they don't even see in themselves how crazy they sound. 

Dawn Marie said:

I remember that Elsa. 

Sadly the people over there are a "special" kind of peculiar.  The horrifying thing is they don't even see in themselves how crazy they sound. 

Again, dear Dawn Marie, since my answer went on the  Fantasyland, whatever, a few seconds ago, Yes, you are right.

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