Pope Francis proposed on Thursday that caring for the environment be added to the traditional seven works of mercy that Christians are called to perform, which include feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless.
The Pope, who has been a vocal advocate for action against climate change, said the faithful should use the holy year to ask forgiveness for their "sins" against the environment and to "acknowledge our sins against creation, the poor and future generations," according to official Vatican media.
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Prophecy of Maria Lataste (recognized by the Church):
From a book published in 1866:
The day is drawing nigh when heaven and earth will unite together to accord to My Mother that which is her due in respect of her highest prerogative. Sin was never in her, and her conception was pure and without stain; it was immaculate, as was the rest of her life. It is My will that this truth should be proclaimed on earth, and acknowledged by all Christians. I have chosen to Myself a Pope, and I have inspired him with this resolution. He will ever have this thought in his mind from the time that he shall be Pope. He will collect together the Bishops of the whole world, that their voices may be heard proclaiming Mary Immaculate in her Conception, and the voices of all shall be united in his voice. His voice shall proclaim the belief to which the other voices have given testimony, and will resound throughout the entire world. Then, upon earth, nothing shall be wanting to My Mother’s honour.
The infernal powers and their adherents shall raise themselves up against this glory of Mary, but God will maintain it with all His might, and the powers of hell shall be thrust back into the abyss along with their partisans. My Mother shall appear to the world on a solid and immovable pedestal; her feet shall be of the purest gold, her hands like white molten wax, her countenance like the sun, her heart like a glowing furnace. A sword shall issue from her mouth which shall cast down her enemies and the enemies of those who have proclaimed her without stain.
They of the East shall call her the Mystical Rose, and those of the New World the Strong Woman. She will bear upon her brow, written in characters of flame, " I am the City of the Lord, the Protector of the oppressed, the Consoler of the afflicted, the rampart against foes." Now affliction shall come upon the earth, oppression shall reign in the city which I love, and in which I have left My Heart. She shall be in sorrow and desolation, surrounded by enemies on all sides, like a bird taken in a net. This city will seem to succumb during [three years] * and a little longer after these three years.
But My Mother shall descend into the City; she will take the hands of the old man seated on a throne, and will say to him, "Behold the hour, arise: See thy enemies: I cause them to disappear one after another, and they disappear forever. Thou hast rendered glory to me in heaven and on earth, and I will render glory to thee in heaven and on earth. Look at men they venerate thy name, thy courage, thy power. Thou shalt live, and I will live with thee. Old man, dry thy tears; I bless thee." Peace shall return to the world, Mary shall breathe upon the tempests and appease them; her name shall be praised, blessed, and exalted forever. The captives shall acknowledge that to her they owe their liberty the exiled, restoration to their country; the miserable, tranquility and happiness. Between her and all her clients there shall be a mutual interchange of prayers and graces, of love and affection; and from the East to the South, and from the North to the West, all shall proclaim Mary conceived, without sin, Mary Queen of earth and heaven. Amen. "
Bill said:
Do you think we'll ever again have a Catholic Pope in our lifetime?
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