28th February, 1992 – Feast of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
To keep you abreast of our contacts with the authorities in Rome and to make our position clearly known, we would like to put before you the letter we wrote to His eminence Cardinal Oddi in January, a letter which so far received no reply.
Your Eminence,
Following the visit that you deigned to make to the Seminary of the Society of St. Pius X at Econe on 18th September last – a visit which touched us very much, for we saw in it a sign of your interest in our modest work and true encouragement – you expressed to me on 7th October, 1991, in Rome, the desire that, as Superior General of the Society, I write you a letter to prepare for an eventual normalization of relationships between the Society and the Roman authorities.
After reflecting at our General Council and consulting with colleagues, allow me to expose our thoughts to Your Eminence openly and frankly.
You are better aware than anyone that all the members of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X not only profess the Catholic Faith integrally and entirely, but also maintain an unfailing attachment to the Apostolic See.
As a consequence of this faithfulness to the Church, they understand themselves to be bound by the declarations of the Popes and Dogmatic Councils, and in particular by:
- The encyclical “Quanta Cura” of Pope Pius IX, which condemned religious liberty, and which is contradicted by the declaration “Dignitatis Humane” of Vatican Council II
- The “Syllabus” of the same Pope, which condemned the adulterous marriage between the Church and the world, which condemnation is especially well expressed in Proposition 80. Cardinal Ratzinger himself calls the decree “Gaudium et Spes” of Vatican Council II a Counter-Syllabus!
- The encyclical “Pascendi Dominici Gregis” of St. Pius X, which condemns Modernism and modernists, and the Anti-modernist oath of the same Pope, which was abolished by Pope Paul VII
- The encyclical “Mortalium Animos” of Pope Pius XI, which condemned the Pan-Christians and their syncretist ideology. It was this which was practiced at the meeting of Assisi, and at innumerable other meetings of the same kind, most recently at Malta, on 5th October in St. Peter’s Basilica at Rome, and on 7th December in the Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls.
- The encyclical “Quas primas” of the same Pope, which proclaimed the universal Social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ as opposed to the secularization of the Catholic states and secularism of society. These are now propagated as an application of Vatican II by the Roman authorities.
- The definition of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by the Council of Trent. As Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci observed in the “Brief Critical Study of the Novus Ordo Missae” this new liturgy “departs in an impressive way both as a whole and in its details from the doctrine of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as it was defined at the twenty-second session of the Council of Trent.”
Since we clearly see, to our immense sorrow, that a break has taken place in the domain of doctrine, in the profession of the Faith, in the Liturgy, and in the Church authorities’ attitude towards the world with its errors and corruption, we do not see how any open and fruitful collaboration could be managed for the time being, unless we are willing to give up witnessing to the Truth in order to practice in its place a diplomacy concealing the opposition between the Church of all time and the conciliar Church. The example of the Society of St. Peter now being officially obliged by the “Ecclesia Dei” Commission to give Communion in the hand is not encouraging.
Let the Roman and Episcopal authorities once more confess the principles contained in the acts of the Magisterium mentioned above, and condemn the errors condemned by these documents, and then the apparent break will come to an end all on its own. When these authorities again become truly Catholic, they will be able to count on our filial devotion and our efforts to “restore all things in Christ.” Meanwhile the whole family of Tradition places its hope in Almighty God, who seems to be visibly blessing it.
Your Eminence, during a recent interview you spoke of the Third secret of Fatima, stating that it spoke of a grave crisis in the Church, following on a Council. For this crisis to cease we must absolutely reject the principles which caused it, and as quickly as possible. If not, another bastion which is everywhere under attack will soon fall: priestly celibacy.
We thank you with all our hearts for your understanding with respect to our work, and request that Our Lady of Fatima give you the grace to speak openly to the Holy Father concerning these problems, which can be ultimately summarized in these two phrases of the Prince of the Apostles: “Non est in alio aliquo salus” ( Acts IV, 12) and “Oportet illum regnare” (1 Cor.XV, 25).
Your Eminence, please accept the expression of our respect and devotion in Christo et Maria.
Father Franz Schmidberger
Dear Friends,
The departure from catholic doctrine, from Holy Scripture, from the Church Fathers, from the Popes and Councils, continue without ceasing: we read in the newspaper “ La Libre Belgique” of 28th January, 1992 : _
“ More than 300 representatives of the major religions, coming from all four corners of the planet, will meet in Brussels from 13th to 15th September of this year, on the initiative of the Community of San Egidio. Since the Assisi meeting, which was brought together on the Pope’s initiative in 1986, this is the sixth time – after Assisi, Rome, Warsaw, Bari and Malta – that religious leaders will have gathered from around the world with a view to praying for peace. The Archbishop’s office in Malines-Brussels has just issued a message of Cardinal Danneels in this connection.”
The text goes on: “The various religions, so different from one another, all have man as their ultimate horizon ….. Cardinal Danneels desires that this sixth meeting should “broaden and reinforce the spirit of solidarity of believers and give fruits of peace expected by millions of men and women throughout the world.”
Can we continue to stand idly by while we see Our Lord Jesus Christ, true God begotten of true God, consubstantial with the Father, being put on an equal footing with false gods like Allah, Buddha, Shiva and the Freemasons’ Great Architect of the Universe, or with false prophets like Mohammed and Luther? Where are the Macchabees of our days? No Catholic can passively accept this blasphemy. Saint Catherine of Siena, the great prophetess of the 15th century, called the bad shepherds of her time incarnate demons. We for our part must pray and act: pray that God gives us light and strength to act.
Praise be to God, we have been able since the death of our dear Founder to acquire sixteen new houses and churches in various countries: in 1992, we can count on having 27 new priests, and yet that is a small number. We would need hundreds to satisfy all the requests, entreaties, appeals for help, cries of distress, coming from countries near and far. And a field of apostolate a thousand times wider will open up to us on the day when this Conciliar Church collapses, because sooner or later it will collapse; we must prepare for that hour of God by gathering together all our vitality and strength.
Help us in this great mission by your prayers, your fasting, your alms, your good works, and your progress in virtue; help us to build the kingdom of God and to extend the kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world. Let us be together apostles of Jesus and Mary, each according to his means. Our lot is to fight; to conquer is in the hands of God, and a crown of glory is waiting at the foot of His throne for all those who love the Holy Trinity sincerely and with all their heart.
Father Franz Schmidberger
Superior General
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"Where are the Macchabees of our days?"
Lord, send us true Catholic Warriors! Amen.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
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