Archbishop’s Legacy – II - His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson

Eleison Comments by His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson

Archbishop’s Legacy – II

Structure, or none? The Faith is where?
Wherever it is, I must go there!

In 2012 the Archbishop’s successors at the head of his Society of St Pius X, having failed to understand his fundamental putting of Catholic Truth before Catholic Authority, claimed falsely to be following his example when at the Society’s General Chapter of that summer they prepared to put Truth back under Authority by opening the door to some political and non-doctrinal agreement with the liars of Rome – “Catholicism is Revolutionary” is a monstrous lie. For years now these successors have been spreading rumours that the agreement is imminent, but Rome has them where it wants them, by their own fault, and risks continuing to extract concessions such as, possibly, the disastrous interview of March 2 granted by the Superior General to a professional predator. Conciliar Rome never forgets what the SSPX seems no longer to want to remember – Catholic Tradition and Vatican II are absolutely irreconcilable.

However, the Archbishop has disciples who have not forgotten this. They are going under the name of the “Resistance,” which is a movement rather than an organization, as is only logical. Clinging to Truth against the false Authority both of Rome and now of the SSPX, any internal authority amongst them can at best be supplied, i.e. an abnormal authority supplied invisibly by the Church in case of emergency for the salvation of souls. But such authority, by the invisibility of its transmission (contrast the visible ceremonies by which many kinds of authority amongst men are transmitted), is that much weaker and more contestable than normal authority in the Church, which descends always, ultimately, from the Pope. Therefore the “Resistance” has the strength of Truth but a weakness of Authority normally essential to protect Catholic Truth.

Surely resistant Catholics, inside or outside of Tradition, have to take into account the many consequences of this split between Truth and Authority , imposed by Vatican II on the entire Church. God’s Supreme Shepherd being supremely struck by Conciliar folly, how can God’s sheep not be supremely scattered (cf. Zach. XIII, 7: Mt. XXVI, 31)? Not to be suffering, Catholics would have to not belong to the Catholic Church. Is that what they want? Then Catholics for the time being should be neither surprised by betrayals nor disappointed by divisions. The Devil is being given for the moment almost a free hand to cause divisions (“diabolein” in Greek), and when Catholics are all fighting for eternal salvation the divisions are frequently bitter. Patience.

Next, from Conciliar Popes there can no longer be the lifeblood of true Catholic Authority flowing down into Catholic institutions, and so Catholic persons can no longer depend upon Catholic institutions like they should normally be able to do. Rather, any such institutions have to depend for Truth upon the persons, as we have seen the SSPX depending on Archbishop Lefebvre . But persons without institutional backing or control are always liable to be fallible, and so it seems unwise to expect that any grouping of Catholics today for Truth is going to attract large numbers. Catholics may naturally long for structure, hierarchy, Superiors and obedience, but these cannot be fabricated out of thin air. Surely remnants are the order of the day. Patience.

In conclusion, Catholics striving to keep the Faith must take their well-deserved punishment, renounce all human illusions and fabrications, and beg in prayer for Almighty God to intervene. When enough souls turn to him for his solution instead of theirs, they will recognize that his Providence provided it for them in the form of the Devotion of the First Saturdays of the month, to make reparation to his Mother. For when enough reparation is made, then he will give to his Vicar on earth the grace to Consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, and then order begins to be restored, as he has promised. For the practice of that Devotion, do not miss next week’s “Comments.”

Kyrie eleison.

Archbishop’s Legacy – II - His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson

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Wow.....very well put.  Amen+


  Difficult to do when one has stopped going to our  beloved SSPX because of the betrayal.!


Mirella, the 'betrayal' hasn't yet occurred. I'll agree that it appears that one may be coming, but, as any introduction to philosophy class teaches plainly, appearances can be deceiving. Test all things, as St Paul advises, but it may be more prudent to withhold judgment until all the facts are in. Presumption can be a sin.

With that said, I too have left my Chapel, seeking the Sacraments from a different Society. My reasons for leaving had, with an eye to the appearances, more to do with the lack of silence and lack of leadership in this particular Chapel. I believe it may all be related. My gut tells me so. But my gut's been wrong before.

Bill,  thank you for yr advice but you are speaking to a very ordinary old housewife who hasn't got any

idea of what a philosophy class teaches,  the bulletin at my beloved SSPX Church has taken  away

the square where it had  printed  ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Society of St Pius X, Traditional Latin Mass

quite a few weeks ago.   Whilst I was  still going there, no announcement was ever heard about what was happening

the silence was deafening,    we have always been told if just one thing is wrong then the WHOLE thing is wrong

The different publications [over the years]  that we could purchase were frequently taken off the shelf if there was some

article that wasn't right,   Bishop Fellay believes  only 5% of Vatican II is wrong,  then the WHOLE

is bad.  As for the betrayal It has happened . when the mentality and purpose of existence IS changed,

I don't know what other Society you are referring to where you attend Mass but if it is the Fraternity of

St Peter  then you will be obliged to acknowledge the Indult which I feel is an Insult to the True Mass.

As for making the First Fridays and First Saturdays, I thought  once  you had made then there was

no need to redo, although it is good to make them every month and offer for another.

God Bless you


I experienced the same in my own dear Chapel. I'm not sure what you meant, though, by "removing the square in the bulletin that said......"

I don't wish to give you the impression that I have a different view than you have regarding these things. And there is no sound so loud that will shatter ear drums than that of silence in the face of things that are against God. The sin of omission is every bit as serious as well s the sin of commission.

All I meant is that one may certainly point to this, and to that, and also those over there, and say it appears that this may be happening. But unless, or until it--the betrayal, I mean-- does happen, ordinary folk like myself should consider not drawing the wrong conclusion. We mustn't limit God in this way. Prepare, yes! Make provisions and plans, yes! But announcements, no.

The Society to which I referred is the Society of St Pius V. I was happy to see you make mention of the defects inherent in the Indult mindset. Father Jenkins of the SSPV does question and answer, as well as Catechetical videos on a website based in Ohio, and has done a series of talks on the dangers of attending, as well as the desecration of the Blessed Sacrament at these Churches.

I'm not completely sure of the Crusaders' stance on this Society, and not wanting to offend the Mission, I hesitate to go into more detail, except to say that where there may be some elements there that make the grave and nonsensical error of sedevacantism, I'm relieved that our Pastor and the other Missionary Priests who come to us absolutely reject that error.

I'm sorry, Mirella, that you are having these trials. Going through very similar ones you cote above, I do empathize, and will keep you in my prayers. Pray for me, and we'll both pray for the Church.

We must pray for Bp. Fellay...and the leaders and all priests of the SSPX.   They are being attacked constantly by the devil and his minions.   And we have to remember, the devil can use us--us and our pride----to bring down the SSPX, too.

We are not guilt free in this regard.  I've seen too many well-meaning people attack the priests, find constant fault, withdraw their money and help, etc.  in order to "punish" the SSPX for this "dialogue" and "agreement".  I don't know if this is the right way to go about changing the Church.  But I have seen the fruits of these actions and it is not good. In the midst of anger, one has to be careful of what they wish for.    Many of us in the the SSPX could be accused of starting "fires", creating division, infecting the parish with calumny and detraction, etc.,  just because we felt we didn't get what we wanted...from the SSPX or from God.  We think we know better just because we attend a Latin Mass.   Even within the  Resistance movement there is mud slinging attacks and self-destruction.  The devil just laughs.......

It is obvious to all of us,  that we as a society, culture, Church, as Catholics, as Christians....we are in dark/evil times.  If one thinks these times are bad now, they don't know their history.  The times will get worse, beyond our imaginations.   Like Fr. Malachi Martin said on one of Art Bell's, it is basically "each for themselves".    We have to do the hard work of nurturing our Faith through education, prayer, penance.  We can't give up.  We have to be examples of Catholic living, life, and light to the rest of the world, even if the world hates us, and be willing to offer up the persecution for the salvation of souls.   The Catholic Church has been infiltrated and the destruction begun.  But to remove ourselves from the battle, from the hard fought and hard won SSPX chapels---- is wrong. Please, no more "they left us...."   One day at a time, one prayer at a time, one knee at a time, one Rosary bead at time,  one kiss to the precious wounds of Christ at a time.  Souls last forever....that is what we should be focusing on.

Susan, I thank you for your well reasoned words. And I agree with you that one must be very very careful about which conclusions one draws from what one sees, and especially in light of and recognizing one's limited understanding-- as well as one's limited capacity to understand--and knowledge of the present circumstances unfolding all around us.

I've left my Chapel not ultimately because of what I think is going to happen. I don't know what's going to happen. But in the last couple of years a change has occurred, a shift. In the current issue of the Angelus Magazine-- have you read it?-- there are some beautiful defenses of marriage and family. But no mention of what they're defending marriage and family against. From what I understand from friends who were there, Fr Vernoy preached absolutely brilliantly and passionately in defense of marriage, the family, the Blessed Sacrament-- but not one word about Francis and his pornographic 'A Mortis Laetitia.'

With that in mind, the havoc created in several Chapels here in S Florida because of threats to close and combine Chapels payed for--2 of them payed for for decades now, and established with stable congregations, one of them the oldest Chapel in S Florida. And reopen one Chapel in a new location with new debt.

With that in mind, recall the joy we all felt upon hearing a Priory will be established by in our State, and how now it will be possible to have more Masses, especially on Holy Days of Obligation, First Friday's and Saturdays, Catechism classes for adults and children. Then the disappointment in the reality that even though our Priests are closer, mere hours away, less Masses and no time for classes. Really-- LESS Masses.

And with that in mind, lay leaders chosen, in my particular Chapel, in admittedly irregular marriages, one of whom made the point within earshot of several people, lending credence to the no mass, arguing against Holy Silence in the immediate area of the Confessional before Mass, making it extremely difficult if not impossible to prepare oneself properly for the Sacrament.

Those reasons combined lead to my decision to leave, and I believe I made the right decision, and for the right reasons.

I do hope no one bears me I'll-will. My struggles are such that I fear constantly for my Salvation, and weakling that I am those circumstances were contributing to my falls, myself being the main contributor. It was becoming for me near occasions of sin.

Horrible times we live in. St Philomena pray for us. Immaculate Heart pray for us. Sacred Heart have mercy on us.

No one bears ill will. I don't know any Crusader who does :)   For my part my heart breaks for your situation Bill.  I have many friends in similar situations and it is immensely difficult.

Praying for Bp. Fellay is the best thing we can do and I can say with all sincerity I have done so everyday for many years and no matter how discouraged his actions make me (and it is a battle to fight off that discouragement sometimes) I will by God's grace keep praying for him, because if the tables were turned, and in the end I did leave the wrong road and come back to the right road I would be so glad that person or persons didn't give up on me.

However having said that we must call out what is happening and not turn a blind eye, this in itself is tremendously difficult.

The devil is as Susan said laughing all the way to hell's bank with the division, and mud slinging which is utterly disgraceful among all Catholics, Trads, SSPX, FSSP, Resistance, Sede's Novus ordo everyone is divided because the Pope is no longer a leader of the Faith but a promoter of the world and all which that entails.

This is the worst the Church will ever endure and we are living it, but in the end if we live long enough the glory of the Church will be greater than the darkness is now.

So I just keep my eyes heavenward and try hard not to let the turbulence get to me.  And pray, and pray and pray :)

Thanks for that Dawn! I appreciate your kind words and good advice.


Thank you Bill, Dawn Marie and Susan  for your thoughts and  good advice  

the thing is that if we continue to go to Mass at the SSPX we will be agreeing with the move

back to Rome,  may Our Blessed Mother protect and guide us,

Deleted comment ... too depressing!!

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