Archbishop Commented – II - Bishop Richard Williamson

Eleison Comments by His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson

The Archbishop wished Rome not himself to approve, Rather that Rome for the Church’s good would move.

Before leaving Archbishop Lefebvre’s realistic remarks of 1991 (cf. the last two EC’s), let us comment further, in the hope of helping Catholics to keep their balance between scorning authority in the name of truth and belittling truth for the sake of authority. For ever since the churchmen of Vatican II (1962–1965) put their full authority behind the Church Revolution (religious liberty, collegial equality and ecumenical fraternity ), Catholics have been thrown off balance: when Authority tramples upon Truth, how indeed is one to maintain one’s respect for both?

Now in the tormented aftermath of Vatican II, who can be said to have borne fruits comparable to that preservation of Catholic doctrine, Mass and sacraments for which the Archbishop was mainly (albeit not solely) responsible? In which case, the balance that he himself struck between Truth and Authority must be especially deserving of consideration.

Firstly, let us consider a simple observation of the Archbishop on authority: “Now we have the tyranny of authority because there are no more rules from the past.” Amongst human beings all with original sin, truth needs authority to back it, because it is a Jeffersonian illusion that truth thrown into the market-place will prevail all on its own without a disaster being necessary to teach reality. Authority is to truth as means to end, not end to means. It is Catholic faith which saves, and that Faith lies in a series of truths, not in authority. Those truths are so much the substance and purpose of Catholic Authority that when it is cut loose from them, as by Vatican II, then it is cut adrift until the first tyrant to lay hands on it bends it to his will. The tyranny of Paul VI followed naturally on the Council, just as by pursuing approval from the champions of the same Council, the leadership of the Society of St Pius X has likewise behaved itself tyranically in recent years. Contrast how the Archbishop built up his authority over Tradition by serving the truth.

A second remark of his from 1991 deserving of further comment is where he said that when in 1988 he tried to reach an agreement with Rome by means of his Protocol of May 5, “I think I can say that I went even further than I should have.” Indeed that Protocol lays itself open to criticism on important points, so here is the Archbishop himself admitting that he momentarily lost his balance, tilting briefly in favour of Rome’s authority and against Tradition’s truth. But he tilted only briefly, because as is well-known, on the very next morning he repudiated the Protocol, and he never again wavered until his death, so that from then on nobody could say either that he had not done all he could to reach agreement with Authority, or that it is an easy thing to get the balance always right between Truth and Authority.

A third remark throws light on his motivation in seeking from 1975 to 1988 some agreement with Roman Authority. Judging his motives by their own, his successors at the head of the SSPX talk as though he was always seeking its canonical regularisation. But he explained the Protocol as follows: “I hoped until the last minute that in Rome we would witness a little bit of loyalty.” In other words he was always pursuing the good of the Faith, and he never honoured Authority for anything other than for the sake of the Truth. Can as much be said for his successors?

Kyrie eleison.

Archbishop Commented – II - Bishop Richard Williamson

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Yes, yes and yes.


Note from General House

Diffusion: Members priests.
Date: December 18, 2014
Note regarding a meeting between Society members and Cardinal Brandmüller
On December 5 2014, the announced meeting between members of the Society and Cardinal Brandmüller took place. In this meeting, which was held in German language, there were present Cardinal Brandmüller, Bishop Fellay, Fathers Schmidberger, Frey, Udressy, Wuilloud, Gaudron y Kasteleiner.
The meeting was very cordial. The Cardinal seems to have been well impressed by his visit to the seminar and the welcome of the professors and seminarians..
During the meeting, Bishop Fellay and our priests explained the positions of the Society about the particular status of Vatican II, the authority of their documents, its interpretation and its atypical nature of "pastoral council". They insisted on the fact that the texts of the council cannot be separated from its spirit and from the reforms that followed.
The Cardinal’s responses to the objections of the Society were in general the same as those of the Ecclesia Dei Commission.
From a theological point of view, this meeting brought nothing new. The divergences between the two positions are clear. The meeting, however, allowed the Cardinal to visit one of our seminars, to meet the priests, to listen to the Society’s objections against Vatican II and the post-conciliar reforms, and to confirm our doctrinal unity.
Two upcoming meetings are planned with Bishop Athanasius Schneider: the first in Saint John Vianney Seminary in Flavigny, in January; and the other in February at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona.
*For Mons. Fellay, achieving an agreement with Roma is an irrevocable decision.
Under the false pretext of conducting doctrinal discussions, continues to develop the perverse strategy of "informal and cordial meetings", which aims to build bridges of trust among members of the SSPX and the "conservative traditional sensitivity" of the conciliar church, with a view to practical agreement or recognition of the SSPX by modernist heretics.


Sunday, January 11, 2015


Father de la Rocque (pastor of St. Nicholas of Chardonnet) does not seem repugnant the excommunicate a nun who had to leave their community to remain faithful. Nor repugnant deny the Dominicans of Avrillé way to Paris, and say not say Mass at St. Nicholas, even in the oratory of the priory of the rue Galande contrary to its predecessor.
This attitude is reserved only to the new line SSPX oppose ...
To enter and be received in the choir of St. Nicholas, just being a member of a community recognized by Rome as the Benedictines of the Immaculate (community founded by RP Jehan de Belleville, left the monastery of Le Barroux, recognized by Rome. See their website ).
During the Mass of Congress Courrier Magazine Rome, celebrated by Bishop Fellay at St. Nicholas, Father Jehan de Belleville, founder of the Benedictines of the Immaculate, along with two brothers, were received in choir dress, in the choir San Nicolas.
Photos taken by a bystander in San Nicolas:
Father Jehan de Belleville, followed by P. Lorans recognized fellecista-acuerdista.

Father Jehan and P. du Chalard, director of Courrier de Rome, another recognized fellecista-acuerdista.

The Neo-SSPX he usually does the dirty politics of double standards: "warmth" about apostate Rome and other liberal, and arbitrary and heavy-handed for illiberal.

Other relevant information: the Father Fuchs (Austrian Resistance), has confirmed that the P. Pfluger actually said "it would be good that the SSPX is reconciled with Rome and joins the FSSP to have more strength." The P. Fuchs also tells us that the P. Frey, Upper Austria District, recently attended a Mass celebrated by Cardinal. Burke in Vienna, where he preached about the "sanctity" of John Paul II.




El domingo 28 de diciembre, en la parroquia San Nicolás de Chardonnet, durante la misa, hacia el final del Credo, el Padre de la Rocque vino a buscarme y me pide seguirlo hasta la sacristía. Con el fin de evitar el escándalo, obedezco. Una vez en su oficina, él me explicó que Monseñor de Galarreta lo llamó por teléfono. Monseñor le confirmó (pues él ya lo sabía) que se me envió una carta el pasado 8 de septiembre, en donde se me informa mi expulsión de la Congregación de las Dominicas de Brignoles y, al salir de ella, el levantamiento de mis votos. Por consiguiente, debo dejar inmediatamente el hábito que llevo indebidamente.
Asimismo, el señor cura ha prevenido a todos sus vicarios de ya no darme en adelante la comunión. Monseñor de Galarreta podrá, eventualmente, reducirme al estado laical con votos privados. Yo objeté que, según nuestras propias constituciones, solamente el Papa puede desligarme de mis votos. Entonces el Padre de la Rocque se enoja, indignado: “Desde hace cuarenta años, los religiosos y las religiosas de la Tradición gozan de la jurisdicción de suplencia, pero cuando se tiene una discrepancia con sus superiores, ¡ya no se reconoce esta jurisdicción!” 

Entonces señalé mi voluntad de escribir a la Madre Generala. Y me entero que es a petición de ésta -que se quejó en Suresnes de la tolerancia del clero parisino respecto a mi persona- que a partir de ahora se me niega la comunión. El Padre de la Rocque agrega que, debido al estado de salud de mi madre, muy enferma y a la cual estoy cuidando desde hace un mes, tal medida podría matarla, por lo que se me tolerará todavía algunas semanas llevando el hábito, y que él podría darme la comunión en privado… con la condición de no hablar y pasar desapercibida. Le agradecí su solicitud, dejé la oficina y volví a mi lugar al final de la consagración. Más tarde, llevé a mi mamá a comulgar. Para mí, estoy excomulgada por la FSSPX.
                                                           En la fiesta del Santo Nombre de Jesús 2015.

                                                                                        Hermana Marie-Laetitia

BISHOP OF GALARRETA "excommunicated" A RELIGIOUS IN France.-
On Sunday December 28, in the parish of St. Nicholas of Chardonnet, during Mass, towards the end of the Creed, Father de la Rocque came to me and asked me to follow him to the vestry. In order to avoid scandal, I obey. Once in office, he told me that Bishop de Galarreta telephoned him. Monsignor confirmed (as he already knew) that sent me a letter last September 8th, where I was informed my expulsion of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Brignoles and leaving her, lifting my vows. Therefore, I must immediately stop the habit I wear improperly.
Also, the priest has prevented all vicars me henceforth no longer communion. Bishop de Galarreta may eventually reduce me to the lay state with private vows. I objected that, according to our own constitutions, only the pope can divest myself of my vows. Then Father de la Rocque gets angry, indignant: "For forty years, the men and women religious of Tradition enjoy the supplied jurisdiction, but when you have a disagreement with his superiors, and not this court recognized! "

Then I pointed my will to write to Mother Yahtzee. And integer that is at its request, which complained in Suresnes tolerance of the Parisian clergy about my personality that from now on I am denied communion me. Father de la Rocque added that due to the state of health of my mother very sick and that I am caring for a month, such a move could kill her, so will I still tolerate some weeks wearing the habit, and that he could you give me communion in private ... on the condition of not talking and go unnoticed. I thanked her request, I left the office and went back to my place at the end of consecration. Later, I took my mom to Communion. For me, I am excommunicated by the SSPX.
                                                            On the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus 2015.

                                                                                         Sister Marie-Laetitia


Good posts DM.  Too sad.  I'm very afraid the SSPX will go with the Roman Authority and not the Truth.  Only God can give those under Bishop Fellay the strength to oppose such a move.  I will pray for them to go with Jesus who is the Truth and not listen to men.  They should listen to the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ when tempted by the Devil, to adore him "The Lord thy God shalt thou adore, and Him only shalt thou serve " ( Matt. 4:9-11).  Our Lord taught that any attachment to persons spelled detachment from God.  In Luke 14:26 He states: If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters, yea and his whole life also, he cannot be my disciple.  Finally the first pope St. Peter, in Acts 5:29 states "we ought to obey God, rather than men."  Please give those priests who are under grave temptation to follow such a move, the grace to oppose all authority that is contrary to the Truth and Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Some of the posts are a google translate.  The translations are poor naturally but hopefully can be understood more or less.  I'm going to try and see if I can get a better translation for some of them.

And yes, there is some kind of unwritten agreement already.  The sspx is marching to an unconverted Rome and they no longer hide that fact any more.

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