SSPX Forums Owners and Moderators by Gregorio Sarto

*Posted by Gregorio Sarto (Greg T) of Ignis Ardens October 6th 2012
Dear All,

I am sorry that it has come to this but here we are:

I am stepping down as moderator of Ignis Ardens, and I wish as many people as possible to know why.

The SSPX has been my spiritual home for the last 10 years - ever since I was old enough to make my own decision about where to attend Mass - and has exerted a positive influence for even longer in many ways. You all know what opinion and position I take regarding the future of the SSPX and the mooted deal with Rome. You also know (most of you, anyway) the regard in which I hold the current direction and leadership of the SSPX. And the marginally lower regard in which I hold those who shut their eyes and side with them, through motives of self-interest when they must surely know better.

I have been aware for some time of scandalous reports, filtering back from Asia and elsewhere, of layfolk being denied the sacraments, or threatened with as much, essentially for no greater crime than an "incorrect opinion" regarding Menzingen's politics and clever diplomatic games. More recently, my attention has been drawn to the possibility of an SSPX-wide policy to this effect.

According to my understanding, Bishop Fellay has 'suggested' to our District Superior that anyone who dares criticize the public words and actions of +Fellay or Menzingen on internet forums such as Ignis Ardens (named specifically) and blogs should be denied Holy Communion by SSPX priests. He communicated that anyone owning or moderating forums where criticism takes place should be denied Holy Communion, and that anyone employed by SSPX who falls into these categories should also get sacked.

I reproduce below what I believe are the relevant canons regarding this, and I leave it to you to see the justice (or lack thereof) in this latest decision by Menzingen/Fellay.

Now, whilst this sort of thing might work in some places, in England the most highly critical of the Romeward, liberal drift of the SSPX are (in my humble opinion) those people who have given the most to the SSPX and who are its most selfless, loyal, devout and generous supporters. I of course do not include myself in that. For people who know me from Mass, I let you judge whether I have not attempted, over the years, to give of my time and very modest efforts in whatever small way possible. My point is that if +Fellay proceeds with forcibly silencing his critics, the people punished most will be those who least deserve it. In any case, in a sense this is all an academic question and does not matter: I personally have complete confidence in Fr. Morgan's integrity as a priest and a loyal son of Archbishop Lefebvre.

But whilst the faithful in the British Isles, Ireland and Scandinavia don't believe for a minute that such a monstrous abuse of ecclesiastical power and function would ever be carried out by our current priests, nevertheless, if Bishop Fellay demands that Ignis Ardens becomes unmoderated then so be it. Clare and I each have our families to think of, lives of our own, and we both have better things to do with our time. Clare of course can speak for herself, but if her thinking is anything like mine, Ignis Ardens may well find its members having to moderate themselves from now on. I am truly amazed that either of us should be threatened with excommunication, but I am not making this up. And whilst I would happily defy an unjust command from a Bishop to whom I have never sworn obedience, and whilst equally I do not believe for one instant that our excellent priests would ever be party to such a monstrous injustice, yet for the sake of Fr. Morgan and the other clergy I will not force the issue, and so I stand down as Moderator.

I make no secret of the fact that I pray for the SSPX and at the moment, specifically, for a speedy end to the Generalship of Bishop Fellay which, I believe, is doing great harm to the SSPX and consequently to Catholic Tradition, Almighty God's work upon earth. May God have Mercy on us all for our sins, and may His will be done.




Can. 912 Any baptized person not prohibited by law can and must be admitted to holy communion.

Can. 915 Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.


Can. 1389 §1. A person who abuses an ecclesiastical power or function is to be punished according to the gravity of the act or omission, not excluding privation of office, unless a law or precept has already established the penalty for this abuse.

§2. A person who through culpable negligence illegitimately places or omits an act of ecclesiastical power, ministry, or function with harm to another is to be punished with a just penalty.

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Likewise  dearest Catherine!  Well said :)


As well as the proper response which you have given is also the correct advice which Sister Lucia also gave; Advice in this crisis both of the Church and the SSPX, advice for all of us when faced with these constant things we read on the internet or hear from friends etc:



   Sister Lucy said, "There is no problem, either moral or physical, that can not be solved by the Rosary".


That's possible, but my question is what could make Greg allow someone like Charles and Suzanne stay on his forum?

People over on IA have conveniently forgotten the fact that Charles called for the public execution-murder of Bishop Fellay and not only was he not banned but his sick behavior was encouraged by Sarto.

I've not understood anything over there in many months.

I was hoping the problems would go away after the announcements that there would definitely be no deal with Rome. Looks like that is not the case. I would think that folks on both sides (both of the issue, and the collar) who profess to be Catholic would show more charity. 

This sermon fits here because too many on both sides have lost sight of the most important reason of why we are here.

If there are those who believe that Bishop Fellay has "fallen among the robbers"(and yes I believe myself in some ways he has) then the question becomes, "what has been your reaction"?


Will we be like the "high priests" who walk by and do nothing?  Will we be like those who seeing someone overcome by the robbers and thieves, stop only to kick him?  Or will our response be, here let me help you up?


If the men, the priests and bishops of the SSPX have been tested in these past many months (even the last few years) is it so far fetched to think that God will not stop there?  Is it so far fetched to think we will also be tested?


And how will we show ourselves?  What have we learned from all the years of being fed the beautiful Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and the forgiving Sacrament of Confession? 


I don't believe it is right to walk away from the work of the Archbishop nor do I think those are right who only see fit ti attack Bishop Fellay who himself has clearly been attacked (on a spiritual level).


My point is how do we stand and fight?  The way we have been taught to stand and fight.  With faith and confidence and turning our sights to Mary who assures us"Only I can help you".  Pick up the weapon of our day-the rosary- and fight.

That is how battles are won.  That is how crisis' are overcome, that is how those who have fallen among robbers are brought back.

There are those who are placing their trust in men.  Placing their trust that Bishop Williamson will save the day...Fr Pfeiffer, Fr. Chazal and so on.
They will not save the day.


You will, by doing exactly what Our Lady said to do.

That is how the SSPX will overcome the evils which have clearly befallen it.


Well said, ladies.  I agree.

I agree with Petrus, DM.  You hit the nail on the head.

Thank you for including that link to Fr. Libietis' sermon.  It was very sobering but very good.  I especially enjoyed his explanation of the symbolism in the parable of the Good Samaritan.

And as yesterday was the feast of the Most Holy Rosary with the memory of the Battle of Lepanto:

"My point is how do we stand and fight?  The way we have been taught to stand and fight.  With faith and confidence and turning our sights to Mary who assures us"Only I can help you".  Pick up the weapon of our day-the rosary- and fight.

That is how battles are won.  That is how crisis' are overcome, that is how those who have fallen among robbers are brought back."


Oh how we need to pray for our clergy and for each other!  All of us are so fragile and vulnerable, without Mary we would be lost!


It is hardly to believe, that such people can call themselves  a friend of FSSPX.


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