A Portion of the Message of Fatima Published in 1963 at the Request of Cardinal Ottaviani

The following extract of the message of Fatima is from a German newspaper, the “Neues Europa” of October 5, 1963, by Louis Emerich. Its message impressed diplomatic circles in Moscow, Pope Paul VI permitted not only Kennedy, bur Khrushchev to have a look at the third part of the secret of Fatima in which the Mother of God revealed in 1917. Those who directed world politics were appalled by it’s contents just as Pope Pius XII, Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI had been.

It has been relayed that this was published in the German newspaper at the request of Cardinal Ottaviani.

On that day the Blessed Virgin showed Herself for the third time to the three children, Jacinta, Francesco and Lucy. The Mother of God revealed a special message to Lucy which states in particular:

“Do not be troubled, dear child, I am the Mother of God who is speaking to you and asking you to announce the following message to the entire world in my name. On doing so you will meet with strong opposition. But be strong in faith and you will triumph over all opposition. Listen carefully and remember what I tell you. Good people must be better. They must implore God to forgive the sins they have committed and will in the future commit. You ask Me for a sign so all may comprehend the words which I am addressing to mankind through you. You have just beheld that miracle, the great miracle of the sun. Everybody saw it, believers and unbelievers., and now announce it in My name.

A great chastisement will come over all mankind. What I have already announced at La Salette through the children Melanie and Maximin, I repeat to you now. Humanity has not developed as God desired. Mankind has been sacrilegious and has trampled underfoot the wondrous Blessings of God. No longer does order reign anywhere. Even in the highest places Satan reigns and directs the course of things. Satan will succeed in filtering into the highest positions in the Church. Satan will succeed in sowing confusion in the minds of scientists who design weapons that can destroy great portions of mankind in short periods. Satan will gain hold of heads of nations and will cause these destructive weapons to be mass produced.

If mankind will not oppose these evils, I will be obligated to let the Arm of My Son drop in vengeance. If the chief rulers of the world and of the Church will not actively oppose these evils, I will ask God My Father to bring His Justice to bear on mankind. Then will God punish mankind even more severely and heavily than He did at the time of the great deluge. The great and powerful will perish same as the lowly and meek. But a time of very severe Trial is also coming for the Church. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals and Bishops will oppose Bishops. Satan will enter into their very midst and will walk in their ranks. In Rome also will occur great changes. What is rotten will fall and what falls must not be retained. The Church will be obscured and all the world will be thrown into great confusion.

 Fire and smoke will drop from heavens and the waters of the ocean will turn to steam throwing their foam to the very sky. Whatever is standing will be overturned. Millions of people will die. Those surviving will envy the dead. Distress, misery and desolation will be found the world over. The time is growing nearer and the abyss is ever deepening and there will be no escape, the good die with the wicked, the great with lowly, the Prince of the Church with the wicked, the rulers of nations with their people. Death will reign everywhere, raised to triumph by erring men. The helpers of Satan will be the masters of the earth. These evils will come at a time when no one expects it, nevertheless it must come as punishment and revenge in accordance with God’s Plan.

The age of ages is coming, the end of all ends, if mankind will not repent and be converted and if this conversion does not come from the rulers of the world and of Church. Woe and greater woe to mankind if conversion does not occur.

Later, however, those who survive those trials, if they repent and will call upon God in submission to His Will and become true followers of Jesus Christ my Son, I will gather them and become their intercessor and more woe if that conversion does not occur; go my child and announce it ad I will assist you”.

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you for posting.  Very important.  

This is coming to fruition before our eyes.

Thank you Dawn Marie for sharing this posting.  We appear to be living through some of what the Blessed Mother promised if mankind did not repent.  The Blessed Mother's message is very clear as is the filth that 's invaded society today.  By all means, we must do everything we can to protect our Traditional Church and its Priests.  We read that the Blessed Mother's Rosary is a weapon declared so by those anti-Christians who fear our Faith and want it destroyed.  May God give us strength to overcome the evil in the world today,  and may mankind be enlightened before they perish.  

God Bless,

Margie Tiritilli



How many prophecies are now fulfilled?, easier to count the few remaining 

*easier to count the few remaining 


Daniel M said:

How many prophecies are now fulfilled?, easier to count the few remaining 

Oh Dear God help us!!! This is most SERIOUS

fr. colletti

That's why I said I understood well why Malachi said the confessionals would be packed.  It's bone chilling.

Father Joseph Anthony Colletti said:

Oh Dear God help us!!! This is most SERIOUS

fr. colletti

Our Father, Who art in heaven,  hallowed be Thy name, ...

 ... and lead us not into temptation,  but deliver us from evil.  Amen. 

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