By Father Paul Kramer
What a pathetic article Fr. Jean Michel Gleize has written in his pitiful attempt to debunk the secret of La Salette. "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist" is in Melanie's unpublished letters kept in the Vatican archive, and is essentially what was revealed in the third secret of Fatima, read by Pius XII to Cardinal Samuel Stritch (and others), read by Malachi Martin after John XXIII opened and read it in 1962; announced by Cardinal Oddi and Cardinal Ciappi; revealed by Our Lady to Padre Pio, and corroborated by the message of Akita (where it was revealed that the Church will be betrayed by a false pope).
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning explained the defection of Rome to false paganized religion in 1861, and Pope Leo XIII foretold it in his long prayer to St. Michael: «Behold the Church, the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, filled with bitterness and inebriated with gall by the most crafty enemies; who have laid impious hands on all that is most sacred. Where the See of the most blessed Peter and the Chair of the truth, was constituted as the light of the nations, there they have set up the throne of their abominable impiety, so that the shepherd being struck, the sheep may be dispersed.» What this essentially means is that "Rome (i.e. the Vatican) will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist."
Cardinal Manning elaborated essentially this same idea in his 1861 book of 96 pages, and summed it up saying: “The apostasy of the city of Rome from the vicar of Christ and its destruction by Antichrist may be thoughts very new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians of greatest repute. First Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Biegas, Suarez, Bellarmine and Bosius that Rome shall apostatize from the Faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancient paganism. ...Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible; hidden in catacombs, in dens, in mountains, in lurking places; for a time it shall be swept, as it were from the face of the earth. Such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church.” (Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See, 1861, London: Burns and Lambert, pp. 88-90.)
The expression "the City of Rome" was then in 1861 like saying "the Vatican" today: it was still rightfully belonging papal sovereignty and not a separately occupied territory from the Vatican before 1849 -- but Rome was the central hub of government of the Pontifical State, (with its administration at the Quirinal Palace in the heart of Rome), as the Vatican City State similarly has its administration inside Vatican City today, and Rome only became a juridically separate territorial jurisdiction under the sovereign rule of Italy with the Lateran Treaty in 1929. The text of Leo XIII's prayer makes it clear that to say "Rome will lose the faith" in 1846 or in 1861 was like saying today, "the Vatican will lose the faith" -- which is essentially and explicitly revealed in the third secret of Fatima, as we know from those who read it or heard it, and related its content to others. However, the defection of Rome (including the Vatican) is not a matter of mere "private revelation" -- Cardinal Manning, a scholar of great erudition testified to the fact that the ancient Fathers and the greatest theologians taught this doctrine in unison -- which is a certain proof that this doctrine pertains to the ordinary and universal magisterium of the Church, and is therefore included in the deposit of revelation and must be believed with divine and Catholic faith.

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This is approved by the SSPX.  Make all the excuses you want but they have stood against Our Lady again and again and again.  You know who else did that? Judas.

And just to rub salt in the wound they published it on September 19th, the feast of Our Lady of La Salette.

Some people might get offended I said that....I DON'T CARE.  Stand for Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother no matter what the consequences and no matter who you must stand against be they popular or not.  PERIOD.

178 years later and poor Melanie is still being attacked and scorned and spoken ill of.  Good luck with this deceptive and diabolical declaration, I don't think Our Lord will take kindly to it.

And thank you Father Kramer for ALWAYS having the courage and grace to defend Our Lord and Our Lady...ALWAYS!

Thank you Fr. Kramer for telling like it is and thank you Dawn for defending Our Lady and Melanie.

Thank you Father Kramer and Dawn Marie.  Melanie was a victim soul that died destitute and alone after a life of hardship trying to spread the message of Our Lady.  This attempt to diminish Our Lady is perfectly in line with trying to water down Catholicism to be just one of the other world religions, to be part of the modern world, not set apart, as the narrow gate to salvation.  This syncretism of religions is a freemasonic goal in order to destroy Christ's Church, now being promulgated by the Vatican.

It appears that the article was written by Fr. Glieze in 2020. Are his thoughts the same today?

Yes and no.  He wrote it in 2020 and then published it on the SSPX website this past September 19th so yes his thoughts are the same.  The difference is the SSPX spoke loud and clear that they approve.

Thank you for that clarification.

Dawn Marie said:

Yes and no.  He wrote it in 2020 and then published it on the SSPX website this past September 19th so yes his thoughts are the same.  The difference is the SSPX spoke loud and clear that they approve.


Our Lady: “Lately I have suffered. When holy Pastors (and?) priests wanted the last lines of my secrets, on the mountain of pain, (i.e. La Salette) to let them be known to all my people, other pastors have rebelled. I had the pain of seeing put away, under seals, these pages that should have been delivered to the world. (i.e. the secrets of La Salette.) This is because there is much question of pastors and priests that rebelled, and they folded up the last pages of this divine secret. How do you think the punishments will not fall on the earth? (i.e., by these actions, how can you think the punishments will not fall?) They will wrap up my last words on the holy mountain and make them disappear. Just to cause suffering to those who have dedicated themselves to this holy cause, with the joy of glorifying me in this solemn prediction. This is because these lines are all about the priesthood - and it is myself that I pronounced and revealed them - and that I show how they are to be my Son in holy orders and how to live His priesthood.” (August 4, 1904)


"My children, when I remember the day I brought my warnings to the Holy Mountain (La Salette), to the threatened world, when I remember the harsh reception of my words! ... not by all, but by many. And those who should have made them known to the souls, hearts and spirits of my children with great confidence, deep penetration, they took no notice! They despised them and most of them refused their confidence.... My Divine Son, who see everything in the depths of consciences...who saw the contempt for my promises, made arrangements in Heaven for a measure of severity for all those who refused to make known my word to my children as a bright light, true and just...when I see what awaits the earth, my tears flow again....False apostles, under the appearance of honeyed words and false promises and tell lies soliciting my dear children to save their lives from the storm and the peril of blood...I assure you flee from the very shadow of these men who are none other the enemies of my Divine Son!"

Protect us St. Michael from all heresy and indifference. Help all devout Catholics to practice purity and modesty that their prayers might be answered. May all the the children in Catholic schools k-12 be given the grace of discernment in oder to realize the serious harm of liberal indoctrination and be filled with a burning determination to find the truth and become great truth seekers. Amen

Thank You Dawn Marie and Father Paul Kramer.  This is a problem of the Catholic Church well before Vatican II.  I attended Catholic school for 10 years and never heard of La Salette.  The first-and-only-time it was mentioned was during a discussion with some friends - who like me attended an SSPX Church.  Only one person knew of La Salette and was able to reveal what it concerned.  We were all astounded that the Catholic Churches we had attended prior to Vatican II never spoke of it.  To this day, it still hasn't been spoken of from the pulpit.  As has been said in the past, it is the Catholic lay people who will save the Faith, not the Catholic hierarchy as it stands today.  As an example, we have a Pope who is telling little children that all religions lead to the path of Heaven as he seeks to bring in a pagan One World Religion.  

nellie smith said:

Protect us St. Michael from all heresy and indifference. Help all devout Catholics to practice purity and modesty that their prayers might be answered. May all the the children in Catholic schools k-12 be given the grace of discernment in oder to realize the serious harm of liberal indoctrination and be filled with a burning determination to find the truth and become great truth seekers. Amen

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