A beautiful website with rare and wonderful photos and quotes of Saint Padre Pio.
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Thank you for sharing this wonderful website about Saint Padre Pio.
Very inspiring indeed...
Saint Padre Pio, pray for us!!!
"We can't live without the Rosary."
"The Rosary is the weapon of defense and salvation."
"The Rosary is the weapon given us by Mary to use against against the tricks of the infernal enemy."
'Mary has recommended the Rosary at Lourdes and Fatima because of it's exceptional value for us and our times."
"The rosary is the prayer of the Madonna, the one that triumphs on everything and everybody."
"Always recite the rosary and recite it as often as possible."
"Mary is present in every mystery of the rosary."
"Satan always tries to destroy the rosary, but he will never succeed."
"I always pray for the sick. Every day I say a holy Rosary for them."
To Lucietta Pennelli, one day at about noon: "Today I have already said 16 complete Rosaries."
To Lucia Pennelli one morning around 7:00 AM: "How many rosaries did you say so far today?" 'Two". "I already said seven."
Answering to father Michelangelo: "Today i said 32 or 33 rosaries. Maybe 1 or 2 more."
Answering to father Mariano: "About 30. Maybe some more, but not less."
'How do you do it? "What is the night for?"
Answering a question: "Some days I say 40 Rosaries, some other days 50."
How do I do it? How do you manage not so say any?"
Father Marcellino testified that he had to help Padre Pio wash his hands one at a time
"because he didn't want to leave the rosary beads, and passed the Rosary from one hand to the other."
February 6, 1954 9:00 PM, to father Carmelo: "I still have 2 rosaries to pray today. I said only 34 so far. Then I will go to bed."
Saint Padre Pio, pray for us!!!
Thank you for sharing this blog of St. Padre Pio. Such a powerful Saint.
Saint Padre Pio, pray for us.
Alas, I can't get this website to load.
Maybe this will help to open the site of St. Padre Pio.
Even that link won't do it. http://caccioppoli.com takes me to the home page, but when I click on the link for the bio in English even from there, the bio page won't load. Maybe it's down intermittently. I will try again from time to time.
Thank you very much for trying.
I just clicked on the site and it loaded up right away for me.
David I noticed that it takes a few tries for me before it will actually open. Either it spins and does nothing or sends an error message. Just keep trying, usually by the 3rd try it opens.
David Kaftal said:
Even that link won't do it. http://caccioppoli.com takes me to the home page, but when I click on the link for the bio in English even from there, the bio page won't load. Maybe it's down intermittently. I will try again from time to time.
Thank you very much for trying.
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