Time: June 4, 2013 to June 12, 2013
Location: world wide
Event Type: for private intentions
Organized By: Cathleen
Latest Activity: Jun 12, 2013
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I greet thee, St. Anthony, lily of purity, ornament and glory of Christianity. I greet thee, great saint, filled with divine love. I rejoice at the favors Our Lord has so generously bestowed on thee. I humbly and confidently entreat thee to help me for I know that God has given thee charity as well as power.
Good St. Anthony, meek and humble in spite of thy great gifts, and whom we invoke so confidently to help us find that which is lost; pray, I beg thee, that I may never lose my faith, the gift that I cherish most.
Behold my needs (here mention your request). I beg of thee, by the love thou felt towards the little Jesus when He embraced thee so lovingly, to tell Him now of my needs. Remember how complete was thy happiness when thou held Him in thy arms.
I venerate thee, glorious favorite of God, and bow my guilty head before thee in humble reverence while I raise my sad heart full of hope toward the throne of Divine Mercy and to thee, my intercessor. He who placed Himself in thy arms will now fill thy hands with all I ask of thee.
Please obtain for me what I desire, if it be God's Holy Will, and I will make known the wondrous power of thy intercession for the greater Glory of God.
Remembering the intentions of the following Crusaders and priest:
Onyinyechi Agnes Njoku
RosaMaria W. Arrojo
Deirdre Uí Ghoibín
Father Louis Allessio
Please intercede and pray for all the intentions that has been placed
at thy feet.
St Anthony, Bless My Intentions for The Crusaders Who have lost Their most precious things in Life that leave them feeling Restless and upset.. I light The way with Petitions and Prayers, candlelight and Your Novena to help others in Churchs. IHM
Saint Anthony, pray for us.
Intentions of the following Crusaders and priest:
Onyinyechi Agnes Njjoku, RosaMaria W. Arrojo, Deirdre U1 Ghoibin, Father Louis Allessio
St. Anthony, pray for all our intentions.
For two special intentions
Thank you, St. Anthony, for helping me so often in finding lost things. May I never lose my faith, the greatest gift of all.
Dear Brittany,
Keeping you in this novena honey.
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