Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows

Event Details

Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows

Time: March 13, 2013 to March 21, 2013
Location: Worldwide
Event Type: for our private intentions
Organized By: Cathleen
Latest Activity: Mar 22, 2013

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Event Description

For the intention of making reparation to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

MOST BLESSED and afflicted Virgin, Queen of Martyrs, who didst stand generously beneath the cross, beholding the agony of thy dying Son; by the sword of sorrow which then pierced thy soul, by the sufferings of thy sorrowful life, by the unutterable joy which now more than repays thee for them; look down with a mother’s pity and tenderness, as I kneel before thee to compassionate thy sorrows, and to lay my petition with childlike confidence in thy wounded heart. I beg of thee, O my Mother, to plead continually for me with thy Son, since He can refuse thee nothing, and through the merits of His most sacred Passion and Death, together with thy own sufferings at the foot of the cross, so to touch His Sacred Heart, that I may obtain my request,

Here pause and name the favours which you are asking Our Sorrowful Mother to obtain for you through this Novena. (Let your secondary intention be to pray for the intentions of all the people making this Novena anywhere in the world. Thus a great mass prayer for all Novena intentions will arise to Our Blessed Mother.)

For to whom shall I fly in my wants and miseries, if not to thee, O Mother of mercy, who, having so deeply drunk the chalice of thy Son, canst most pity us poor exiles, still doomed to sigh in this vale of tears? Offer to Jesus but one drop of His Precious Blood, but one pang of His adorable Heart; remind Him that thou art our life, our sweetness, and our hope, and thou wilt obtain what I ask, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Hail Mary, Virgin Most Sorrowful, pray for us.
(Seven times)


For the intentions of the following Crusaders and priest:


Anthony Breece

Michael Breece

Dominic Breece


Fr. Zendejas

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Comment by Alley on March 22, 2013 at 2:12pm

With love!

Comment by Cathleen on March 22, 2013 at 9:32am

In reparation

Hail Mary, Virgin Most Sorrowful, pray for us.

0dxenox7wqztx Comment by 0dxenox7wqztx on March 21, 2013 at 9:53pm

Day 9

For the intentions of the following Crusaders and priest:

Anthony Breece

Michael Breece

Dominic Breece


Fr. Zendejas

Comment by Cathleen on March 21, 2013 at 3:19pm

In reparation, and for all intentions here....esp. for Anthony, Michael, Dominic, Janet-Anne and Fr. Zendejas

Thank you, dear Mother, for answering DM's petition

Comment by Alley on March 21, 2013 at 1:36pm

With love!

Comment by Michael on March 21, 2013 at 12:32pm

Hail Mary, Virgin Most Sorrowful, pray for us.

Comment by bernadette szczepkowski on March 21, 2013 at 10:42am

Hail Mary, Virgin Most Sorrowful, pray for us.

Comment by Gloria on March 21, 2013 at 9:31am

Hail Mary, Virgin Most Sorrowful, pray for us.

Comment by Dawn Marie on March 21, 2013 at 7:51am

Thank you Mary Most Sorrowful!

For Anthony, Dom, Michael, Janet-Anne and Fr Zendejas+

and for a special intention

Hail Mary, Virgin Most Sorrowful, pray for us+

Comment by Jarlen Philumena on March 20, 2013 at 11:57pm

Hail Mary, Virgin Most Sorrowful, pray for us  (7x)

For the intentions of the following Crusaders and priest

Anthony Breece

Michael Breece

Dominic Breece


Fr. Zendejas

Attending (23)

Not Attending (1)

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