Time: February 13, 2020 to October 13, 2020
Location: Worldwide
Event Type: crusade, of, rosaries
Organized By: Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart
Latest Activity: Oct 22, 2020
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The Rosary of Faith
As asked for by Our Lady of the Rosary for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Nearly sixteen years ago Our Lady came to ask that rosaries be prayed for the intention of the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. The Superior General of the Order of the Society of Saint Pius the X to whom this mission was entrusted did not feel it was conducive to the plans or the mission of his Society so he did not accomplish what was asked by Our Lady, rather seeking a different road which he believed would lead to the same end.
Thirteen years later (after being placed in the Superior General's hands) what she has asked for has still not been fulfilled. With this in mind, and having given considerable time to the bishops to act accordingly, it would seem that perhaps it has become the mission of the faithful alone to see that what Our Lady asked for is done. What exactly did she want? She wanted many rosaries said collectively by the faithful, with one voice, one heart, in union, for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. What did she promise if this were done? She promised to obtain this grace, this incredible grace, from Her Son.
Since this is what she asked for and this is what she promised it becomes an act of faith to act upon it. Knowing, believing that she will do as she said she would.
With all this in mind, we would like now to do as she asked by launching this Crusade of Faith, praying the rosary daily for the intention which Our Lady desires so greatly; that Russia be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart.
We would like to begin this mission on the anniversary of the first apparition of Fatima to the three children, Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco, February 13th 2020.
It will conclude on October 13th 2020 the final apparition of Fatima on which occurred the Miracle of the sun.
To participate nothing more is expected nor required but to offer as many rosaries during this time as your heart can pray for this intention.
We pray with faith, with love, and with the confidence of knowing Our Lady will answer.
DM and Alan...†Amen†
† Amen † Alan and DM
DM and Alan...†Amen†
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