54 Day Novena of Rosaries For an End to the Great Reset Aug15-Oct 7

Event Details

54 Day Novena of Rosaries For an End to the Great Reset Aug15-Oct 7

Time: August 15, 2021 to October 7, 2021
Location: worldwide
Event Type: 54, day, novena, of, rosaries
Organized By: Michael Cargill
Latest Activity: Jun 9, 2022

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Event Description

Dear Crusaders,

If there was ever a time in which we must ban together and pray as a unified company of Mary, which we are, it is now.

If there was ever a time to storm Heaven with our pleas to the Holy Virgin to intercede for us it is now.

The battle is raging on so many sides and satan is throwing so many evils at once it's nearly impossible to fight so many at one time temporally speaking.  But spiritually speaking we have the weapon that defeats him, the rosary.  We belong to the great Mother of God Mary Most Holy who will crush his head.

We have put together this 54 Day Novena of Rosaries to implore Our Lady to do just that...crush his head.

It will start August 15th the great feast of the Assumption of Mary and end on October 7th the great feast of the Most Holy Rosary.

Now is not the time to sit on the sidelines, please join us.

We know at La Salette Our Lady said it would be a small group of souls who plead for the end of the evil who will cause Our Lord to answer. Be that group!

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Comment by Carol Henderson on August 14, 2021 at 10:50pm


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on August 14, 2021 at 7:25pm


Comment by Carol Henderson on August 13, 2021 at 3:45pm


Comment by Betty L. Pomroy-Martinez on August 13, 2021 at 9:02am


Comment by Dawn Marie on August 10, 2021 at 5:30am

Thank you Hertha.

Comment by Lumena on August 10, 2021 at 5:27am

Comment by Lumena on August 10, 2021 at 5:26am

Thank you, brother! I have a group of friends planning to pray this novena also for the persecution to the Mass of the Ages, which has been so fruitful in our parish. By the way, there will be a Worldwide Consecration to the Immaculate Heart by all TLM communities on August 15th. Pax!

Comment by Margie on August 6, 2021 at 7:25pm

Thank you Michael.  This is a little thing that each of us can do, but so powerful it will shake the earth.  The Blessed Mother has told us repeatedly that the Rosary is the answer to everything.  All we have to do is to pray for this intention with love.  Evil is everywhere - in our government, our political-and-judicial-system, around the world, but worse yet, in the Vatican.  God has not abandoned us, but the world has abandoned Him.  This 54-Day Rosary will show the Blessed Mother and her Son, Jesus that we need Him in our lives.  He is our salvation and the answer to the grave ills that are affecting all of earth. 


Comment by Mary Shaw on August 6, 2021 at 7:38am

  Michael, Thank you for organising this new Call for another battel to defeat the work

Satan. Yes it seems that he is winning, what with the patchiemama accepted by the Pope not even to mentioning the others,,,Now the call to suppress world wide the Holy Triditional Mass..What did St Padro Pio said, "the earth can easily go without the sun but the earth cannot go without the Holy Mass" The Holy Mass was Instituted by Our Lord  Himself, not by pope Frances.  LONG LIVE CHRIST THE KING..THE HOLY MASS WILL DIE.

Yes, let us join hands and storm heaven with our humble prayers, and may Our 

Blessed Lord accept our poor prayers through the Immaculate Heart of Our Dear Most Mother, The Blessed Virgin Mary.

Mary (3rd Order SSPX)

Wellington NZ


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