Mater Dolorosa
Feast Day - September 15th

Today, on the Octave of the Immaculata's Nativity, we have September's centerpiece feast day; and the solemnity which reflects this entire month's consecrated devotion: The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
As Dom Guéranger explains in his inspired instruction, we have a smaller version of this feast each year on the Friday of Passion Week, but today (and September by extension) is really the day we devote each year to especially honor our Blessed Lady’s tears. Most fittingly, it falls on the heels of yesterday’s great feast: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. It is most significant how these two liturgical feasts present the same theme under entirely different spiritual outlooks:
September 14th emphasizes Christ’s Kingship: praising the Holy Cross as the great sign of our redemption; unfolding before our eyes the crux gemmate (the Gemmed Cross). September 15th portrays the immense human suffering of Christ with His Mater Dolorosa (the Sorrowful Mother and Co-Redemptrix). Both feasts honor the Cross of our Saviour, showing the two spiritual trends of ancient times and that of the Middle Ages, the beata passio (the Blessed Passion) and the passio amara (the Bitter Passion).

Regina Martyrum - Ora pro nobis

Like her Divine Son, our Blessed Lady's life was a continuous series of sorrows and tribulations, the greatest of which she suffered during Christ's most bitter passion and death, as the furious storm of hatred and rejection burst forth with all its violence against Him. It's for this immense torment and pain that Holy Mother Church crowns Our Lady as Queen of Martyrs. In tribute to the Sorrowful Mother who endured suffering more than enough to even cause death, had she not been saved from the physical consequence of such great affliction. God spared her the shedding of blood, but He did not free her from the agony of martyrdom.

In order to foster contemplation on these agonizing tears and dolors, the Church has enriched with great indulgences many devotions to the Sorrowful Mother, most especially her Seven Dolors Rosary (page 10). And how deeply touching is the beautiful hymn: Stabat Mater Dolorosa, which the Church tenderly recites in the Sequence for today's Holy Mass and so often intertwines with pious recollection during the Stations of the Cross, or when revisiting the Via Dolorosa.
The precise object of devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows consists in a simple, heartfelt and sincere compassion for the tears and sufferings which the most Holy Virgin endured, that began with the prophecy of Simeon and then finally consummated with the passion, death and burial of her Divine Son.
In practice, devotion to the Blessed Virgin's sorrows is especially recommended for souls who wish to rid themselves of sinful habits. By nourishing the spirit of compunction, the devotion affords great consolation while it strengthens confidence in God's mercy; and it will especially draw down our Blessed Lady's protection in moments of temptation and preserve the converted sinner from relapsing into sin. In fact, our Sorrowful Mother once stated to her faithful servant, Saint Bridget of Sweden:
"No matter how numerous a person's sins may be, if he turns to me with a sincere purpose of amendment, I am prepared forthwith to receive him graciously, for I do not regard the number of sins he has committed, but look only upon the dispositions with which he comes to me; for I feel no aversion in healing his wounds, because I am called and am in truth the Mother of Mercy."
Another gift granted to those who have a devotion to Our Lady's tears is the grace of a good and holy death. In recompense for her fidelity in remaining steadfast beneath the Cross to His last breath, Our Lord has granted His Sorrowful Mother the special power to assist souls in their last agony; and no doubt she will above all exercise this merciful power on behalf of those who have wept with her; who have compassionated with her sorrows and lovingly consoled her.
The Sacred Heart once confided to Blessed Veronica of Binasco:
"My daughter, the tears which you shed in compassion for My sufferings are pleasing to Me, but bear in mind that on account of My infinite love for My Mother, the tears you shed in compassion for her sufferings are still more precious."
compiled by:
Oratory of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary
66 Goves Lane; Wentworth, NH 03282

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The precise object of devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows consists in a simple, heartfelt and sincere compassion for the tears and sufferings which the most Holy Virgin endured, that began with the prophecy of Simeon and then finally consummated with the passion, death and burial of her Divine Son.

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