There sure are a lot of arguments between us Trads these days. Arguments about whether or not Bergoglio’s consecration was valid. Arguments about whether or not Bergoglio’s the actual pope. We’ve got formerly popular pundits I’ve written for abandoning Catholicism because they invested their emotions and predicated the legitimacy of their religion on Bergoglio being pope. We’ve got formerly popular pundits getting paid oodles of money from the outside by parties trying to destroy what’s left of the Authentic Catholic Community. Whole organizations have been built and solely devoted to destroying the final remnant of Catholics—and there’s probably only a million of us left in the world. It’s crazy how obsessed these saboteurs are over such a small number of the faithful. Over 2 billion Catholics, and yet they wanna pick at the Trads.
And it’s all centered around the question of legitimacy. Who holds legitimate authority? What acts performed over the past nine years are official and approved by Heaven? Who is the leader?
God of the Sea
This all reminds me of the prince of ancient Tyre. Ezekiel is commanded by God to proclaim:
“Because your heart is haughty and you have said, ‘I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods in the heart of the seas’; yet you are a mortal and not God, although you make your heart like the heart of God— behold, you are wiser than Daniel; There is no secret that is a match for you! By your wisdom and understanding you have acquired riches for yourself and have acquired gold and silver for your treasuries. By your great wisdom, by your trade you have increased your riches, and your heart is haughty because of your riches—
Ezekiel 28:1-5
Tyre was the jewel of the sea-faring people, the Phoenicians. These were a maritime people who dwelled in the literal land of Canaan, which we read about in the Scriptures. These are the people who manufactured and sold purple dye in ancient times—a rare and difficult color to obtain—and it is from these sea people that we get the term “Tyrian Purple.” They adorned their ships with horses’ heads, all in honor of their god of the sea, Yamm. With this connection between horses and the sea, it is clear that their sea god, Yamm, would later become what we recognize as “Poseidon” in Greek culture—and as “Neptune” by the Romans, later still.
And so, when we see Ezekiel ridiculing and mocking the prince of Tyre in this passage, we are reading how the prince is sitting in the seat of Poseidon—pretending to be God Almighty. This silly prince thinks much of himself, what with his wealth and opulence. But he looks like an absolute fool in the eyes of Heaven. God is clearly calling out this prince as an adversary—a direct challenger. An antagonist. Someone who is trying to copy God and claim God’s legitimacy for himself.
Simply put, in the context of this biblical episode, Poseidon worshippers take on aspects of antichrists.
But I am going to put a pin in this and circle back to it a little later. But first…
Cosmic Ballet
There are a lot of signs going on right now. This is of no surprise to me or anyone who is paying attention to these sorts of things. As the False Church of the New World Order begins to solidify and harden from its decades-long process of solve et coagula, and we begin to see the true anti-Christian nature of the Vatican hierarchy expose itself, as we see the germinating seeds of World War III and the eventual destruction of Babylon the Great (The West/The Globalist American Empire) begin to sprout forth—as we see all of these crazy things taking place this spring, it just so happens that these geopolitical and civilizational events are accompanied with major cosmic signs in the heavens.
There are so many signs in the sky, it is difficult to keep track of them all. And I am most certain that each of them tell a special aspect of this year’s tale in some way or another.
– On March 28th, the Monday after the weekend of the false consecration by Bergoglio the Heretic, we saw an alignment clustering of Saturn, Mars, Venus, and the Moon. Personally, this tells me that strife and war will accompany an event involving God and Mary. Why? Because Saturn symbolizes God, the Father—known for his anger and judgement. Venus symbolizes the Woman, Mary—but also, this notion of Mary’s involvement is bolstered by the proximity of the Moon, a clearer symbol of The Virgin’s presence. So, in a sense, we are double-reminded that something significant with Mary had transpired. And then there’s Mars, the war maker. Wherever there’s Mars, there’s a fight. They all met in Capricorn that night—a constellation of the scapegoat, the sacrifice necessary to atone for sins. Penance, mortification, and sacrifice has been sorely needed since those miraculous days at Fatima. Mary asked us for penance then, and Heaven has demanded up until now. Just think about it for a few minutes. If you can’t put 2 and 2 together, the message is this: Mary, God, and war are all three elements that are involved in some sort of sacrifice. Is this not the theme of Fatima, itself? And is this not the theme of that clustering on March 28th?
– Days later, on April 1st, Venus, Saturn, and Mars took up a unique configuration in the sky reminiscent to Orion’s belt. Mind you, these planets did not form in Orion’s belt. Instead—and more interestingly—this belt bridged Aquarius to Capricorn. And what is Aquarius? it is a constellation of baptisms. But, as I’ve said before in regards to Aquarius, not all baptisms are painless. Some baptisms are of water—but some baptisms are of fire. The Conflagration of the Apocalypse, the Three Days of Darkness, will be such a fiery baptism.
“As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful.“
Our Lady of Akita
With Noah, the world was baptized with water. With us, the world will be baptized with fire. And it is a baptism that awaits this unrepentant world, which failed to atone for its sins, as Capricorn reminded us on March 28. And looking at Our Lady of Akita’s warning, take note, again, that it is “the Father” who will “inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity.” And, again, what planet is involved here? Saturn. The all-father planet. Saturn, also known as Kronos, originator of all. (And if Saturn is a planetary symbol for God the Father, Jupiter is the planetary symbol for the Son of this Father.)
And, I must say again, it is quite significant that these three planets took the form of Orion’s belt. Why? Because Orion is a constellation symbol for Christ. Orion is the mighty hunter who fights Taurus, the reckless, primordial beast of chaos. Christ gives us salvation and protects us from the abyss if we turn to Him. Likewise, Orion fights the madness and savagery of Taurus. (I have spoken of Orion at great length HERE, HERE, and HERE.) In seeing this glimpse of Orion’s belt, we are reminded that we are entering a difficult time, and it is time to cinch up our belt, and gird up our loins for difficult times ahead. We are reminded of The Belt of Truth in Ephesians 6:14—a very necessary piece of armor in this period of lies and deception that will help us to stand firm when the day of evil comes. And if we look into this arrangement even deeper, we are also reminded of how Orion’s belt traditionally reminds us of the Three Wise Men, and thus, the people of the entire gentile world who were represented in the first day’s of Christ’s life. Thus, we might conclude that this message will involve all of the inhabitants of the Earth.
Finally, the April 1st “belt alignment” is leaving Capricorn, the goat. And it is in the process of entering Aquarius. Were one to ascribe meaning to this, it would perhaps be that we are now leaving all past opportunities for repentance and sacrifice, and now we are entering the period of cleansing. Fiery cleansing, mind you. So it would behoove us all to gird ourselves—as Orion does in his battle—and prepare for perilous spiritual (and perhaps physical) combat.
– April 5th, in the predawn hours, we have seen the close conjunction of Saturn and Mars. The two planets came together, separated by only 19 arc minutes. This took place in Capricorn. Were this a cosmic reflection of events on the ground, what would it mean for us? It would mean that God the Father (Saturn) and war (Mars) will have an intimate relationship with one another. And this intimate relationship between God and war will be framed under the notion of sacrifice and atonement (Capricorn). This certainly seems to fit the theme of our times. Too bad things like this are too nuanced for moderns to notice.
– April 16-24th, we will witness an alignment in the sky of Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Saturn. Even Neptune—however invisible to our naked eyes—will be in this alignment. And they will all be joined by the Moon by April 24th. They will all be crossing Aquarius. What shall this arrangement mean to us? Perhaps we are to take it that the actors of this play are presenting themselves on the stage before an audience. Were the signs in the sky to mean anything, one might conclude this means that events involving war, Our Lady, The Father, The Son, and Neptune (more on that one later) are all about to transpire over a backdrop of a painful baptism. (I found it personally interesting that Neptune will actually be wedged in between Jupiter and Venus—as though there’s some sort of force trying to split apart Mary from her Son. but again, more on Neptune later.) By April 30th, this little cosmic presentation will be concluded…with, yet, another eclipse over Bergoglio’s homeland.
–April 30th. A partial eclipse will, once again, darken the homeland of The False Prophet. This is not the first time during his pontificate that this has happened. I’ve talked about these eclipses several times (HERE and HERE). With this, we will have seen three eclipses shade his country in these past ten diabolical years. It seems an ominous punctuation that this eclipse transpires at the end of such a cosmic show as I’ve just discussed above.
Other Cosmic Signs, Not Necessarily Zodiac in Nature
There’s other signs in the sky as well. They all seem to demarcate a period of severe historical significance. I am talking about the increased solar activity. The earth is being lashed with one solar eruption after the other. Coronal mass ejections are shooting at our world, and thankfully only grazing us for now. But the sun continues to lash us over and over these days, to the point that we are beginning to see the aurora borealis in skies in much more southern latitudes than before.
While it remains to be seen when we will be blasted with a CME that will obliterate our electronic capabilities on the ground—it is all in God’s hands—one thing is for certain: even the smallest solar activity is having an even greater impact on our globe than ever before. The reason? Our very own magnetosphere is diminishing in strength. I’ve spoken about this threat before:
Losing the magnetosphere, alone, exposes us to a bombardment of solar and galactic radiation that will alter our behavior, our health, and our weather. Whenever the International Space Station crosses over the South Atlantic, they have to shut down their systems as they cross a portion of the globe where the magnetosphere has been severely weakening. And it’s only getting worse.
A 2021 Holiday Ramble
The shrinking of our magnetosphere is happening because our magnetic poles are moving. At first, they were moving slowly, but they are getting faster and faster in their movement. It is likely we will see this pole reversal take place within the next decade. And, quite possibly, if God chooses to use a natural means to effect the Three Days of Darkness, a pole shift like this would be it. With a temporarily diminished magnetosphere, the cosmic forces of our solar system will scorch and burn the globe in a terrible way that none of us can even possibly imagine. This is all happening right now. The flurry of wild aurorae that we’ve been witnessing attest to this phenomenon. And don’t forget that heaven also likes to use the aurora to emphasize important moments in history.
It was just such an aurora that marked the start of World War II in 1938:
Sister Lucia, the seer of Fatima, knew the source and purpose of the great light. A Dorothean nun in a Portuguese convent at the time, she looked out the window of her cell on the night of Jan. 25, 1938, and recognized in the emblazoned sky an ominous sign from heaven.
An unknown light in 1938 demands our attention – even today, by Barb Ernster
On July 13, 1917, during the third apparition of the Mother of God at Fatima, she heard Our Lady say, “When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is the great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, famine and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father.”
Sister would recall that Jacinta, her companion at Fatima 18 years before, while she lay dying, tortured by visions of war and death and hell, reminded her of “the light which the Lady told us would come one night before the war.” When Lucia realized that this was the great sign Our Lady had predicted, she wrote to the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon:
“War is imminent. The sins of men will be washed in their own blood. Those nations will suffer most in the war which tried to destroy the kingdom of God. Portugal will suffer some of the circumstances of war, but because of our country’s consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, she will not suffer them all.”
There are many other things in the sky, other than the constellations and the zodiac, which can and will alert us to heavy, consequential events permitted by Heaven. Solar activity is one of them. I cannot help but ask: have you not noticed that the sun looks more white these days than the happy, pleasant yellow of your childhood? This is not your imagination. A lot of people have taken notice, though few are seeking out explanations.
The Next Cosmic Act: A Neptunian Conjunction
Let us circle back to the earlier discussion of Poseidon from the beginning of this article. Only, let’s call him by his Roman name: Neptune. As I stated earlier, the prince of Tyre tried to enthrone himself as Neptune did: the god of the world. Our True Lord laughed at this insolence, and He sent Ezekiel to deliver a scathing message of rebuke to this mariner king. The prince of Tyre was an antichrist. He wanted to be a type of christ, but he wasn’t. He was a phony. Just as the ultimate Antichrist, himself, will be a phony. Just as the False Prophet (Bergoglio) is a phony. They want to delegate the title of godhood unto themselves, and they want to use the trappings of their wealth and their clever, sly, weaponized ambiguous language to achieve this. But ultimately, they have set themselves up to be direct, human adversaries to God.
In this way, Neptune is a symbol for antichrist.
Now, for what I am about to explain to you, just remember this: Remember that Bergoglio is not a legitimate pope. Remember that his consecration is not a legitimate consecration. Remember that the West’s leaders aren’t even legitimately elected leaders. Remember that there is illegitimacy EVERYWHERE. The spirit of Neptune—the spirit of antichrist—is everywhere.
I say this, because a very unique conjunction is set to take place on April 12th. What will happen here is that Neptune will have a conjunction with Jupiter in Pisces. This is quite a significant conjunction for many, as it is quite rare. Even more significant is its location. And even more significant, still, is the time period this is happening in. Because what are we seeing, here? We are seeing a confrontation between the illegitimate “christ” (Neptune) and the god-son, Jupiter. And this confrontation is taking place in Pisces—the symbol for the Christian Church.
This is amazing for me, personally. This year, more than ever, we are seeing an absolute battle between a fake, worldly power—the literal False Prophet and friend to the Beast (globohomo)—against the legitimate powers of Heaven. Bergoglio is in a war against Truth and Logos. He is a walking-talking lie, just like the prince of Tyre.
The Neptune-Jupiter conjunction will be on Holy Tuesday—of Holy Week. And it is this year, more than ever, that people are coming out and recognizing Bergoglio’s fakery. And, might I add, what are the readings for Holy Tuesday? On that day, we will read in Matthew 25 about the ten virgins who are asked to have their lamps ready for the bridegroom, that they might not be shut out from the wedding. That lesson is one of vigilance and perseverance. We are warned not to be weary and tired. We are warned not to be like the five foolish virgins who did not have enough oil for our lamps and were shut out. And what are our times, if not a struggle to maintain vigilance and perseverance?
False men are testing our vigilance. Many people, soft and weak, aching for comfort, are falling into the traps of liars and deceivers. Fakes are challenging legitimate authority across what was once known as Christendom. This is the spirit of that ultimate fake, the Antichrist, and it is the spirit that goes along with Neptune.
One more time, antichrist Neptune will challenge Jupiter (the planetary symbol for Christ) in Pisces, the constellation for the Church. People, it’s an extremely rare conjunction that points out a battle in the heart of the Church. Even the very Heavens are proclaiming Bergoglio’s fraudulence. I cannot help but wonder if something is about to give after a thing like this.
Fr. Paul Kramer: “I think that the Third Secret refers to an antipope-heretic.”
Fr. Malachi Martin: “Would that that was the only thing the Third Secret referred to.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, the fake consecration of this fake pope was in response to messages from Our Lady at Fatima, in which the very Third Secret, itself, warned us of an antipope who would be the False Prophet, himself. This has been known in quite a few circles, and we all know it already instinctively. It’s just a matter of admitting it at this point.
Final Reflections
When I consider the antichrist power that underpins Bergoglio, again, I am reminded of that biblical prince of Tyre and his notion that he could dare to take the office of Neptune. Read Ezekiel’s rebuke against this ancient prince, and tell me if the rest of this passage from Ezekiel 28 doesn’t fit the mold of our own False Prophet in these diabolical times:
Therefore this is what the Lord God says:
Ezekiel 28:6-19
‘Because you have made your heart like the heart of God, therefore, behold, I am going to bring strangers against you, the most ruthless of the nations. And they will draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom and profane your splendor. They will bring you down to the pit, and you will die the death of those who are killed in the heart of the seas. Will you still say, “I am a god,” in the presence of one who kills you, though you are a mortal and not God, in the hands of those who wound you? You will die the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers, for I have spoken!’ declares the Lord God!”’”
Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
“Son of man, take up a song of mourning over the king of Tyre and say to him, ‘This is what the Lord God says: “You had the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering: the ruby, the topaz and the diamond; the beryl, the onyx and the jasper; the lapis lazuli, the turquoise and the emerald; and the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, was in you. On the day that you were created, they were prepared. You were the anointed cherub who covers, and I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked in the midst of the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways
from the day you were created until unrighteousness was found in you. By the abundance of your trade you were internally filled with violence, and you sinned; therefore I have cast you as profane from the mountain of God. And I have destroyed you, you covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Your heart was haughty because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor. I threw you to the ground; I put you before kings, that they may see you. By the multitude of your wrongdoings, in the unrighteousness of your trade you profaned your sanctuaries. Therefore I have brought fire from the midst of you; it has consumed you, and I have turned you to ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who see you. All who know you among the peoples are appalled at you; you have become terrified and you will cease to be forever.”’”
I’m sorry, but I can’t help but feel that this condemnation was actually reserved for Bergoglio, millennia later. History is typological, as I like to say. And, after all, isn’t it said that there will be a terrible revolt in Rome shortly before or during a third world war? We have multiple prophecies of priests and bishops being killed in that event, and I cannot help but think that this passage is a typological description of what is about to happen to Bergoglio and his gay mafia in the next few years. I would like to think that, shortly after their expiration, people read this passage from Ezekiel once more to remember God’s omnipotence and amazing sense of timing.