Gay parades banned in Moscow for 100 years

Nikolay Alexeyev in a photo from May 2010
Nikolay Alexeyev has been campaigning for years for the right to stage gay parades in Russia

Moscow's top court has upheld a ban on gay pride marches in the Russian capital for the next 100 years.

Earlier Russia's best-known gay rights campaigner, Nikolay Alexeyev, had gone to court hoping to overturn the city council's ban on gay parades.

He had asked for the right to stage such parades for the next 100 years.

He also opposes St Petersburg's ban on spreading "homosexual propaganda". The European Court of Human Rights has told Russia to pay him damages.

On Friday he said he would go back to the European Court in Strasbourg to push for a recognition that Moscow's ban on gay pride marches - past, present and future - was unjust.

The Moscow city government argues that the gay parade would risk causing public disorder and that most Muscovites do not support such an event.

In September, the Council of Europe - the main human rights watchdog in Europe - will examine Russia's response to a previous European Court ruling on the gay rights issue, Russian media report.

In October 2010 the court said Russia had discriminated against Mr Alexeyev on grounds of sexual orientation. It had considered Moscow's ban on gay parades covering the period 2006-2008.


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You know, reading what you wrote here reminded me of an interview Bishop Williamson gave a few years back where he says essentially what you wrote above.  Maybe God is preparing Russia for conversion.

At this rate, it sounds like Russia may already be closer to conversion than we are here in the US at this point in time.

Madonna sued in Russia for supporting gays

MOSCOW (AP) — Some Russian activistshave sued Madonna for millions of dollars, claiming they were offended by her support for gay rights during a recent concert in St. Petersburg.

Anti-gay sentiment is strong in Russia. In St. Petersburg, a law passed in February makes it illegal to promote homosexuality to minors, and the author of that law has pointed to the presence of children as young as 12 at Madonna's concert on Aug. 9.

Russian news agencies quote Alexander Pochuyev, a lawyer representing the nine activists, as saying the suit was filed Friday against Madonna, the organizer of her concert, and the hall where it was held, asking for damages totaling 333 million rubles, or nearly $10.5 million.

Responding to criticism that the plaintiffs were stuck in the Middle Ages, the lawyer said they were using civilized, modern methods to defend their rights. "No one is burning anyone at the stake or carrying out an Inquisition," Pochuyev was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying. "Modern civilization requires tolerance and respect for different values."

The complaint includes a video taken at the concert showing Madonna stomping on an Orthodox cross and asking fans to raise their hands to show the pink armbands in support of gays and lesbians that were distributed among the audience, the new agency reported.

Madonna also has angered conservative Russians with her support for Pussy Riot. Three members of the punk band were sentenced Friday to two years in prison for a protest inside Moscow's main cathedral against Vladimir Putin and his cozy relationship with the Russian Orthodox Church.

Madonna spoke out in support of the group during her concert in St. Petersburg and two days earlier in Moscow. After the verdict was issued, Madonna called on "all those who love freedom to condemn this unjust punishment."


At least Russians got this one right I have thought them to be military-minded, always willing to build the best defense systems, Thank God for them.

Good, sue her!  That is the only thing those people understand, it seems.  Right reason doesn't work.  Why Heaven hasn't struck her dead yet only proves God's mercy and long-suffering with sinners.  :-0

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for Russia and for all of us.

Russia still has a very long and hard road to conversion.  Don't forget that Mr. Putin was the head of the KGB.  Leopards don't change their spots so easily....maybe we should also pray to St. Paul the Apostle for his conversion.  All things are possible with God.  Just saying that the Russian Bear is still very dangerous, especially if he feels cornered. 

On the other hand, the Western news journalists just don't get why many Russians are so upset with those three young women.  The "post-modern" West fails to recognize the whole context of what they did.  They deliberately made their "protest" in a church very dear to the Russian people, asking the Virgin Mary to convert Putin, but not in a devout manner....just to make noise.  And the West can't understand why the Russians are upset, as if any and all manner of protests are ok.  But then look what happens in churches all over the West and sadly no one (or not many) speak out or bat an eye.  Grr.....  Now granted it is the Russian Orthodox church, with all of its problems, schisms and heresies....I am not defending their errors...but one thing in their favor, and which I believe will ultimately save them, is their continued devotion to the Mother of God.  She must have a love for her Russian children, even when they are in error, as Russia was mentioned by name in her apparitions at Fatima and as an instrument of both chastisement and conversion.  She  personally came to Mexico to save her Mexican Indian children from their savage life...she can do so again, with Russia and with us here in the West. 

Sorry for the soap box.  Feel free to delete it if I am off on the wrong track.  It is an issue very dear to my heart.

Delete?   Not a chance!

Thank you for this post, very insightful. 

Honestly I'm not sure what to make of all the happenings going on there.  I don't know enough about the Russian peoples or their history to make an educated response.   From what tiny bit I do know it does make one wonder if God is not preparing the ground for conversion.  But that is just a very uneducated guess on my part. 

Some months ago I remember reading that their population was declining at such a rate that they were facing possible extinction due to the many, many years of abortion being promoted  and legalized over there.  Putin got so upset that he ordered all the women to come and venerate the belt of the Blessed Virgin, which was sent all over the country.

Shortly after that, the Russians sent up into space a huge flag containing the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary which they prominently placed on the moon.

I do find it interesting that (and very encouraging) that the US is not placing on the Russians embargo or trying to force their hand about the gay issue as they are doing to the poor Nigerian people who are standing their ground against the atrocity of gay rights.

I hear about all this and can only hope that these changes are God's way of preparation for conversion of Russia.  As I said, I truly don't know but I hope : )

That is a great point, Petrus, about all the rosaries being offered for Russia.  They surely are not wasted.  We always ask Our Lady to use our prayers as she sees fit.  You are right, we have to hope, trust and pray. 

Thank you!

ok I finally found that mini clip from an interview Bishop Williamson gave a few years ago. 

Not sure if this sheds any light on the current situation but it is interesting anyhow.

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