The Benedictines of Bellaigue, no more than the Capuchins, are known to be resistant to the new policies of the SSPX. The Superior, Dom Placide, was recently called in and told in no uncertain terms to resign or face the consequences. Dom Placide told the Society that they must do what they must and refused their offer.
The response by the SSPX was to instruct all superiors to no longer send any seminarian's to Bellaigue and to remove the Monastery from the SSPX website's.
Of course there are two interesting things here. Firstly, will Bellaigue follow in the footsteps of the Dominicans and support the Resistant Bishops? Particularly as one of them is a fellow Benedictine (Bp Thomas Aquinas) Secondly it somewhat makes a mockery of the recent interview by Fr Pagliarani as it makes apparent his continuity with the policies of Bishop Fellay.
One hopes that the Benedictines choose to put their support behind the Resistant Bishops and that the SSPX's decision to demonize them to their own laity has the same lack of effect that it did when they did the same to the Disciples of the Cenacle at Velletri under Don Curzio who continue to receive vocations from SSPX families in spite of being under a Resistant priest.