Will a schismatic synod be that of the Amazon? ~ Roberto de Mattei

Will a schismatic synod be that of the Amazon?

On September 6 and 7, CELAM (Latin American Episcopal Council) and the Ecclesiastical Network of Panama (REPAM) met in Bogotá to discuss the Synod of Bishops that will take place in the Vatican between Sunday 6 and Sunday 27 October with the title «Amazon; new paths for the Church and for an integral ecology ».

In the final communiqué of the meeting, the president of CELAM, Monsignor Miguel Cabrejos, and that of the REPAM, Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, after expressing his “his joy for the convening of the Synod by the Holy Father”, reiterate his “hope to continue promoting a Church with an Amazonian face and an indigenous face, to continue the process in the implementation ».

On the occasion of the meeting with the Pope, the newly appointed Cardinal Michael Czerny, special secretary for the Synod for the Amazon, declared: «Amazon is the first word of the name of the Synod. It can be said that the Amazon, with its peoples, its reality, its territory, its inhabitants, is the theme of the Synod, is its central theme. That is why, as the first, or rather first concern, are the people, the people, and in particular the indigenous peoples.

However, as usually happens in these meetings, the important thing is not the official statements, but the private meetings between the key men and the documents that circulate among them with a view to better organizing the strategy by which they can achieve their objectives.

One of these documents, entitled Towards the Panama-Synod: challenges and contributions from Latin America and the Caribbean, is the result of an earlier meeting held in the capital of Colombia last April at the initiative of the Amerindian and REPAM organizations. LifeSiteNews, which published this article on day 3, has revealed that four characters were commissioned by Pope Francis to prepare for the Synod in Bogotá: Father Paolo Suess, a close associate of Bishop Erwin Kräutler, a member of the presinodal council ; Mauricio López, secretary of the REPAM and also a member of the aforementioned council; the indigenous advisor father Justino Sarmento Rezende, and Peter Hughes, also an advisor.

These four gentlemen would be the main editors of the Instrumentum laboris with whom the Synod Fathers worked in October. As Maike Hickson and Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, authors of the article published by LifeSiteNews, point out, the Bogotá document aims to undermine or reverse the fundamental elements of Catholic doctrine, arguing that the Church does not have the monopoly of salvation and that pluralism and the diversity of religions are expressions of a wise divine will; that non-Christian religions have the capacity to provide salvation, and that it is necessary to revalue the pagan religious traditions of the Amazonian Indians; the text redefines the Eucharist as a symbolic act of the community; it attacks the hierarchical priesthood of the New Testament and foresees the creation of new ministries for the laity, as well as the possibility of ordination of deaconesses and priestly ordination of married men; it also promotes a new indigenist, feminist and ecological theology, and it is proposed to export this model to create a Church with an Amazonian face.

On the other hand, Cardinal Müller has pointed out : “If in the Amazon, priests are ordered worthy men who live in declaredly stable unions (whether they are canonically valid marriages or not?) In order to provide (!) Sacraments to the faithful , even without theological formation (IL 129, 2), what reason would there be for it not to eventually become an incentive to introduce viri probati in Germany, where society no longer accepts celibacy and where many married theologians would be willing to occupy as vacancies among the celibate clergy? ().

On August 14 in Bogotá, which is becoming one of the main centers of dissemination of Amazonian errors, Isidoro Jajoy, a sorcerer of the Inga Colombian tribe, gave his blessing to religious of both sexes in one of the gardens of the headquarters of the Colombian Episcopal Conference during one of the preparatory meetings for the Synod. The photo has gone viral and confirms the extent to which the process of altering the doctrine and constitution of the Church has arrived. Archbishop José Luis Azcona, bishop emeritus of the prelature of Marajó, in the Brazilian Amazon region, who in an interview with Aciprensa expresses his fear for the danger of schism ()

Likewise in Germany, Cardinal Rainer Woelki, archbishop of Cologne, has expressed in a statement to Kirchenzeitung Köln his fear that "the synodal path taken by the German episcopate leads to a schism in the German Church and in the universal one." The usual thing in Church history is that schisms precede heresies, as happened with the Anglican schism in the 16th century.

Today, the diffusion of errors and heresies precedes the formation of an ecclesial fracture, also because the usual thing is that apart from the Church facing the Pope, but in the name of the Pope some bishops are preparing their separation from the Church. What will the pontiff Bergoglio do if the confrontation becomes open? On September 10, on the plane that took him back to Rome after his trip to Africa, he declared: "I pray that it doesn't happen, but I'm not afraid of a schism in the Church." For the Pope himself, the possibility of an intra-ecclesial division is not remote. However, the Vicar of Christ is wrong not to fear a tear in the Mystical Body.

Catholics who truly love the Church are horrified by schisms and heresies and are willing to defend the purity and integrity of Christ's teachings to the last drop of their blood. For that reason, resistance to a synod that could go down in history as the schismatic synod of the Amazon is increasing.

If the Pantheistic, Pelagian and Lutheran errors that contain the Bogotá document and the Instrumentum laboris itself are not corrected, the Amazon Synod runs the risk of becoming an openly schismatic synod, as were the Milan filoarriano (355), the monophysite of Ephesus (449), the Nestorian of Constantinople (553), the conciliarist of Basel (1438) and the Jansenist of Pistoia (1786).

In the fight against Arianism, few were the bishops, among them Saint Eusebio de Vercelli and San Paulino de Trier, who had courage in the fourth century in Milan to face the assembly and Emperor Constantius II, who had convened the synod and He intended to impose on him his political will.

And few are also apparently today the cardinals and bishops who are willing to face the policy of Pope Francis with the heroism that circumstances demand. However, the manifestations of fidelity to the Church by priests and laity extend, and not only in the US, as the Holy Father says, but in all countries. We are children of a militant Church that does not accept or accommodate error, but rather fights it and defends the truth. A Church that wants to conquer souls and the entire society for Christ. A Church that departs from one who internally professes another religion. A Church that we entrust to the Blessed Virgin Mary to protect her through her angels in the coming and decisive weeks.

Roberto de Mattei

Will a schismatic synod be that of the Amazon? ~ Roberto de Mattei

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To be honest it's all irrelevant.  The Catholic Church has ceased to reside in Rome proper since VII.  The Amazon SIN-od is just the culmination or the logical result of the new church of man whose head is the antichrist.

Cardinal Burke and Bp. Schneider are spearheading what they are calling a "crusade" against the SIN-od, a crusade of prayer and fasting but this will not work because neither wishes to end their support or belief in VII.  They want to have their cake and eat it to so to speak.  This is not to put them down, because it is on the one hand good that they recognize that what Frank is doing is pure evil but on the other hand they do not denounce why it has come to this.  It appears they want their VII path to continue but without this being its end result.  Prayers for them both but what they desire is not going to be.  God is saying PICK A SIDE----ME OR THE DEVIL.  No one can have it both ways anymore...no more lukewarm Catholicism.

The final battle has come! Only Our Mother can help us! The consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart must be done soon!

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