Fr King's response to actions of Mother Superior of UK, leaving SSPX.

Father Brendan King is a Catholic Priest ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1987 at
Econe, Switzerland. No longer able in conscience to support The Society of Saint Pius
X’s betrayal of the Traditional cause and Archbishop Lefebvre’s legacy, he strives as
an independent Priest and with the grace of God, to be faithful to Tradition without
compromise to Liberalism or Modernism, in the spirit of Archbishop Lefebvre.

My Dear Friends,

“But though we or an Angel from Heaven preach to you a Gospel besides

that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.”
Is not the above text from the Epistle of St Paul to the Galatians in perfect harmony with the
history of the Church since Vatican II which has caused an unprecedented crisis of Faith and has
shaken the Catholic Church to her foundations ? The opinion of our founder Archbishop Marcel
Lefebvre was that the Council was in contradiction with Catholic Tradition and represented a
rupture with Tradition, that is in particular the teachings of the Council of Trent and of Popes
Pius IX, Leo XIII, St. Pius X, Pius XI and Pius XII. He wrote several books and articles exposing the
errors of the Council and most notably. ‘I Accuse The Council’. Pope Paul VI, the Pope of Vatican
II, himself admitted shortly after the Council that “the smoke of Satan had entered the Church”
and that we were witnessing the “auto-demolition of the Church.” Paul VI was a liberal Pope
who, although he acknowledged the disastrous state of the Church after the Council, refused to
admit that Vatican II was the cause of the disaster and chaos. It is a historical fact that Paul VI
and his successors persecuted Archbishop Lefebvre and his priestly Society precisely because he
was exposing and denouncing the errors of the Council and using every means (letters,
meetings, sermons, conferences etc.) to convince the modernist Roman Authorities to abandon
the Council, condemn its poisonous fruits and return to authentic Catholic Tradition. Surely it is
not an exaggeration to apply the words of St. Paul quoted above to the Council which has in
word and deed preached to the Catholic Faithful and the world a Gospel different from the one
which has been preached for two thousand years !
And what is that Gospel ? It is quite simply that the Catholic Church has to move with the times
and find a ‘modus vivendi’ with the world and modern man. Archbishop Lefebvre described the
Council as World War III in the Church and the principles of the French Revolution (Liberty,
Equality, Fraternity) gaining influence and control of the life of the Church. It is the spirit of
compromise whereby the Church seeks common ground with the world, a spirit and practical
relationship with persons and organisations outside Catholic Unity which is completely alien and
anathema to the Catholic Faith. Christ said to His Apostles (and all their successors) “Go and
teach all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Ghost;” He did not say, go and preach ecumenism and religious liberty and organise a religion
centred on man and adapt My Truth to what people are prepared to accept. Christs words are
clear and unequivocal – “Unless you believe you shall be condemned” “I am the Way, the Truth
and the Life” and no-one comes to the Father except through me.”
As we all know and are bearing witness to, the successors of our dear Archbishop have
abandoned the principles he passed on to his priestly society and seen fit to work towards a
practical agreement with modernist Rome without their conversion to Catholic Tradition. They
no longer see, or refuse to see, that the crisis of Faith is much worse now than ever and are also
happy to compromise and find a ‘modus vivendi’ with the post conciliar Church and its
representatives. This is why we have seen recently the Bishop of Portsmouth make an official
visit to St Michael’s School, lead the children in prayer and receive a spiritual bouquet as a token
of gratitude ! The Bishop was invited by the Priests of the school with the approval of the
highest authorities in the Society of St. Pius X. This is an absolute scandal to all Catholics who
see clearly that Archbishop Lefebvre was correct in his understanding of the crisis in the Church
and how to combat and resist it and in God’s good time, overcome it. “Overcome evil by good –
that is the evil and bad fruits of the Council with the good of Tradition and sound doctrine.

I would like to quote from the statement I made in May 2015 (to further clarify the Bishop’s visit
to the school) when I met the then 2 nd Assistant to Bishop Fellay Father Nely. “Just to go back
to June 2012. I was at Econe for my Priestly Jubilee and the atmosphere was tense to say the
least. I wanted to speak to Fr. Nely who as the second assistant was one of Bishop Fellays close
advisors. He agreed to receive me and I expressed my concerns about a purely practical
agreement with Rome without their genuine conversion to Tradition. I then put to him the
question: was it no longer possible for the Society to hold to the position laid out by the
Archbishop, which is the MIDDLE COURSE (that is neither modernist and liberal on the one hand,
nor sedevacantist on the other) ? He did not answer the question directly, but said that a whole
generation of Catholics are growing up not knowing what it is to be in a normal relationship with
Rome. That is not normal he said and if we don’t do something about our Canonical situation
then we will become schismatic or sedevacantist. It was a very interesting revelation of what
thinking lay behind this new strategy of negotiation with Rome on the part of Menzingen. It said
it all in fact. The problem was not with modernist Rome but with the Society which was in an
abnormal situation !”
Therefore, the visit of the Bishop of Portsmouth to St. Michaels School on 8 th March is putting
into effect perfectly the long term strategy of the New Society explained by Fr. Nely in 2012. We
can virtually say that it is ‘consummated’ as the Priests refer to the Bishop as their local Bishop,
that is as the ecclesiastical authority who grants jurisdiction and that has certainly now been
granted for marriages. The Bishop of Portsmouth is modernist and was the representative of the
modernist and post conciliar authorities responsible for destroying the Church . Afterall, he says
the New Mass, gives Communion in the hand, preaches ecumenism and believes in Religious
Liberty. Since the Society no longer believes that there is a serious crisis in the Church, they no
longer think in terms of the principal of ‘Supplied Jurisdiction’ (which the Society relied on
under the Archbishop) because we had no confidence in the modernist authorities and
hierarchy. St. Michael’s School is a Society of St Pius X school in name only and by inviting the
local Bishop, the Priests of the school have more in common with the Fraternity of St. Peter than
they have with Archbishop Lefebvre and his faithful sons and children and the Archbishop was
without any doubt a true son of the Church and in full communion with it.
The Sisters who departed from St. Michaels School over a week ago, had no choice but to leave
and in doing so they have our full support and admiration. May Jesus and Mary protect them
and bless them and may the Priests of the District and sons and heirs of the Archbishop, pray for
the courage and strength to do likewise and with the freedom and liberty of the children of God,
fight the good fight without compromise or restraint.

Father Brendan King

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Thank you Father King.

True Catholic teaching from a true Catholic Priest.

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