Dear Crusaders,
We recently mailed out packages to Crusaders containing a cloth which was touched to a reliquary containing the head veil of the B.V.M., to her belt, and to a piece of her hair. It was also simultaneously touched to all the other saints who are also enclosed in this reliquary.
To clear some confusion:
Upon examining the reliquary Father said it was at least a few hundred years old. The relic had come from a monastery in Italy where it fell (perhaps the monastery closed or went full on modernist I don't know) into the hands of a protestant from Holland who saw an opportunity to make a pretty penny off it. Kyrie Eleison. Seeing this I purchased the reliquary hence putting it back into the hands of at least myself as part of the Church. Hopefully we will be able to get it back into a Church. In the meantime we will simply be grateful to have been able to rescue it.
As for Our dear Lady there are no first class relics of her body, meaning her bones because she was assumed into heaven, however the Church does have her hair which I believe was found in the tomb after she was assumed and in her head veil. The Church then made first class relics out of them. It is the only part of Our Lady's person that you will ever see as a first class because there is nothing else.
As to the power of a third class relic I would relate that when the Church brought the glass container encasing the body of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus we were fortunate enough in our town to have her here with us at Saint Peter's Cathedral for 2 days. We all were given a chance to venerate her but a friend of mine had the smart idea (which I did not think to do) of bringing a handkerchief and touching it to the glass she was enclosed in.
This friend of mine from the time they bought their house 20 years prior NEVER had water in their well except when it rained. They never did their laundry at home but only at the laundry mat and they only took baths once a week.
When she got home she took a piece of the handkerchief and threw it down the well. We were at that time still in a bit of a drought and she had no water for some time. The next morning she realized her well was full and remained full for a complete month and during a drought.
Remembering this I wanted to share with all of you this incredible blessing of having these amazing relics.
If you live in the U.S. and did not receive a package let me know. If you live outside the U.S. those packages will be mailed at the end of the month because they are exceptionally expensive to mail.
My apologies for not having put all this info in the packages thereby creating some confusion but after addressing so many packages and handwriting just the list of Saints for each one, I admittedly got lazy. Again sorry about that.
God bless you+
United in Our Lady's Immaculate Heart
Dawn Marie
P.s. I am waiting for the pictures of the reliquary to upload. As soon as they do I will post them here.
Views: 462
Correction please, it was the relics of St. Bernadette - not of St. Therese, which I visited last September 2018. Please pardon.
Flavia Talladen Schott said:
Amazing miracle story with the well! Thank you for sharing, Dawn.
I touched three Rosaries to the glass case of St. Therese`s relic while it was in our Cathedral a year ago or so. When I pray the Rosary with one of it, I make the intention of binding myself and everyone I am, in one way or another, connected with to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.Can´t wait for the relic of our Lady. Thank you for the precious work, Dawn Marie. May our Lady reward you abundantly.
Yes thank you I saw it. It's on page one.
Noreen said:
I cant seen to find it but i send you my address an said i would pay shipping to Ireland so sending my address again
9 Ballyclare street BT14 6FQ northern ireland.. God bless
Dear Dawn,
I would be overwhelmed by such a relic and would be eternally grateful.
My address is 2848 Grand Turk Dr
Denham Springs, Louisiana 70726
John Loflin
Dear Dawn Marie,
Please I will love to receive the package. I live in Nigeria. Here is my address - 4B Dupe Otegbola Street, Opposite Navy Gate, via Alakija Bus Stop, Beside Site J Extension, Lagos State, Nigeria. Tell me the shipping cost and how I can make the payment for shipping please. Thank and God bless you. AGNES ONYINYECHI NJOKU
Thank you Dawn Marie and please tell me how much it would cost you towards the shipping to Germany and where can I send it.
Be blessed Dawn Marie for your efforts..
Not sure if you saw my pm John, but I got yours back from the post office because I only now realized I put the wrong state. So sorry about that. I will resend with the right address this time :o
John Patrick Loflin said:
Dear Dawn,
I would be overwhelmed by such a relic and would be eternally grateful.
My address is 2848 Grand Turk Dr
Denham Springs, Louisiana 70726
John Loflin
Agnes I have no idea how to put that on an address label. Can you explain? It doesn't look so much like an address but like an explanation and I don't want to mess it up.
Thank you so much.
Onyinyechi Agnes Njoku said:
Dear Dawn Marie,
Please I will love to receive the package. I live in Nigeria. Here is my address - 4B Dupe Otegbola Street, Opposite Navy Gate, via Alakija Bus Stop, Beside Site J Extension, Lagos State, Nigeria. Tell me the shipping cost and how I can make the payment for shipping please. Thank and God bless you. AGNES ONYINYECHI NJOKU
Thank you so very much for the cloth, Dawn.
I received it a couple of weeks ago but didn't know who to thank for them.
God bless you for all you do.
So happy you received it. Deo Gratias +
Charibel R Hilario said:
Thank you so very much for the cloth, Dawn.
I received it a couple of weeks ago but didn't know who to thank for them.
God bless you for all you do.
Dear Dawn Marie:
I haven't received anything yet, but would love to have this relic. Thank you so much, and God bless and keep you safe.
In the Immaculate Heart of our Mother,
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