The Wrath of the Lamb 2018

We originally posted “The Wrath of the Lamb” several years ago. As the dreary Bergoglian pontificate drags on,  we begin to wonder when we shall see this Wrath. Patience.

The Wrath of the Lamb 

“And they say to the mountains and the rocks, ‘Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb.”

Far from being frightening, the above verse is meant to be a consolation. Indeed, the entire Apocalypse is God’s gift of consolation to Christians who are perennially in danger of being swept up in the maelstrom of the spiritual battle to destroy the Church. In a similar way, Our Blessed Mother’s  true messages, from the beginning of the Age of Apostasy have been both a Mother’s stern warning and a promise of her provision for us. Yes, she shows us hell and the dire consequences of disobedience, but she also promises us she will be our sure path to eternal life with Jesus our Lord.

Now that we have a truly hellish situation, an apostate pope and a weak and faithless hierarchy unable or unwilling to confront him or otherwise defend the faith, we look to the Apocalypse and to the Messages of Our Immaculate Mother, to seek guidance and consolation.

Do you remember Father Amorth’s warning that unless the Pope and Bishops obeyed Our Lady of Fatima and consecrated Russia in October, the Chastisement would begin in earnest? And now it is clear to see: This is what the spiritual chastisement of the Church is. It is here now. You have the Pope and the Bishops extolling the “virtues” of Martin Luther, the vulgar and despicable heresiarch. And the Pope’s representative proclaiming  marxism in the gigantic slave state of China a veritable utopia. Thus they mock Our Lord Himself, to kick Him as He falls beneath this heavy cross.

To those who are paying attention, this is a terrifying time, as we await the denouement that is looming ever larger. These times are both surpassingly sad, and frightening. We know that the arrogant misuse of the teaching authority of the Church will bring, in God’s own time, His justice. In St. John’s Apocalypse, this is referred to as the “Wrath of the Lamb”. In Father Herman Kramer’s “Book of Destiny“, of Apocalypse, Chapter 6, verses 15-17, we read:

“And the kings of the earth, and the princes, and tribunes, and the rich, and the strong, and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of mountains:
And they say to the mountains and the rocks: Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of their wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?”

Notice that St. John enumerates seven categories of society: kings, princes, tribunes, the rich, the strong, bondmen and freemen. In the present case, the use of the numeral seven denotes a fullness and may be applied here to the fullness of the visible hierarchy of the Church, from Pope on down. In these seven categories, what is missing? The strong and the rich are included, while the weak and the poor are not! That is because the faithful, who are cast out by the heretics who appear to control the Church, are the poor and the weak, powerless in this satanic takeover.

As the hidden message of Fatima indicated, the apostasy infects the very top all the way down. In this corrupt milieu, only the faithful are made unwelcome. And what happens to these who betray Christ and pervert His teachings?

They will hide themselves and beg the mountains and rocks to fall upon them. Anything to hide them from the face of God, and from the wrath of the Lamb of God, the very Saviour they have betrayed. Now we must ask, how shall this come to pass? For the answer, we must look to our history. This passage in Chapter 6 has often (rightly) been applied to the Arian heresy, and is even more applicable in this age of the Bergoglian Reformation.

Father Kramer reminds us that those who believe in Him need never fear Our Lord’s judgments, for these “little ones”, the faithful, belong to Him and they draw even closer to His – and their – Blessed Mother during this time of trial. In contrast to the faithful, ” the heretics and hypocrites who live an earthly life and are of the earth.” do fear His wrath.

The term, “Wrath of the Lamb” indicates a severe judgment on prelates for Eucharistic abuses. It indicates a fearsome reprisal for those who desecrate the Eucharist, not merely the laymen, but particularly the hierarchy to whom Our Lord has entrusted His Sacred Mysteries and who shamelessly betray Him.

Fr. Kramer: “The Arian bishops and priests sought the honors and income of the Catholic Church for their enjoyment and aggrandizement and accepted their appointments from the emperors.”

Put into today’s context, they sought the approval of the world even to the point of denying Christ and His teachings. This is rightly applied to the Pope and Cardinals who bask in the approval of the rulers of this world who serve the enemy of Christ, the Lord of this World.

“They denied the divinity of Christ. This implicitly denied the belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The Lamb now comes upon them in judgment. Hence they fear His wrath. Before the (barbarian) invasions they spread Arianism among the barbarians. But in the turmoil of the invasions, Arianism almost disappeared. The Vandals adhered to it, but their kingdom was destroyed by the Greeks, and the nation later vanished under Saracen conquest. The Visigoths clung to it for a while but also fell under the sway of the Saracens for seven hundred years. Arianism was thus rooted out by the barbarian invasions and Mohammedanism, and the unity of Christendom was saved until the sixteenth century. (In which Luther and Henry VIII emerged to persecute the faith anew).

In the sad scenario before us today, we see that the corrupted leadership of the Church cannot save themselves, much less the faith. To understand what God may do, our guide is the true and reliable Catholic prophecy we have been given. It is quite possible that the next steps in the chastisement will be as Father Kramer describes in his commentary on Chapter 6, that is, invading hordes of Islam to sack and scourge unfaithful Rome, to cleanse the filth from the Church. If we are to believe Sister Lucia’s vision of the chastisement and Our Lady of Akita’s message, – and we should! – Then we see that this scourge will be accompanied by tremendous upheavals of nature, wiping out a great deal of mankind.

Are we then to give in to paralyzing fear? No, for we are after all, Mary’s children, and we draw closer to her in times of trial, trusting to her to abide in Christ in all things. As the chastisement overflows from the spiritual realm into the realm of this world, affecting cultures, nations, and nature, we look to her, as the eyes of a handmaid are on the hands of her mistress.

The Wrath of the Lamb is both a warning and a promise to those who heed it. As Our Lord said, they will obey, “but it will be late”. We have all heard it said that, the later the obedience, the greater the chastisement, Watch what Francis and his destroyers do, they now believe themselves invincible and this was perhaps, inevitable, for “pride goeth before destruction”, doesn’t it? As the spiritual chastisement continues, and intensifies, we will all suffer greatly, but some will suffer unto eternal glory, while some … will not… and so we pray for them, the poor lost souls of our leaders, for their sake and for the souls of so many.

  Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.

 Most Precious Blood of Jesus, save us, save our priests.
 Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
 Joseph protect our families, protect our priests.
 St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
 Remember, pray the rosary and confound the devil!

The Wrath of the Lamb 2018 ~ Return to Fatima

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Thank you for posting.

Lord, show us Thy Face and we shall be saved.


Awaiting the day God has had enough...the conciliar church and the world have fallen into utter derangement.

This is very sobering.  God grant that we use this time, especially this Lent, in a fruitful manner.

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