The one thing that stands out the most to me in this is what Benedict said to the new "cardinals" handpicked by Frank the usurper....a snippet from this article" Later, the new cardinals were taken, as has become the custom in this age of two living men called “pope”, to stand before the Pope Emeritus and receive his blessing. Although I have not seen a full text of Pope Benedict’s comments to the cardinals, he did end with this:
"The Lord wins in the end. Thank you all".
"Sort of an ominous thing to say, don’t you think? Makes you wonder if it appears to the Pope Emeritus that the Lord isn’t winning now…"
1 Pope + 1 Pope = a mockery of the Papacy. Circa the high middle ages. But 1 kind of Catholic Pope + 1 anti-Catholic Pope = what? A taste of the end times?