“Formal correction still on track…” – just you wait. You’ll see. Any day now those prelates are going to come out with a strong statement. Rumors roam the Eternal City and round the world via the Web, yet all we’ve got is a whole lot of waiting and nothing to see.
What has this same Roman murmur n’ excuse factory produced previously? Remember the big meeting between Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider earlier in the year? That never amounted to much. Looking back to Phony Synod II there was the conservative Cardinals’ vaunted resistance. In 2014, Cardinal Pell piqued interest with his lines about one of the more unusual Popes in history and 37 anti-popes. Every time, our conservative friends assure us that this is it; yet whatever such nebulous statements supposedly portend invariably disappoint. Resistance to the Bergoglian bulldozer remains non-existent in the face of open attacks on Catholics, the Holy Priesthood and the Most Holy Eucharist. No clergy will stand up.
Therefore, whisper campaigns by Fra and Friends hinting of a Catholic uprising led by Rome’s bed-wetting ecclesiastical cowards ought not impress, and remain worthy only of Catholics’ scantest attention.
The Soviet Communists devoted an enormous amount of time and effort deceiving the West, with unparalleled success, through the strategic use of disinformation. To the Party’s apparatchiks of decades past (and likely even now as well) the word has both a highly technical and discrete meaning. Disinformation entails the publication of carefully crafted statements intended to not only mislead communism’s opponents into unproductive activity, but also to advance communists’ long-range policy objectives, and thus it extends well beyond a mere momentary deception. Soviet style disinformation campaigns were (and I believe still are) modeled on patterns. One such pattern was officially named the Weakness-and-Evolution pattern. Using this pattern the Soviets endeavored to convince the West that the economic backwardness of the Bloc countries so hindered things like innovation and technological development that the Russian communists were actually becoming less ideological. This is false. Communism is pure and relentless ideology. Weakness and evolution served to divide the West’s resistance and attract international aid to so-called moderates behind the Iron Curtain, thereby funding Communism itself.
The so-called fall of Communism, including the literal collapse of the concrete Berlin Wall may well not only have been pre-planned demolitions, but were landmark successes (and by no means the last) of long-range policy objectives attained in part by disinformation.
Perhaps we comm-box Catholics (those of us impelled by love for Holy Mother to speak, to battle and to encourage in whatever ways we can) should adopt a deeper and shrewder understanding of the Roman rumor mill by attaching to our apprehension of their reports the principle of strategic disinformation. Whomever Fra and his fellow frats may be, at least one of them sits down at table with Bergoglio. Never mind the fact that the vulgar, nose-picking, apostate slime ball doubtless would test the most steely of gag-reflexes, are we expected to believe that such a Bergoglian insider keeps under deep cover a love of Tradition? Moreover could these whispered hints here and there, along with the above mentioned empty posturing of so many prelates serve a long-range Novus Ordo policy objective? Specifically, do the whirlwinds of Vatican innuendo deliberately perpetuate the illusion that somewhere in the Hierarchy an actual man, with an actual spine, unafraid of conflict bides his time to unleash a long hoped -for counteroffensive? It’s time for Catholics to cease being so over credulous. If war is hell, then hellish as well is psychological warfare upon naive but well-meaning Faithful. Bitter experience teaches us that the Cardinal who today shakes his rhetorical fist at Bergoglio will be signing the I love Jorge loyalty oath tomorrow. Have we not heard the likes of Fra’s rumor-mongering before? Have any of these rumors precipitated into even one single instance of genuine counterrevolutionary activity whatsoever? Let the Dubia answer this question, and until irrefutably proven otherwise, let the rumor mill in Rome be presumed to be run by the Vatican villains.
Enough discussion of villains, what about us? OODA loop is an acronymous phrase used in military terminology, which describes a four step decision cycle used within the war room, all the way out to the front lines, and at all points in between. In order to be successful, the combatant must Observe, Orient, Decide and Act.
We comm-box Catholics are doing a decent job of observing what is happening to Holy Mother. Unfortunately however, we fall prey to diabolical disorientation; we halt before advancing, thinking that the prelates will take action this time. Guess what, it’s been over half a lifetime of this time will be different, but nothing has changed. Thus our thinking must change. Clearly we must support one another in completing the OODA loop’s second step, orienting ourselves to the battle. This brings us to recognize the Catholic valor of some brethren who have striven long, and who can help us re-connect with the action of the Catholic mind as it conceived its thoughts before the pseudo-council of the 1960s, the writers at Tradition in Action.
No, I don’t agree with every stand they take on current matters, and yes, they are mentioned here a lot. However, that their theory of the false right holds an enormous degree of explanatory power is simply undeniable. Search the web for any supposed instance of a conservative’s taking a strong stand against Bergoglio over the past four years, and how it has amounted to absolutely nothing. Then sit back and apply TIA’s theory, that the opposition is controlled by the progressivists to keep an authentic counterrevolution from taking place. -And no, the SSPX does not fall outside the theory’s parameters. The controlled opposition theory fills in the blank for us regarding the pattern of disinformation used by the Novus Ordo Sect, a pattern that could be described as resist-and-retreat. That is, Cardinal Sock Puppet makes a convincing display of Catholicism against Jorge the Apostate, only to disappear for three months and re-emerge an amnesiac mute. A few rumors are thrown in by Fra and his frat buddies just to keep us believing. When the public is exhausted with one story, the pattern resets and a fresh sock puppet is trotted out for the next act. If we can come to understand how we are being played by these people, we ought then remind one another that the conservative cavalry will not ride to the rescue, because it does not exist, and that if Cardinal So-and-So comes up with yet another publicity stunt, he is not to be believed. We don’t need a super secret source in Rome to know that we’ve been duped by the dubia, what is needed is an accurate interpretive framework. In fact, we don’t need to game out the enemy’s next move at all.
To become oriented and move onto OODA’s step three, Decide, all we need to do is correctly understand what already is happening, a strategic disinformation pattern to squelch the counterrevolutionary impulse. This pattern in turn arises from a structure in which opponents are selected and controlled by the enemy himself.
So if you sense that a so-called traditional blog is falling for the resist-and-retreat pattern of disinformation, and you get banned for challenging the blogger who denies the controlled opposition theory, wear it as your badge of valor. And leave a comment here any time.
Views: 97
Waiting for someone within to correct Francis' blasphemy....don't hold your breath. It's not going to happen.
He refers to "Fra" who is Fra Cristoforo (an anonymous name) the supposed Vatican insider who publishes a Wikileaks style blog that supposedly leaks secret inside info.
Thank God for our good, strong bishops and priests. God keep them on the right path to the very end.
I think we are seeing the classic Hegelian dialectic shell game at work here. The problem is the over-the-top blasphemies of Jorge Bergoglio. The antithesis is the same old familiar blasphemies of the Novus Ordo/Conciliar camp. For a while it looks as if Bergoglio will break the Conciliar Church in half, but then saner heads prevail and the result is synthesis: Conciliar Novus Ordoism imbued with Bergoglian "Mercy." A kinder and gentler and more tolerant Conciliarism. Communion to those openly living in adultery, to those openly living in unnatural sexual relationships, women "priests," co-Communion, one-world-religion syncretism, all the rest will still be phased in, just not quite as quickly as Jorge would do if the dog and pony show weren't being played out. Thing is, he's going too fast to be the real deal. The name of the game has always been incrementalism, lest the frog jump out of the water before it comes to a full boil. Anyway, that's what I think we're seeing.
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