On this article, we make some comments (in red) about some points of the two documents published, as secret documents, in the Cor Unum No 105 (June 2013) and in Non Possumus on September 14 2013 (here): “Elements of Information with a view to a Canonical Solution For the Society of Saint Pius X”, and the project of “Apostolic Constitution on the Personal Prelature St. Pius X”.
Bp. de Galarreta revealed that Bp. Fellay has received a proposition of personal prelature and doctrinal declaration on past July. We think that this proposition cannot be essentially different of the previous one, alluded on the two aforementioned documents.
Therefore, it is necessary to consider the most important terms of the capitulation (*) of the SSPX, that is to say, the worst of the proposed prelature:
         “The Ordinary of the Prelature of Saint Pius X is its Personal Prelate, chosen by the Roman Pontiff on the presentation of a shortlist of three candidates established by the governing Council of the Prelature. A special rule will determine how the shortlist of three candidates is to be established”. That is to say that the future superiors of the SSPX will please the modernist and antichrists occupying Rome. That simple and that terrible.  Obviously the governing Council of the Prelature, to avoid causing an impasse with the liberal pope in turn, will not propose a cleric which could seem “politically incorrect”. Everything will be delivered to the political machinations and diplomatic arts typical of the world, enemy of God.
          “In accordance with the law and with written permission – required ad validitatem – of the diocesan Bishop concerned, the Prelate could erect new churches and Mass centers for the pastoral care of the faithful of the Prelature”. In other words: The Prelature St. Pius X will not be able to erect any new church or other place of worship if it does not have the written authorization of the respective diocesan Bishop. This is a serious problem because the Prelature will not be popular. If Opus Dei (the only personal prelature that exists until now) has had great difficulties with this norm, what is left for the lefebvrist prelature? How will the SSPX convince the immense and crushing majority of liberal bishop to open the door? It must gain their favor through political maneuvers and diplomatic arts.
          “Priests and deacons which to date belong to the Priestly Society of St. Pius X are incardinated in the Personal Prelature. The priests form the Presbytery of the Personal Prelature. They belong to the secular clergy in all aspects that is why they maintain relations of deep unity with the Presbytery of the respective Dioceses". Such “deep unity” between legions of liberal clerics and a handful of anti-liberal clerics will result in one of the groups gradually adopting the spirit of those of the other group. Guess which group will yield and which group will dominate.
         "Each seminary of the Prelature has its own rules approved by the Prelate according to the norms of the Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis of the Congregation for Catholic Education, respecting their own specificity”. As a comment, it is enough to quote this praise (in the same text of this link): "The document is totally impregnated with the spirit of the Second Vatican Council." Therefore, the "own-specificity" means absolutely nothing.
         "Priests who, after consulting the diocesan Bishop, are appointed rectors of the churches of the Prelature (cf. CIC. can. 557 §1) receive from their own Prelate the missio canonica and all the necessary faculties to administer the sacraments to the faithful enrolled in the Prelature. In order to assist the marriage of other faithful, the Rector of a Prelature church must obtain a delegation of the Parish Priest or the Diocesan Ordinary". Another serious obstacle.
         "In the churches of the Prelature, the jurisdiction of the Prelate is cumulative with that of the respective diocesan Bishop, who will use his own jurisdiction only in a subsidiary manner, without overlooking what is established in Article III, and the other norms of the present Apostolic Constitution". Both the Prelate and the diocesan Bishop have jurisdiction in these churches, but that of the diocesan Bishop is exercised in default of that of the Prelate. This concurrence of jurisdictional powers is a sure source of friction between the Prelate and the diocesan bishops, unless the Prelate knows - as Bishop Fellay - to compromise before the modernists in order to avoid such clash.
         "The autonomous houses and monasteries of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life (...) currently existing, are canonically received in the respective Dioceses. For the erection of new houses, the respective superiors or the authority of the Prelature must receive written permission from the diocesan Bishop”.  Another serious obstacle. The SSPX will put a true straitjacket on when it accepts to be a Prelature in the official Church.
          “Regarding the canonical discipline, the schools and study centers currently dependent on the Priestly Society of St. Pius X are under the authority of the Personal Prelature and are confirmed by the present Apostolic Constitution in their respective Dioceses. The mentioned places remain submitted to the common legislation of the Church, always being excepting the ecclesiastical authority of the place, with which the protocol that rules the mutual relations must be established". No comments needed.
         "According to the norms of law and with the consent of the respective diocesan bishop (cf. CIC, can 801), the Prelature will be able to establish new schools and centers of study." Again, no comments needed.
         "Priests who, after consulting the diocesan Bishop, will serve as chaplain of these centers, will receive the missio canónica from the Prelate." As it turns out, the claws of the modernists will be over the children of the Prelature faithful.
         "The matrimonial causes of the faithful attached to the Prelature, fall within the competence of the Diocesan Tribunals”. Very serious danger for the marriages of the faithful of the Prelature. The bad shepherds of the SSPX will deliver the sheep to the wolves.
         "In order to ensure the necessary coordination with the Ordinaries of the place, according to the terms of can. 297 of the Code of Canon Law, the Prelate and his Vicars will maintain, directly or through others Priests of the Prelature, regular contacts with the President and the Bishops' Conference bodies, as well as with the Bishops of the Dioceses in which the Prelature is located". And of those contacts nothing good is to be expected.
(*) The document containing the terms of a surrender.

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13 pieces of silver buys a lot these days.

That sounds right, except for a couple of things:

1.) Benedict publically keeps saying he resigned of his own free will, Francis is legit, and Francis is doing a great job. He hasn't said anything that indicates he'd be open to exercising his papacy.

2.) With all the problems with this Personal Prelature, including all the chapels being under the control of the local Novus Ordo ordinaries and everything else, Bp. Fellay ain't getting "all he ever wanted," although he may well be deceiving himself into believing it's so.

Dawn Marie said:

I've a sneaking suspicion that things will go something like this; Bp. Fellay signs a deal with Rome, he gets all he ever wanted then BAM the Church falls into a massive schism (which everyone around Italy and other European countries are clamoring about even now) the Church is split between the true pope with good and or decent cardinals, bishops, priests and laity around him and on the other side the false pope who will continue to dismantle all that is Catholic including the SSPX in order to achieve that one world religion they have been waiting so long to achieve. Bp. Fellay will find himself on the wrong side of the aisle but will stubbornly stay there and even defend Francis against people like....say....Cardinal Burke and others. In the end it will be found that Frank is and was no pope at all and Bp. Fellay will find that he made a deadly mistake and that he lost everything for nothing when he thought he was gaining everything he ever wanted. You can't circumvent God, in the end He always wins Just sayin

 I went to the SSPX this morning for Mass and receive the Ashes and a great sadness overwhelms me at this time of year almost to tears.

Where have the 2nd and 3rd collects, secret and P.C. prayers gone?  Surely with the way it is in the Church and the world they should be a priority. They are the community graces, so much more powerful than if we said them as individuals. The ‘Benedicamus Domino’ the Good Friday  changes oh where have they all gone.

The 2nd collect of Ash Wednesday: ‘Defend us, we beseech thee, O Lord, from all dangers of mind and body; and by the intercession of the blessed and glorious Mary, ever virgin, Mother of God, and S. Joseph, with thy blessed apostles Peter and Paul, and blessed N., and all the saints, mercifully grant us safety and peace; that all adversities and errors being destroyed, thy Church may serve thee with secure liberty’ How beautiful and how necessary for todays world.

For me the Priests should say the old Latin Mass and not the ’62, that would separate the sheep from the wolves. The ’62 is a stepping stone to novus ordo. If we are supposed to strive to perfection, well then isn’t the pre ’62 missal more perfect than the ’62. Maybe that is why it is easy for a N.O, Priest can just turn around and say the extraordinary rite

I fear this will not happen till the consecration of Russia to our Lady, and because the consecration is late the destruction of the SSPX is imminent, we really do not deserve the comfort of the SSPX. It is Our Lady on her own that will crush the devil not the SSPX

The SSPX is now dying! It has been seriously ill for years now and the end is near.

We must now pray for their Conversion(s) aka Enlightenment, for the good people

still there as well as the Priests and Bishops still under satan's influence.

We must make sacrifices for them to come to the knowledge of the truth. 

Peter Baxter, the use of the '62 changes by jxxiii, was one of the issues which lead to 'the nine's' expulsion from the SSPX so so many years ago, and the founding of the SSPV. And I agree with you, the beauty of the prayers that was excised from the '62 leaves a little Grace to be desired.
            The Vatican Anonymous blog provides further classified reports from
the confidential committee established by Bergoglio.
            The new rumours are concerning the total change of the concepts of
parish and of confession and the very name of the Mass.
            The Catholic parishes shall be morphed into “ecumenical communities”,
with members of other Christian denominations, Anglicans and Protestants. 

They will not be any longer presided by the Catholic parish priest but by a
team of ecumenical “pastors”. Lay member of the community may be part
of the presiding team.
            Also the Sacrament of Penance, the confession, shall be changed. Those
who may wish, shall still be able to go to a private confession. However, there
shall be new “community penitential liturgies” for the public community
confession, providing the pardon of the community.       
            As informed already, the main change shall affect the Eucharistic Liturgy.
The Holy Communion shall be substituted by a unified rite. Consequently the Holy
Mass shall be called “sacred memorial”.
            It is expected that the vast majority of the Catholics shall follow and
conform to the planned changes, which shall be introduced softly.
            As mentioned, Bergoglio in exchange for the achievements should be
recognized as the President of all the Christian denominations.
            The blogger cites the visions of the blessed Catherine Emmerich.
In Christo Rege per Mariam Reginam

Maurizio d’Orlando

Bill said:

Peter Baxter, the use of the '62 changes by jxxiii, was one of the issues which lead to 'the nine's' expulsion from the SSPX so so many years ago, and the founding of the SSPV. And I agree with you, the beauty of the prayers that was excised from the '62 leaves a little Grace to be desired.

My take on the Nine is that they used the’62 to enhance their views on sedevacantism, I am in no way promoting or in any way support  that view.  I know a Priest of the SSPX who still says the Mass of ST Pius X.

When the SSPX first started they did not use of the '62 changes by jxxiii, it was not untill a few years later when the Archbishop was in talks with conciliar rome about an agreement that they  conciliar rome asked him to say the Mass of’62. Even then the Archbisop didn’t entirely agree with it as he added back in a few prayers that conciliar rome had removed.

There is a story that is floating around, that after the consecrations of the four Bishops he wanted the SSPX to go back to saying the old Mass but he was not the Superior general of the SSPX. When he put this to Fr Schmitburger who was the superior general, his answer was just wait a bit. Then unfortunately he passed away, and we are in this mess.

Personally I do not trust conciliar rome they are ambiguous deceptive untrustworthy and dangerous  so why do they want us to use the '62 changes by jxxiii?

Peter Baxter, respectfully, your take on "the nine" is mistaken. The sedevacantists split off into their own group shortly thereafter. There's a distinction to be made among them. Fr Cekada and his group are "dogmatic" sedevacantists. They are presuming to pass a judgement only a truly Catholic Pope can make. The SSPV makes it clear that only a truly Catholic Pope can pass that judgment. And they know they ain't the Pope. The SSPV also knows that it doesnt have the authority to decide Marriage cases, something the SSPX clearly believes it has.

C’est la vie Bill, Not interested in sedevacantism at all. Did not think that by preferring  a Mass of pre ’62, it is automatically an excuse to  link it to sedes, it’s a shame and a waste of space.

I think we're confusing 2 conversations. One about the '62 Missal, and some of the beauty lost, and the "nine." Sorry to have wasted your time.

Regarding the priest I spoke of, he has a very sound background in Thomistic philosophy and theology, and was ordained by an elderly bishop who had been consecrated in the pre-Vatican II rite. While that can't be said of all the priests in the Conciliar Church who may be getting ready to walk, what is it those who find them so objectionable prefer them to do — go down with the Conciliar ship because they're not pure enough for them? People have to start where they are; it's generally not possible (barring a Saul-like miracle) to go from NO conservative to hard core Trad overnight. It's a journey, and it takes time. I think the best thing to do is pray for them.

That may be the worst news I've ever heard. May God have mercy on us all.

And to make matters worse, the author said these changes have already begun to take place in places in the Netherlands and Germany. Kyrie eleison.

Dawn Marie said:

            The Vatican Anonymous blog provides further classified reports from
the confidential committee established by Bergoglio.
            The new rumours are concerning the total change of the concepts of
parish and of confession and the very name of the Mass.
            The Catholic parishes shall be morphed into “ecumenical communities”,
with members of other Christian denominations, Anglicans and Protestants. 

They will not be any longer presided by the Catholic parish priest but by a
team of ecumenical “pastors”. Lay member of the community may be part
of the presiding team.
            Also the Sacrament of Penance, the confession, shall be changed. Those
who may wish, shall still be able to go to a private confession. However, there
shall be new “community penitential liturgies” for the public community
confession, providing the pardon of the community.       
            As informed already, the main change shall affect the Eucharistic Liturgy.
The Holy Communion shall be substituted by a unified rite. Consequently the Holy
Mass shall be called “sacred memorial”.
            It is expected that the vast majority of the Catholics shall follow and
conform to the planned changes, which shall be introduced softly.
            As mentioned, Bergoglio in exchange for the achievements should be
recognized as the President of all the Christian denominations.
            The blogger cites the visions of the blessed Catherine Emmerich.
In Christo Rege per Mariam Reginam

Maurizio d’Orlando

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