Migration Politics - His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson

Eleison Comments by His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson

Migration Politics

Let Whites and Muslims fight, in deadly war!
Then we can rule, as we could not before.

Discussing a week later on Hungarian television the misbehaviour of migrants in Cologne at the end of last year, a former politician and leading economist of Hungary, Dr. László Bogár, attempted to uncover the roots of the problem of the immigrant invasion, still continuing in Europe, see — youtu.be/TKpe4swiVOc. His analysis of the political roots goes as far as public opinion allows him to go in naming the Unnameable Global Power behind the invasion, but he gets nowhere near the religious roots, which are decisive. Yet who today still thinks that religion counts for anything in the world? It is to be hoped that readers of these “Comments” can both conceive that this baneful Power exists, and that the true Catholic Church can alone neutralize the bane. Here follows in italics Dr Bogár’s analysis, shortened and adapted:—

A Global Power wishes to annihilate all that is humane, all that has dignity. And since the European White Man still possesses too much of this, it wants to annihilate the European White Man. Therefore it is pumping over to Europe a mass of alien migrants with the aid of gigantic resources. For indeed it should be obvious to anyone with a grain of sense that for the relatively quick pumping of millions of people across thousands of kilometres, a number of things are needed.

Firstly, to finance the operation, let us say a minimum of ten billion dollars. Secondly, to direct and control the pumping, a minimum of a few thousand strictly secret agents, and if ever a light was occasionally shone on this skilfully disguised operation, then thirdly, the media were needed to repair the disguise in a hurry. Fourthly, to organize the operation, the complete collaboration of the global crime syndicate was indispensable with its tens of thousands of human smugglers to handle the migrants. And finally the cynical collaboration of Europe’ s top politicians was needed, like the British Prime Minister who visited us here today, and the leaders of France and Germany, all of whom participated likewise in the destruction of Libya and Syria. Besides creating the chaos, these leaders have proudly announced that they are doing it in the name of Europe, of Western culture, of democracy. Here are the true culprits of the horror that we just saw in Cologne, and something whispers to me that this is just a faint prelude to something much more sinister . . .

The truth is that Europe is being dragged into a conflict just as brutal as WWI and WWII, by the same Global Power. In effect, Europe is letting itself be dragged into a third World War. The invasion of migrants is just the final product of a huge hidden process. Now one may counteract the horror at the end of the process, but if we do not understand the process itself and choke it off at its roots within the global power structure, then horrors such as the migrant invasion will only continue. Unfortunately, international cooperation is needed here, but the reality is that Hungary’s leader, Viktor Orban, has been virtually on his own. When Libya was being bombed to Hell, he was the ONLY European politician to voice his worries and reservations about what the strategic consequences would be. Very, very few other politicians voiced the same concerns. Therefore Hungary had to step up to the plate, and that is why we are under constant attack. In Hungary we need not fight a civil war because we have closed our frontiers, but now we must wait for the other nations of Europe to do the same.

Alas, when it comes to uprooting the process of which the migrant horrors in Europe’s cities are merely the rotten fruits, sad to say, Europe is already utterly defeated. The process can only lead to a civil war. BUT THAT IS THE GOAL. This is what this Global Power wants. The Global Power wants above all a brutal never-ending 30 years war, just like the devastating 30 Years’ War of the 17th century (which was the same Global Power’s work). It wants precisely a civil war, stretching for decades, to develop in Europe.

Kyrie eleison.

Migration Politics - His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson

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