In this article, we are considering possibilities proposed by Father Malachi Martin for the present and near future of the Passion of the Church.
Continuing with the Coda portion of Father Malachi Martin’s book, “The Keys of This Blood”, Fr. Martin lists three possibilities, actually weaknesses, which are likely to be exploited by the enemy within the Church to destroy her. Each of the three would serve to sow doubt and confusion and scandalize the faithful, effectively disintegrating the vital unity of the Church.
The first possibility is if a sizable body of Roman Catholics, clergy and laity, become convinced, rightly or wrongly, that Pope was not elected validly. The second is similar; if a sizable body of Catholics become convinced that the Pope has become a heretic. In either of these cases, the primary source of disintegration in the Church would be that the Church, as designed by Her Master, lacks any earthly authority other than the pope to settle the issue decisively. As Fr. Martin expresses it, “There is no official mechanism within the structure of the Church that is authorized to pass judgment on pope and papacy. Indeed, the Church’s official code of ecclesiastical law, canon law, expressly denies to anyone the right or duty of passing official judgment on pope or papacy.”
Now, that is, admittedly, a contentious subject and I do not expect to be allowed to let it stand. I am merely quoting Father Malachi Martin here. But perhaps most readers will agree, that even if there were a few Bishops and Cardinals who still had a staunch enough faith to stand up publicly and confront the Pope on these issues, the Pope and his faction would simply rally their defenses – which are legion! Then, do you think everything would just settle down nicely and the faith would be restored? No, the result would still be a shattered Church. Because the Pope is the key.
As we see, both of these “possibilities” foretold by Fr. Martin have come to pass, to varying extents. The papal election has been cast into doubt, first by Ivereigh’s book and then by Cardinal Danneels himself. And there is certainly no dearth of heretical statements and actions from this unfortunate pope. And so now, we have the catastrophe of many Catholics confused and arguing against each other, widespread disunity, a Church torn asunder. But there is an even more serious threat, the third possibility, which we alluded to in our post, “The Judas Factor and Pope Francis”.
Father Martin’s third and final possibility that could shatter the Church would be “the Conclave election of a papal candidate whose policy would be to dissolve the unity and change the structure of the Roman Catholic Church by simply abandoning the exercise of the Petrine Office and privilege on which the structural unity of the Church is built as a visible body and by disassociating the approximately four thousand bishops of the Church from their collégial submission to the papacy. …” Amoris Laetitia achieves that purpose as Fathers Gleize and Puga (SSPX) prove in their analysis of Amoris Laetitia which we discussed in a previous post.
Fr. Martin explains that the “Spirit of Vatican II”, contains the destruction of the Roman Catholic institutional organization. The Popes who should protect and defend the Church have committed malfeasance by collaborating in the lethal endgame of those who work to liquidate the papacy, and thus destroy the institution itself.
Fr. Martin interestingly uses Cardinal Godfried Danneels to illustrate the sort of Cardinal who is so thoroughly imbued with the deadly toxins of Vatican II that he would be part of the plan to elect a Pope who would destroy the Church. Thus, 23 years before it happened, Fr. Martin foresaw a Conclave in which Cardinals like Danneels choose a papal candidate who “will be one of their number ” and “whose papal policy will be to crown and confirm the official existence of the spirit of Vatican II.” In other words, to achieve the “irreversible change” that Maradiaga, Marx, Kasper and the rest of their ilk have been braying about for so long.
Fr. Martin foresaw that the destroyer Pope would be committed to downgrading the papacy in order to mold the Church into the modernist/progressive ideal for this “new and far different age”. And Pope Bergoglio, from his initial “Buono sera” has never missed an opportunity to downgrade, deprecate, even humiliate the Roman Catholic Church in her highest office. Amoris Laetitia triggered the odious sequelae we now see, with various priests and Bishops throughout the world hastening to their own applications of the false mercy of the Apostolic Exhortation. (See EponymousFlower here) and Father Alain Lorans here.. For a while, we shall have the spectacle of one diocese where this new “mercy” is applied liberally, blessing homosexual unions, adulterous unions and so on. As well as perhaps, a neighboring diocese, where the Bishop attempts, for a while at least, a true Catholic approach. This confusion will continue until Francis exerts the iron fist of his Petrine Primacy. He will do this in order to destroy all dissent. Once it is destroyed, there will be no need for the papacy, because the doctrine and practice of the faith will be a shattered.
Motto of the Bishop of Rome: ¡Hagan lío!
That is, “Raise Hell!”
“Roman Catholics will then have the spectacle of a pope validly elected who cuts the entire visible body of the Church loose from the traditional unity and the papacy-oriented apostolic structure that the Church has hitherto always believed and taught was divinely established. The shudder that will shake the Roman Catholic body in that day will be the shudder of its death agony. … Many will accept the new regime. Many will resist. All will be fragmented. There will be no one on earth to hold the fractionating members of the visible Roman Catholic body together as a living compact organization.”
As we survey the ruins since 2013, it appears that all three of Malachi Martin’s “possibilities” have been realized to one extent or another, but the last one, the election of a destroyer pope is the one we see playing out most clearly at present. Pope Francis is the first Vicar of Christ to have the surreal distinction of being more humble, more merciful, than Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. When reading Amoris Laetitia, I experienced the “shudder” that Fr. Martin foretold. I have not stopped mourning since.
But just as Judas served his purpose, so does the destroyer Pope. “For it must needs be that scandals come: but nevertheless woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh.” Therefore, the little shepherdess, Blessed Jacinta, urged us all to “Pray for the Pope, Pray.”
To return to Fr. Martin’s Coda, he assures us that this Church, founded by Christ will survive and live on; the whole brute strength of Hell will not prevail against it. And the successor of this Betrayer Pope will be converted and will restore the faith and the Church. And we know that this is so, for we have been assured that in the end, Our Lady of the Rosary will triumph, by her Immaculate Heart.
How will the Church survive this attack? In the same way as her Master suffered, died and was buried; the Bride of Christ will seem to have been vanquished, but that will be the moment when the tide will turn. Actually, quite literally. There will be no doubt at that time as to Who is the Head of the Church. But just as we cannot have the Resurrection without the Passion and Death of Our Lord, so we will not have the restoration of the faith until satan has played his hand. Remember Luke’s account of Christ’s appearance to His disciples at Emmaus, when He asserted, “Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and so to enter into His glory?” As then, so now, there will be great suffering.
We are on the cusp of a tremendous chastisement, and it is entirely too late to postpone it, or even to mitigate it. All that remains is to prepare ourselves by the means that Our Lord has given us through the message of His Mother at Fatima. It would be enough to make us despair if we did not know that all this has been foretold. We know what to expect, and in that regard, we are blessed in a way that the Magdalene and the Apostles were not.
As Our Lord’s followers walked away from the tomb where they had laid Our Lord, into the desolate, gathering gloom, none could even conceive of the possibility of a glorious Resurrection. Only His Mother knew without the slightest shred of doubt that He was triumphant. But we, privileged with hindsight, realise that this disheartening chaos will have a resolution in God’s own good time. Meanwhile, there will be much suffering and immense sorrow as many souls will be scandalized. We must dedicate all our efforts to prayer and sacrifice to save souls in this horrific battle. For we shall have to answer for all those souls entrusted to us. Remember why we are here!
Fr. Martin’s Coda ends with a fictional scenario, more poignant now than when it was written. Most of us admit to nostalgia for what might have been had John Paul II been truly “Great”. Martin’s fictional version of the Polish Pope, Papa Valeska, calls a consistory and asserts his plan to restore the Faith unambiguously, and to purge the forces of anti-Church from the Church. As this fictional Consistory ends, a loyal supporter of Pope Valeska surveys the scene and recalls the desperate plea and prayer of the Greek warrior Ajax, who was forced to combat an overwhelming foe on a darkened plain:
“Father in Heaven,
Deliver us from this darkness.
And make our skies clear.
If we must die, let us die in the light.”
Pray the Rosary and confound satan and all his works and pomps.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
St. Joseph, protect our families, protect the Church.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Views: 285
Thank you, Michael, for posting this. Very sobering.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Maybe I just don't understand what this dear soul is trying to convey but if Francis is set upon destruction of the Faith, destruction of the papacy, destruction of Holy Mother Church wouldn't that make him an enemy of Christ and a heretic for both what he is saying which is clearly contrary to the Faith and to Christ and to what he is doing which is acting upon a clear and conscience decision to destroy the Bride of Christ?
I'm a tiny bit lost on the synopsis above. Nevertheless she makes excellent points.
The Rosary and the Scapular are our most important weapons for our perseverance now in our
Holy Catholic Faith, for the conversion of and the saving of many souls and for all who will be martyred.
And most especially for the Great Triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart and the Glorious
Resurrection of Our Holy Catholic Faith and the period of Peace that is promised. The Holy Rosary
is the Master KEY that satan cannot get his claws on lol to stop its Power. :) We were given Great Power
with this simple, humble little bouquet of flowers. lol It is the simplicity of this prayer that will vanquish
him (satan) that has him in such an uproar.
Pray, Sacrifice and do much Penance for the terrible suffering that is ahead.
My prayers will Always be with all our Crusaders and their families.
Well said, dear Alley!
Alley said:
The Rosary and the Scapular are our most important weapons for our perseverance now in our
Holy Catholic Faith, for the conversion of and the saving of many souls and for all who will be martyred.
And most especially for the Great Triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart and the Glorious
Resurrection of Our Holy Catholic Faith and the period of Peace that is promised. The Holy Rosary
is the Master KEY that satan cannot get his claws on lol to stop its Power. :) We were given Great Power
with this simple, humble little bouquet of flowers. lol It is the simplicity of this prayer that will vanquish
him (satan) that has him in such an uproar.
Pray, Sacrifice and do much Penance for the terrible suffering that is ahead.
My prayers will Always be with all our Crusaders and their families.
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